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david 85260
Hey Expat Chuck...
Why would I want to know what my ass hole smells like?
It was Butmans 007 suggestion to start with; I was just trying to help him out.

Why would I want to even bother to waste my time looking at a URL that you sent that deals in that subject?

BTW how did you happen to find this URL? Are you some sort of pervert? Dont you have anything better to do with your time? Do you have a fetish you care to share or is that for another forum like "Wired people who love Assholes"? Not just anotomic Assholes but All Assholes including the ones that pop up here occasionally. Perhaps you should start a new thread on the subject...I know at least one person who will be a regular...But it won't be me!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:20 am on May 17, 2006
david 85260
Hey Arizona Wildcat! Go SUNDEVILS! Just kidding, I love Tucson! You make some very valid points about living here in Thailand and when Harold asks why? I think he refers to Bangkok.

I think that living in Bangkok is like living in a sewer compared to Arizona where you are so close to some of the most beautiful and best travel destinations in the US. It is truly a beautiful State and with Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, CA, Oregon and all of the Western States so close it can’t be beat.

One example:
I have cycled everywhere in the Western US and Canada, and in Europe 3 times but I don't ride my bicycle in BKK too much anymore. I really love to ride but the crazy drivers here have finally made me lose my nerve. It is a nerve wracking experience and just too dangerous. These people are collectively the absolute worst dangerous drivers I have ever encountered anywhere.

How do you make a Thai go blind? Put a windshield in front of their face!

Your point about getting out of the city is well taken because if one stays here too long frequenting the Naughty Nightlife they become jaded being constantly exposed to all the shit scumbags that are in any big city and associated with the business of fleecing farang. BKK is especially bad because they are for the most part all so rude and in your face anytime you even get near a Naughty Nightlife area.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:27 am on May 17, 2006
david 85260
Quote from Expatchuck:

I am too far over the hill to be a whoremonger, so, Harold, why do I still keep coming back?

Well I can only speak for myself and I came here for the women; but as I said living in Bangkok is like living in a sewer unless one lives in Pattaya, which is like living in a bigger sewer.

So if you don’t know why you still keep coming back and you are over being a whoremonger then perhaps you just enjoy living in a sewer. Don’t spend too much time thinking about your reasons Expatchuck just enjoy it!

Most rats like living in the sewers; it gives them comfort. Occasionally they surface to try to find new rats to play with or a bite to eat, Ive even spotted them in the internet cafes.

Quote from Expatchuck:

Harold sounds like a natural for the Jerry Springer or Maury Povich shows.

Well that says a lot about what you do with your time Chuck and since you have not been to the US since 1991 and plan to die here perhaps that is because you can’t find your way out of the sewer of your life.

Now don’t be angry at any of this I mean no disrespect at all; you know many people live in sewers in one way or another. Maybe they are alcoholics who have lost their way and become very adept at concealing their real self. Some are just too far-gone to think intelligently or rationally. Most of the time the quiet ones go undetected until they open their mouth or commutate by writing; then the truth comes out.

Chuck please be careful about what you say; don’t tell people you watch the Jerry Springer or Maury Povich shows; ok? It doesn’t look good Chuck.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:10 am on May 17, 2006
I go for the Motor Shows

But I am thinking about returning to the university to further my education:

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:14 am on May 17, 2006
whats wrong with Jerry?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:26 am on May 17, 2006
David 85260:

While you may think your remarks about me living in a sewer like a rat are humorous, I find them neither funny nor intelligent.

While you may mean no disrespect by your comments, I take them as highly obnoxious and offensive. I have never had the displeasure of meeting you and it is highly unlikely now that it will ever happen. I have however met many fine members of this forum who will, I trust, not categorize me as a rat living in a sewer. Neither will they call me an alcoholic nor too far gone to think intelligently, as you so eloquently appear to be describing me.

There is a fine line between sarcasm and humour. You apparantly do not have the intelligence to distinguish between the two.

