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It must have been a lucky day for me.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:10 am on May 18, 2009
Popped in a couple of nights ago.

Here's an idea for those of you complaining about the girls being outside........find one you like and invite her in for a drink, it's not difficult.

It was never a brilliant bar but offers good fun if you have the right attitude. I dislike the cola/tequila scam but it's not a compulsurary purchase.

They really should get some ST room sorted out though.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:04 am on June 1, 2009
I understand that in the next couple of days (but TIT) John, the owner of Afterskool, will have the dancing poles taken out and the "dancing stage" re-done for coyote dancers.

The rumor is that some of the younger girls (and, yes, there are under-18 girls there so beware) will do the dancing.

I always thought that the stage and poles were in a very awkward position. You really have to be at the bar to "enjoy" it.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:23 pm on Jan. 28, 2010
Saturday night (May 29th) we went to Afterskool.

While Cowboy was pretty quiet for a Saturday, Afterskool seemed pretty busy most of the time I was there.

Lots and lots of new girls. Aside from the bartenders and cashiers, who I all recognized, there were probably only a small handful of girls that I knew. And, lots of them were "too young". That was confirmed by the girls that I knew. If you take a girl from there, be careful.

One GREAT (and not atypical) story was that I met an Aussie there named John. He started telling me about his girlfriend and how lucky he was. It turned out his girlfriend was one of the bartenders and I knew her (and knew she had had a long term BF). Then I found out that she had dumped (or been dumped, not sure) that BF and this was the NEW BF.

Anyway, John was talking about buying a house in Thailand. Huh? He then told me he first came here 6 weeks ago when his flight got diverted because of the volcano, and that's when he met "miss right". This was his second trip here (2 week vacation) and he was ready to marry her and settle down.

Now, the bartender is nice (as bartenders go) and is around 30. He's got to be twice her age. I explained a bit about land ownership in Thailand and suggested he do a lot of research before he spent any money. He thanked me and agreed.

I went outside and spent about 2 hours with some of the girls that I knew. He came out with his lady love, said goodbye and thanks, and left. Soon after, the head cashier (who I know well) came out and told me his check-bin had been 10,000bt. Now, consider that LDs are 90bt and tequila shots are 120bt. And that he had been there for less than 2 hours.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:21 pm on June 1, 2010
Here's a good book he could get:

How To Safely Buy Real Estate In Thailand

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:15 am on June 2, 2010
In Soi Cowboy some of the most fun bars are the small ones. You can get up front and very personal in a very, very short time.

One I like and visit several times each trip to Bangkok is Afterskool, which is located almost in the middle of the Soi next to Fanny Bar and across from Spice Girls. It can be an incredibly fun place as long as you know what is going on and take reasonable care.

Drinks are among the cheapest in Cowboy. LD coke is 90bt. LD tequila is 120bt. Your drink will be 90bt-110bt depending on what you order. The price list is on the wall behind the bar. They used to be even cheaper before the current owner John took control - but they are still an incredible value. A girl's LD coke plus LD tequila is still cheaper than buying one of the Arab Coyotes a LD - and you can bar fine just about any girl in the place. There are no Coyote girls here.

Layout is typical of the small bars. A long bar with bartenders behind that you can sit at. Across from the bar are 6 drink stands with seating for you and a couple (or many) special girls of the evening. Separating some of the stands is a very small dance stage that holds 2 dancing girls.

There are basically 3 different groups of girls: the dance girls, who occasionally dance on the stage and otherwise mingle; the girls in street dress in front of the bar who just mingle, and the bartenders who are behind the bar mixing drinks and who occasionally mingle. All of them are good to go. AFAIK, the only one you can't bar fine is the head cashier - who needs to be there.

Cozy is a great description when the bar is full. Lots and lots of very young girls (and a few past their sell-by date). From the outside you just can't get a good perspective of this place - you have to be inside and inhale the fumes.

One of the main "attractions" is the famous Naughty Boy corner. Unpretentiously located at the rear of the place as the bar curves back into the wall. That's where your chosen cutie will do her best SOL impression for you, while newbies sitting mere feel away have no idea what is happening. No curtain, no nothing - unless you ask a couple of the other girls to stand in front to shield the action. 800-1000bt for the SOL impersonation, maybe 100bt to each shield girl. (You can also use the corner in front of the bar if your not shy or the back corner is "taken".)

Speaking (or rather, writing) about girls. To have the best time here you have to understand and deal with some of the following:

There are some VERY young girls here. If you are thinking of bar fining one who looks real young, make sure they are legal. Ask for their Thai ID. Ask the cashier. If you are going to a ST room (like the Penny Black) make THEM reserve the room (as the hotel will ask them for their ID). A mistake here can be big problems.

