... relocated from "Misc - Girls"... "Where to find students"... a spirited discussion about what makes Thais tick... why they are the way they are... what is it that makes them this way. ... starting with a discussion of Thai average IQs, the Thai national average IQ reported to be an embarrassingly low 91, with an inordinately large percentage of the Thai population scoring as mentally retarded: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote: from harold444 on 8:33 am on Dec. 9, 2010 ps im not insinuating thais r not intelligent per se-its just little emphasis isput on education as a priority. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... ummm, Harold444... you actually can say Thais are "not intelligent per se"... this is a subject on which I've read a bit. ... in 1997, tests revealed Thais average IQ was 92... in a larger test in 2005, the average IQ dropped precipitously to 91... 8.5% of the participants tested in 2005 scored as mentally retarded (below 70 IQ)... that mental retardation rate was as high as 16.4% in some areas in the North. ... I used to think the gape-mouthed thousand yard stare with which I was met was a language translation problem... then, I considered it was a cultural gap problem... then, I thought is was a simple education problem. ... I no longer think that. ... read on... excerpts from the Nation article ( "IQ Survey Cause for Alarm", February 3, 2002) below, which first reported on the problem: "... a National Health Examination Survey team released a report just before Children's Day last month that the average IQ of Thai school children, based on tests in 1997 on 3,846 schoolchildren between six and 12 years old was a poor 91.96." "... Dr Nichara Ruangdaraganon, who oversaw the IQ tests together with Dr Nittaya Kotchabhakdi, said that she found the low IQ scores alarming, commenting, "But intelligence has never been a national policy objective for human development in our country [sic. Thailand]." "... Although Thailand's IQ average falls well within the 80-95 range for Southeast Asia, it still falls short of the average 100, achieved by developed nations and East Asian countries such as Japan and Korea." "... some findings of the IQ survey are too shocking to ignore. Of the children tested, 8.5 per cent could be classified as mentally retarded (IQ of below 70), compared with the 2-3 per-cent global average... in the case of the North... the figure was as high as 16.4 per cent." "... Disease, heavy-metal poisoning and malnutrition, such as iron or iodine deficiencies, can have serious affects on child development." ... and... if you want to see how pathetic are Thailand's efforts at combating this incredibly simple problem compared to say Laos, Cambodia and Burma, take a look at Figure 1 at http://www.hotthyroidology.com/editorial_178.html ... more articles on deficient Thai IQs: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2010/11/30/national/IQ-tests-to-be-conducted-next-month-30143430.html http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/07/20/national/Health-threat-many-Thais-&039;seriously-lack&039;--30134140.html http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/34599/ http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/01/08/national/national_30092679.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote: from Kaymanx on 7:25 pm on Dec. 11, 2010 I am just saying that all these notwithstanding, Thailand is an economic success ; through history it retained its independence ; a people of generally low IQ -- as is being made out -- could not have accomplished that, could they? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... political historians will cite agreement between the French and British to leave Thailand uncolonized, creating a buffer between the French colonizing Indo-China in the north, and the Brits colonzing the Malay Penninsula in the south... this, of course, is forbidden to be taught in Thai history. ... that was not Thai genius. ... Thailand did defend itself against the Khmer sometime back (after being gutted by them), but as madfrog cites above, Thailand has claimed no battle flag since. ... Kaymanx, no one is saying ALL Thais have low IQs... but, when 8.5% of the population tests at or below mentally retarded (IQ = 70), that has a huge impact on society, as a whole. ... hard to describe this without a graph, since I am a visual kinda guy, but I will try... the IQ distribution of a population with an average IQ of 100 is the same as a population with an average IQ of 91, as Thailand... it is a 'bell' curve... the real impact occurs at either extreme of the curve. ... in a population with an average IQ of 100, 1.8% of the field falls below an IQ of 70 (mentally retarded)... in a population with an average IQ of 91, 8.5% of the field falls at or below an IQ of 70. ... a single standard deviation for IQ distributions, whether for an IQ average of 91, or 100, is the same... 1 standard deviation = 16 points... a single standard deviation (positive, or negative) encompasses approximately 25% of the population. ... so, if you view the population between -1 and -2 standard deviations (south) of average, 25% of the entire Thai population scores between 91 and 75 (-1 standard deviation... 91 - 16 = 75), and 25% of the entire Thai population scores at or below 75 (-2 standard deviations)... of those in the -2 standard deviation, 8.5% are mentally retarded (at or below 70), and 16.5% are within 5 points of mentally retarded (70 to 75). ... THINK about that the next time you get in a taxi, or watch a motorcycle taxi careening down a soi like a... a... well... like a cretin. ... in unvarnished terms, these people represent a drag on society, making little contribution, yet sucking up a disproportionately large share of society's resources. ... the exact same effect occurs at the other end of the curve... the entire curve is shifted down 9 full points against the scale (100 - 91 = 9)... fewer higher IQs exist north of the average... these are the people who drive societies economically, artistically, politically, religiously, socially, in every way. ... if Thailand was capable of stopping the decline this minute and miraculously pull Thai children's IQs up to an average 100... if they did that today, it would be two decades before these kids became productive citizens and another two decades before they were in positions of influence. ... and that's just a dream... assuming Thailand is competent to do something about the problem, it will be generations before the changes begin to get traction... meanwhile, the world has long left Thailand behind... it will be reduced to competing with Burma, Cambodia and Laos (all of which, incidentally, have substantially solved this problem and whose IQs are now rising). ... THAT.... is the dilema of Thailand.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:13 am on Dec. 12, 2010
dirty guru
"Thai culture "(the threads Title )......is rich- Having lived amoung Thais in a country setting I was initially upset at the racism- Later I realized it was just not concealed as it is in the west- Australians or americans or europeans are not excempt from this- The cultural values are as listed by me these (a) a deeply committed Family system. (b) religious devotion (c) Humor and silliness (d) food and festivals (e) circle of life - crops - birth - death- rains (f) obtaining more wealth There is alot the west could learn about the devotion children in particular pay to their parents- The temples and monks are also a deep part of the Thai mentality- sure they may not be as sleek or intelligent - but theirs is a more simple down to earth approach- laughter and fun and food and the mix of family is so refreshing to the west where its more confined to special days and/or visits- Beyond question their family culture is richer- Buddhist beliefs that 90% of Thais follow give them a very accepting outlook of the circle of life- The farmers have such a great way of looking at life - Peasants they may be - and sure hope for more the next universal trait- but their belief system to me is far stronger in the natural cycle- Wanting more is really as simple as better food - housing- life stock - a chance in life for their kids- this is universal- Only an idiot would dwell on the general breeding of intelligence being maybe behind the western counties alittle- Again this is not best discribed as Cultural but race- Many people who go to parts of the world and encounter people even Thais comment on their return what a gentle breed they seem, their experience somewhat less jaded as the authors above hell bent on saying the Thais are nasty retards- thats reeking of something - Bitter in taste perhasp-? Good and bad everywhere
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:49 pm on Dec. 12, 2010
what do thais tink of americans? that magnum dude is the man.i can understand him dg, if you trying to make a case try to do so in a manner which an avg person can understand. ex. thais committed to family. is mia nois considered part of family?why do thai men have reputation of not taking care of family. did anyone say all thais are low i'qed.............lol. I bet many are higher i'que than me.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:41 am on Dec. 16, 2010
dirty guru
If you can deduct from the You- Tube what I am saying Harrold...You must be a Yank
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:33 am on Dec. 16, 2010