Supposing you had 10,000 B to spend, and you must do so in a day, how would you spend it? You guys have a good idea of how much it cost, so tell us how you would spend this money. You don't need to spend it wisely. We will assume that accommodation has been paid for. This is play money.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:14 am on May 4, 2002
Considering Hotel is not part of this game I can suggest the following: 10:30 A booking with a big breast girl at BARON BS. Cost around B/.2.300 (800 room + 1.500 special) 14:00 After a nice lunch somewhere head immediately to BEER GARDEN for a beer and to survey any potential "dinner". Just relax. B/. 300 (beers only) 16:00 "sex power" is more than ready. head to CP1 or CP2 for a massage. If you want an up-scale one go to Ratchadaa (Mirage/Poseidon/Caesars). Hmm around B/. 4.000 will be the total damage (no sandwich involved) If your expectations are not fullfiled head to DARLINGS and take a SANWCHICH, the specialty of the house, 4K for this and you then have to wait till midnight in order to try CM2 for a Russian or a TG which will demand other 2-3K for a "Long time". ********** DINNER TIME ********** 19:00 Well, if you need something different than the previous choice head back to BEER GARDEN for some re-fill. If there is something nice a cutie will be approached and B/. 1.500 might be a good deal(ST/LT). If nothing happens, head to Soi Cowboy or Patpong for a short time. Hmm B/. 2.000 will be the total damage. YES, my itinerary is f_ckING + f_ckING + f_ckING around......this is the purspose of the sexercise....However, I can spend some relax-time at COSMO BAR during the evening (after BARONS and a BODY MASSAGE). They have around 50 girls hanging around and I have my cutie up there. B/.500 the bar fine and a nice deal of B/. 1.500 and you will get you date for a LT. That's it. Hope it helps. Some other choices are available. You can "order" MISSTRESS GAEOW or any other escort for 3-4K and same damage can be expected for a sandwich at EDEN. But those chances are not part of my cup of tea. THIS IS BANGKOK, YES!
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:44 am on May 4, 2002
10,000B? hmmm. i would cut the chase and go to patpong or soi cowboy. barfine 3-4 girls L/T, bring em back to my service apartment. order room service when hungry and do the dirty deeds! eden w/o the 90min. and in the comfort of my room. and take many pics to bring back home. cos there would always be some skeptical friends. i should work for the Thai Tourist Bureau.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:57 am on May 4, 2002
Deleted Member
Here it is baby, the asspirate will give it to ya straight: 10,000 baht=$240? Beer garden: $40 short term Poseidon or comprable MP 1-2 hrs: $100 for model! Nightclub:Novotel CM2 or other club: freelancer long term: $100 This is 10,000 baht baby, this is how the assman would do it! See ya in bkk!!!!!!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:11 am on May 4, 2002
For those inclined on blowing your money in one place: Try: Taking a model out of Pegasus for the whole night. Establishment fee: 2,600 B (for Supplementary member) Whole night fee: 5,350 B Drinks + food: 2,000 B Total: approx. 10,000 B (Note: if you are not a member, you will have to add 1,800 B for the entrance fee and 20% to the above amount.) BK
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:51 pm on May 4, 2002
lets see... 10.000bht in one night... ok..I think I would do eden two girls gurantee BI sexual so not disappointed on the experience... that will st me back about 5.000bht I think... then after that 1.5 hours of extasy I would head over to freelance bar take 3 girls ST..3,000Bht... get shit faced on the other 2000bht buying the girls and me drinks having fun then back to my room for a couple of hours of fun, try and take some pics and video also for my skeptic friends..then after they leave just sleep until morning..ahahhaaha well spent and exhusted...5 girls in one day...
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 am on May 5, 2002
Deleted Member
Is this for men only or can I post what I would do with 10,000 baht.????????????? Mistress G.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:41 am on May 5, 2002
go ahead,your input is always welcome.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:10 am on May 5, 2002
MG and other thai women, yes, we're always interested in what TG's would like to spend 10,000B on. After all, you girls want us to buy the right gifts ...right?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:33 am on May 5, 2002
At first I was about to post a typical programme that I follow in LOS i.e. double up at Darlings on to bars, CM2 etc. But BK triggered a thought in an earlier post. So this is how I WILL spend 10,000 baht when next in BKK. perhaps Long Gun Bar fine 4 girls.. 2000 baht ST the girls........4000 baht LT 2 girls...........4000 baht. As BK posted, if it is made clear that the 2 best girls can stay LT and get another 2000 baht each, then an interesting competition might take place. Dave
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:40 am on May 5, 2002