The girls can swarm you as you enter the bar. Not 1 or 2, but 5 or 6 at a time. If you don't watch out you can find yourself with 6 girls around you all yelling for LDs. One time, in a festive mode, I had 11 girls around me and Koolbreez had another 11. My bill that night (and it was all night) was 5,000bt. If you don't want the attention of all those girls just tell them. Pick the one or ones you want and tell the rest to leave. Or, tell all of them to leave and you will decide later. You are in control.

You need to be a bit careful about LDs as well. A typical gambit is the girl asking for a "coke and tequila". If you say yes, they come back with TWO LDs, setting you back 210bt. If you give them a LD be specific about what you are getting them. LD coke or LD tequila. The girls will understand that you know the game. And, assuming you want them, make it clear that they have to sit with you when you order a LD for them.

I have never been cheated at this place. Hustled, yes. Bill padded, no. If you worry about these things, check the bill after each additional drink. There are no designated servers - the girl will go and get the drinks and your bill themselves. They will often also take care of the check bin. But, don't be fooled when they carefully check the bill - they are not making sure you are not being cheated, they are checking to make sure they are being credited with the LD!

As opposed to sitting at one of the drink stands you can sit at the bar. This puts your back to the small stage, but that is a small loss. Most of the bartenders are past their sell-by date, but a couple are cute and speak pretty decent English. A LD to one of them is always greatly appreciated. As are tips. Beware the odd girl coming up from behind and squeezing your privates. They are hoping you will spring for a LD.

A word about tips to newbies: if you leave the tip on the tray it is shared by all the bartender/cashier girls. If you hand the tip (called a hand tip) directly to the girl she gets to keep it all. Before the Western flood of guys Thais only rarely tipped, and then just the odd amount of change. Now it is expected that you tip after paying the bill (usually 20bt is adequate - but decide for yourself).

You can also sit outside. While not nearly as interesting as inside, you also won't get hassled as much. Just sit and you will be joined by a couple of the girls. Or, go inside, select who you want, and take them back outside. Remember, you are in control unless you relinquish it.

I got a completely different view of the girls this Songkran. We "played water" right outside of Afterskool, and a bunch of the girls joined in. Some of them were really, really cute. I got to know the ones I hadn't seen before in a non-bar environment (kind of 555). They really enjoyed the water play and let their hair down. Back working after Songkran some of them were more pensive. They know that polite Thai society looks down on them. They are hoping to make enough money to get out of the scene. They dream of some truly nice guy to marry them and take them away from this. All this while they wait/hope for the next random guy to bar fine them.

I sat quietly, late at night, talking with some of those cute girls who, just hours before I had poured ice water on. You can't rescue them all (and probably shouldn't even try to rescue one), but I wish my wife would let me bring a couple of them back to America! 555

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:25 pm on April 16, 2012
There was one I would have taken home in a minute if I wasn't involved with someone now. She was fun, only about 5' at the most, maybe weighing 40kilos soaking wet, and she was soaked quite a bit...lolol. The ice water sure got expressive reactions from people.

I go in there now, and too many remember me still, after lots of years. This is now the third owner since I first ventured in there, and he is not very well liked by the girls at all. He belittles them every chance he gets when he is drunk, and he's always drunk.

As far as underage girls, he gives what his regular customers want, and there is a large group of local regulars that drink there. It is still the cheapest gogo in Cowboy to drink at, and barfine from, bt500.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:56 am on April 17, 2012
retiredintahoe : thanks for your very informative and sure to be usefull reports.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:57 am on April 17, 2012
@retiredintahoe, a very good and solid description of Afterskool, I wouldn't add or take away a thing.

I love that place, spend many nights in there every time I'm in BKK...have barfined plenty of times, but not as many as one might think...very mixed results, too. I almost think it's better to just enjoy the environment in the bar.

and yes, I too have had my share of 3,000, 4,000 and (once) 5,000 baht nights in there, haha...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:15 am on April 17, 2012
Its a good bar, and retiredintahoe sums it up well.

I remember one drunken night the then owner - Hank - explaining his philosophy. basically he treated the girls well, allowed them to refuse to be barfined if they chose.
They liked him, and I always felt it was a fun place.

The atmosphere that resulted was always one of its main attractions, whether or not you barfined, visited the corner or not.

I was once struck hideously drunk there, and was escorted back to my hotel by four of the girls, who delivered me and then left (no charge) although I did take them to the pictures a few days later!

i like the place, and I hope it doesn't change.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:03 pm on April 17, 2012

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