alice phallus
'A great bar. Just the sort of relief one seeks at the end of a day's work.......or, come to think of it, at any time of the day or night, as many posts are witness here. ' - Coitus Continuous And the amazing thing is its right in PP, the hurly-burly rip-off, high pressure shiite hole that it is nowadays as many posters attest to. All the scams and the touts and all the hard sell that goes on in bars and shows and on the streets is all worth the hassle to get to the oasis of cum, the Star of Light. Right, feel better now I've got that load off. My chest.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:25 pm on June 29, 2007
Joe Wood
Quote from Alice P. "...........the oasis of cum, the Star of Light..................." ___________________________________________ Beautifully ejaculated Alice P. Maybe have a word with the mamasan to have it printed on all the girls' new uniform T-shirts.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:35 pm on June 30, 2007
Joe Wood
I do hope Miss Canada of Star of Light fame is celebrating in her customary way. And I also was happy to feel that Khun Eu*n is back in the fold, looking as capable of sucking an ocean through a straw as ever before.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:42 am on July 1, 2007
Thanks for pointing that out. I hope to get to know her better than I ever did before. She's pretty sexy.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:46 am on July 1, 2007
Joe Wood
Yes, she is and a very pleasant person too. I find that my geo-stationary genital homing equipment in search of dispensers of oral pleasures usually is set off a-quivering if she is detected. But as you know, once you step into the Star of Light, and it happens that all the ladies are there, it's as if the magnetic draw is surrounding you in every direction and can get quite phyisically painful unless you manage to quickly park yourself between the pair of lips of your preference.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:51 am on July 1, 2007
Happy Canada Day indeed! Unfortunately, I happen to be in the Great Boring North at the moment, so I can only use my imagination to relive the beauty of the Star of Light. Nonetheless, the shining Star still beckons me, and I'll be back where I belong in a few weeks. Keep the girls warm for me.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:19 pm on July 1, 2007
alice phallus
'Unfortunately, I happen to be in the Great Boring North at the moment,' - BrianD Hey Bri baby, what the hell is wrong with Chiang Mai? Need some local advice mate, eh? AP
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:17 pm on July 1, 2007
I WISH I was in Chiang Mai. However, by Great Boring North, I was referring to Canada itself. Only twenty more sleeps!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:52 pm on July 2, 2007
The little bunny has been absent for a couple of days and I, enquiring as to her whereabouts, was met with some quite evasive answers, but with the re-assurance that she will be back in the fold soon. I also noticed that the mamasan has not been around a bit....due back later this week from somewhere. Maybe another overdue holiday to Singapore. Possibly not, because if she goes it's for more than a couple of days. Maybe the two absences are linked. No-one was telling, and quite possibly they didn't know, but tongues were definitely not wagging, except around my little member.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:47 pm on July 4, 2007