I have taken your rambling comments personally, and that is something I seldom do. My skin is thick enough to deflect most inane comments but you, sir, have gone over the line.

I no longer find you amusing or entertaining.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:32 am on May 17, 2006
Mel Gibson
Expat is a nice guy,,, back off please David,,,,,,, you don;t want to soil such a nice name.

Now were where those special night-life spots with them lovely ladies that are happy for 1000BHT LT ????


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:10 am on May 17, 2006
Were I as old as ExpatChuck says he is, I too would not be not so enthused about retiring back in the States... lest it was to be with my grandchildren... Many elderly gentlemen look forward to retiring in a 'developing nation' because of the easy going life, the friendliness, the respect for elderly, and other easily affordable luxuries. They even have a special visa for it here. Seems sound logic to me. Of course the women are nice here, and I'm sure ExpatChuck appreciates them too, even if he isn't rogering left right and center. But accusations of depravity (no matter how circumlocutiously they are written) don't necessarily apply to everyone retiring here.

I find most of ExpatChuck's brief posts fueled with irony. Irony is perhaps the highest form of humor. And as the great American comedian Lord Buckley said, Humor is next to Godliness. You gotta relax, Davidnumbers. And you haven't even made one viable comment about the future of human evolution, so penetratively discussed in this thread. That hurts.

Yes, there are alchoholic maniacs living in Thailand. And your description does fit some people I have met here, in my opinion. But comments like yours directed toward a member like ExpatChuck who has never flown off the handle in any kind of drunken rant as far as I've ever read--that could only be seen as a bit much.

For myself, all said and done, the girls are my major motivation for living here. Beautiful country? Beaches are good in Mexico, too. The jungle, which looks so good in views of mountains and whatnot, is not so great close up to tramp around in--can't be compared to the grand Sierra Nevadas where I'm from. I had tramped the mountains of especially Phrae many a time looking for mushrooms or hunting birds, and I'm not too comfortable there. Unfamiliar, yes, is that why? But that viney crap, and the biting bugs and hornets, and snakes, and thorny trees--he who likes it, let him have it. Each to his own. Give me some poison ivy I can recognize and stay clear of. Temperate Zone much more user friendly in my humble opinion.

But one thing should be said. The women here are people, grown and raised in this culture. I get along with the people here and find them pleasing and inobtrusive, moreso than in the States. So I'm here. That doesn't mean I don't prefer the company of Americans like-minded (to me) Westerners for closer friendships, of course not, impossible; or that I'm gaga over Thai culture--several aspects bore or frustrate me profoundly--but it is more relaxed here. It is... my relations to the women here... that make it so much more so, and, to me, worth living here as long as I have.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:37 am on May 17, 2006
Hi - I'm starting to plan my next trip. An old friend said that the Political climate has changed in Thailand and thinks things may have loosed up. Nudity. Sex show and the like.

Do you all see any of this happening or are we just dreaming of the days gone bye. Thanks for your Help.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:16 am on May 17, 2006
mr colorado

why dont you say what you think.

you just like a politician you dont want to give a straight answer.

state what you believe and let us agree or disagree. maybe this maybe that.

ex. if nic dont want to tip say whether he is right or wrong. very useless to say maybe he should have or maybe he shouldnt have depending................. he gave us a clear description of the situation and some of us think he cheap and others think he did fine.

what your view. dont let me answer for you. although I will try. you will not give a definite answer you dont want to ruffle feathers, nothing wrong with that.

i like seajohns honesty. the girls r a BIG reason he lives there.

i still say thailand doesnt have things that single males want other than girls that will make them keep returning.

if you want 1k long time hot girls may I suggest u join wsg and ask the posters there, they seem to know where they hang out. from what I get they hang out at the beer

one guy even shops at 7-11. and you know what the majority of those girls look

i hope guys here know that girls r priced based on looks first. then the rest next ( personality), etc.

no matter how nice and wonderful a girl is if she dont got looks she will always be a 1k

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:20 pm on May 17, 2006

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