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50 Things I Learned from Reading this Forum

1) Negotiating a price lower than the "standard rate" is cheap and disgusting.
2) Paying more than the "standard rate" is hurting the hobby for the rest of us and it should be discouraged.
3) Bargirls are more worthy of our respect than taxi drivers, bellmen, shopkeepers, ...
4) Bargirls will take whatever chance they have to rip you off.
5) Treat the girls honestly and fairly and you will always be treated fairly in return.
6) Don't treat the girls as equals or they will not respect you.
7) Bargirls are angels. Bar owners are scum who try to cheat you any which way they can.
8) Bargirls aren't capable of making decisions on condom-use, whether to engage in anal sex, watersports, ...
9) Posting a review of a sexual encounter with a BG is unethical if the girl can be identified as a specific girl working in a specific bar.
10) You should never take a second girl from the same bar since it might make the first girl feel bad.
11) You should totally ignore the complex and conflicting emotions of typical bargirl.
12) Barfines are just a fee to give the bargirl an option to leave the bar. There is no expectation that she will perform any kind of sex act, unless you explicitly agreed to all terms beforehand. You have no right to complain to the bar if the girl ditches you.
13) A bar owner has no right to ask for a BF if the girl meets the guy outside of work, or makes a rendezvous after hours.
14) Customers shouldn't complain or make a "big deal" when a bar or bargirl cheats them for "just a few dollars."
15) If the girls did not meet your expectations at your one visit to Eden, Annie's, ... you should take every opportunity to point out that the girls there are all "ugly."
16) Thai bargirls make the rules of the Thai nightlife "game." If we want to play on their home field we must blindly play by their rules without complaint.
17) Because we are "guests" in Thailand we should quietly acquiesce to whatever laws, rules, or conventions they wish to impose, no matter how unfair and discriminatory. But as "hosts" they have the right to treat us like shit whenever it suits them.
18) Bargirls who have one or more foreign sponsors while cheating on them behind their backs are just being "enterprising" and playing the cards they are dealt. It is reprehensible that any of us would think about spoiling their con. In fact, pointing out that this is unethical and wrong is itself a heinous act.
19) A guy who just wants sex from a Thai bargirl is despicable, but someone who tries to make an "emotional connection" before screwing her is a "good guy."
20) A 35 year old guy walking down the street with a 20 year old hooker is cool. A 65 year old guy with a 30 year old hooker is just a sick old bastard.
21) Western countries are racist for making it difficult for poor Thai women to enter their countries.
22) You must make absolutely clear what you're paying and what you're getting before you pay a BF.
23) You should never discuss sex or money before BFing.
24) If a girl mentions money beforehand she is a cold-hearted, money grubbing bitch.
25) If you don't negotiate beforehand you should pay whatever the girl asks.
26) It is perfectly reasonable for the girl to change her mind after the BF for any reason. It is unacceptable for the guy to not pay the girl the full amount agreed upon (or the "standard rate" if no agreement was made) if he wants to back out (e.g. if the girl has a total change in attitude or after seeing the girl in better light and notices she has scabs all over her body).
27) A guy should not be upset when a bargirl he has just taken back to his hotel bleeds all over him and his sheets (or leaves a nice stain on his clothes). The girl cannot be expected to be aware her period is imminent and is entitled to full compensation; don't even think about asking for the BF back.
28) All bargirls really appreciate it if you make them cum. Do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to make sure they do; then you'll know they're not really doing this for the money and that you really are special.
29) Thai bargirls are not educated, therefore they are stupid and we must take care of them.
30) When people tell you that it's a bad idea to look for a wife or GF in the Thai nightlife scene, they really mean that all BGs are bad and that none of them are worth anything more than f_ck toys.
31) It is okay for guys to fool around on their girlfriends, but the girls should never cheat on their guy.
32) You are the one guy who can ALWAYS tell a katoey from a real woman.
33) Western women should be expected to behave like Thai women.
34) People who disagree with your opinions are gay, have tiny penises, are virgins, can't get laid without paying for it.
35) Guys who "have" to pay for it are losers. Guys who get "freebies" do so based solely on their dashing good looks and charm.
36) Looking for Russian (or African, Indian, Japanese, ...) girls in Thailand is stupid and people should be admonished for even thinking about it.
37) Pussy shows and the gogo bar/beer bar scenes are totally uninteresting and without value. Sure you visited them every day your first two years here, but now you should tell the newbies that it's really pathetic that they seem to enjoy it.
38) Someone visiting Thailand purely for the women is a lowlife.
39) It is irresponsible for any guy to ever choose to not use a condom with a Thai bargirl.
40) You cannot get diseases from a BBBJ.
41) Your risk of getting HIV from a BBBJ is very high.
42) HIV does not cause AIDS.
43) The age of consent in Thailand is 19 or 20.
44) Vanilla sex is okay, anal sex is unnatural.
45) Anal sex is okay, bondage, watersports, ... are unnatural.
46) Whenever mentioning any kink, fetish, preference, etc. or even referring to a post where such things are discussed, you absolutely MUST make it clear to everyone that you are not into such a thing. We really need to know.
47) Sex with prostitutes is okay, but katoey or gay sex is unnatural.
48) Anything a bargirl wouldn't do for free and doesn't totally enjoy must be degrading to her.
49) The prostitution scene in Thailand should be shut down; except for the part that you engage in, of course.
50) You can hope to have intelligent discussion on any of these issues on a public forum.

