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The typical local beer that I'm drinking right now (it is pretty good...) has also 5% vol. Alcohol, like most Beers in Thailand - so I'm feeling just like at home when boozing in BKK.

The alcohol level of US beers can vary a lot - with most of the supermarket and pub beers at around 2.5% vol. Acolhol, and some of the more upmarket beers and the beers from the (usually excellent!) micro breweries also at around 5%...

So US guys who are accustomed to the more plain-villa domestic beers might be in a surprise when drinking in LOS - more bang for the buck! Advice: drink some water in beteen or, quite simply, just drink less...

Cheers Fritz,

who is optimistic regarding the beer culture in the US.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:30 pm on May 4, 2003
i used to wonder why i would get i would feel pissed quite quickly.
when i discovered Singha has an alcohol content of 6%,i understood.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:14 am on May 5, 2003

Quote: from nokna on 12:14 pm on May 5, 2003
i used to wonder why i would get i would feel pissed quite quickly.
when i discovered Singha has an alcohol content of 6%,i understood.

Odd,  that I've never been even close to getting drunk on beer & I've had more than 11 Singhas' at one sitting (with a few toilet breaks, in between).

In the Philippines, there is a particularly potent & super tasting, beer called 'Red Bull' made by San Miguel . It comes in a smaller bottle because it is so potent. I was in a hotel there, listening to some music  one night
and had about 5 Red Bulls . The smiling waitress commented on my red looking face & the empty Red Bull bottles and said that  I looked drunk.

My red  face was the result of sunburn , as there had been a typhoon  that day and an Australian resident buddy of mine, and I had made good use of the strong typhoon winds to windsurf all day long , resulting in the sunburn and  the red color of my face.  

I was feeling particularly good that evening, so I finished ( if I recall correctly) another three bottles of Red Bull and then walked about two kilometers to the place where I was staying. The result of drinking so many Red Bulls was a slightly loose stomach the next morning , but no hang over.

I do like extra strong beers & would welcome any suggestions re really potent beers in LOS. I haven't found any so far.  I've heard  of  Red Bull being available in LOS, but have never been able to get hold of it.  
When really desperate,  I pour two or three voBKas' into a Singha, but that really is not half as good as a genuine Red Bull.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:24 am on May 5, 2003
Robert lomax
A subject close to my heart, I think a constant buzz, all day every day is better than being sober and then getting out your head drunk.
  I tend to drink all day, as soon as I get up, but not to fast, so you then keep the constant buzz. It's basically kept me alive for the last 20 years.
  Alcohol is a wonderfull thing, the answer to all lifes problems.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:12 am on May 9, 2003
Funny but in the UK I very rarly drink.  Maybe a bottle of red with a meal. and an occasional beer.  Mainly due to the fact that going out in the UK does not hold aa candle to a night out in BKK.

When I get to LOS It is constant drinking  but it tends to be like everything else when you only spend a vacation in LOS for two weeks you do everything to excess..

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:22 pm on May 9, 2003
Hahahaha.  Too true.  I was doing pretty good throughout my trip until one night on Soi 33 when I was alternating between JW and Sing.  I got pretty slammed for a bit, but my friend swore he couldn't tell I was drunk off my ass.  I can assure you that the BG carrying me to the cab could tell.  It didn't take too long for me to get back to my senses, but by that time she was all sleep and no play.  Then I was pissed in a different way.

Quote: from nokna on 11:14 pm on May 4, 2003
i used to wonder why i would get i would feel pissed quite quickly.
when i discovered Singha has an alcohol content of 6%,i understood.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:58 pm on May 10, 2003
Beware " Chang Beer"
Ý Ý Ý I had a session on this stuff in Phuket and although it is a magnificent tasting beer,I got myself into an embarrasing situation.
Ý Ý I was latched on to by the most unfortunate looking lady in the bar, the island , possibly all of southern Thailand.She decided she was taking me home, via a restaraunt,thanks Bhudda for this , as the meal and the walk had a sobering effect and I came to my senses.
Ý Ý When I realised what I had done and how my mates were still in the bar I lied my way out of this disaster by saying that although I was happy with the lady I felt I was going to be sick all night and paid the lady 500bt to leave.
Ý ÝThis took much convincing but it worked, I think she was genuinely dissapointed as I could have been her first customer that year.
Ý ÝAs I found out the next day my buddies had similar experiences the same night, lol.
Ý We stuck to Heinneken and carlsberg after that.
I have been told by the owners of the bar that Chang Beer can vary in alc vol from 6% to 12%. Dont know if this is correct but I suspect so. lol

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:15 pm on May 10, 2003
how can you stick to Heineken and Carlsberg?.
stick to to the Chang or Singha,when in Rome as they say.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:52 pm on May 10, 2003
I second that nokna.  Singha is a good quality beer on par to Heinken.  LOS is a total experience: the girls, the beer, and the whiskey.  You have to appreciate everything!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:57 pm on May 10, 2003
Has anyone been to Korea?  I have and I like OB beer.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:07 am on May 11, 2003

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