I'm sure everyone can find their own misconception(s) above somewhere and manage to be totally pissed off at me. And no doubt the concept of the post will go right over the heads of a few members.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 pm on Aug. 22, 2003
Many things... İnot just aeroplanes and sea gulls... go right over my head. İThis post didn't.

I was actually thinking of jotting down the ironies I come across on this forum continually... İ

Chompoo - I think you just saved me my first 50

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:07 pm on Aug. 22, 2003
Chompoo, your concept is understood (at least by me).  It might belong in the humor section 555.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:47 pm on Aug. 22, 2003

there are some really nice ones in your list. 5555


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:54 pm on Aug. 22, 2003
you are a naughty man Chompoo....

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:08 pm on Aug. 22, 2003

I agree with your observation. İOf course it's only the tip of the iceburg. İLeft me add a few more.

51) We should bring our own condoms because local condos are small and we all have BIG1s.
52) We can all cum at least a dozen times a day everyday.
53) If you have the desire for anything non-Thai, like food or girls, while you are in the LOS, you should just stay home.
54) If you meet that special BG, she should immediately move back to her village and live off the 1000 baht you send her each month while waiting for your annual visit.
55) The special BG who is waiting for you in her village should not be having sex with anyone except you, but it's okay for you to sleep around as often as possible.
56) All females in the LOS are open game for solicitation for P4P because they make next to nothing in wages.
57) If you transplant a TG to farangland, she will wilt.
58) The age on consent is actually 18?
59) We are all brothers and sisters here at the forum, but we have redefined sibling rivalry as open warfare.
60) A guy should shave his balls, preferably with a razor.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:05 am on Aug. 23, 2003
China Sailor
Gawd -- I just had an epiphany!  Not everything on this site is absolute truth!!!! The meaning of life is not embedded in the LOS P4P scene!!! Chompoo you are a true Guru!!

Bullshit!!!  What your 50 items do prove is that this forum is  made up with a variety of people of different opinions who do not agree with with other.  Does not mean that one member is smarter, cooler, or wiser than another.

Do you get my point Chompoo or did it just go over your head..

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:18 am on Aug. 23, 2003

Quote: from ChicagoGuy on 6:47 am on Aug. 23, 2003
Chompoo, your concept is understood (at least by me).  It might belong in the humor section 555.

I don't think for one minute Chompoo is joking, he's not known for his sense of humour.

Glad he wrote the last part though as like most of his posts I lost interest about an inch and a half down.

If he'd been nokna he'd have wroten 50 one liners and got his post count even higher....

anyone else I can upset?...yeah...I'd rather read an inch and a half of Chompoo over 3 words of Dirty Guru

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:49 am on Aug. 23, 2003
If a TG provides sex for money she is not, repeat not, a whore.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:30 am on Aug. 23, 2003
Chompoo,thank you for reminding us,in what fantasy we live and all the bullshit we writting sometimes...Honest post,honest man...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:35 am on Aug. 23, 2003

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