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haam sup
Ghost: up to you!

haam sup

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:05 pm on Dec. 20, 2002

Quote: from expat67 on 6:36 pm on Dec. 17, 2002
HAAM: I think that your Post describes the title that I chose for this thread very well. Thank-you. The #2 types are the ones who are ruining Paradise. I long for the good old days of the 60's when there were no McD's or 7-11's and for the little quaint restaurants instead of the large chains like Sizzler or Fridays. Thanks again for your comments. Ý

Here's the thing though, Expat67. I know those seem like the glory days for you, but how can we visitors (and even a long term expat resident is still a visitor in their country) tell them, no you can't advance, grow, or change, because I like your country the way it was. We may groan at seeing all the same old chains spring up in "our" favorite playground as already line every block back home, but obviously, the Thais want them there.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:10 pm on Dec. 29, 2002
Hamm Sup,

I know what you mean by types #1 and #2. Personally, I fall in between. I'm mostly #1, but let's face it, I wouldn't be on this forum if I wasn't a bit of #2 as well. I tend to alternate, one trip doing all the cultural, adventure sort of stuff, like ayutthia, hill tribe treks, etc., then the next just hitting the beaches, bars and babes.

I try to tell the guys back home about ALL the wonders of Thailand, but all they ever want to hear about are the TGs. Guess which set of pics gets shown around more?

I've introduced a couple of my friends to LOS over the past year, guiding them on their first trips. They're both on this board, and will probably be a bit pissed at me for saying this, but despite my best efforts, they're strictly and solely type #2.

But, and here I disagree with you a bit, what's really wrong with that? To each their own and all that. Some people aren't into culture, art, dancing, architecture and all that, and wouldn't be no matter where they travel. By coming to LOS as sex tourists, type #2's are just enjoying a scene that was there before they ever heard about it, and will still be there long after they've lost interest. And those of us who have found more to love than just the BG of the moment will still be travelling there.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:31 pm on Dec. 29, 2002
While I have lurked here for months without posting, I wanted to insert my comment. The notion that this forum hurts the nightlife in the LOS is in error.

I would classify myself as a #1 with regards to Thailand (perhaps slipping into the #2 catagory in the USA), having traveled to the LOS three times before "experiencing" Patpong... ÝAnd since I did not have the valuable experience gained from reading of these boards, I paid way too high because it was still less than here in the USA... My next trip will be a much better experience for me and it will not upset the economy of Thailand.

I hope to meet BK and some of you others that I feel I virtually know when I can again get to LOS...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:05 pm on Dec. 31, 2002
haam sup

The problem is approximately the same as it is in National Parks in the US. ÝSome people visit the parks to enjoy what was there long before they came, and others come to import their loud music, trash, spray paint grafitti, etc. ÝThe opening of superhighways in the '50s started the trend, because it made it easier for Joe Dumbshit to drive his DeSoto right up to the river's edge, and toss beercans into the water.

Thailand is suffering from the US$9.95/month Internet access, and the US$580 R/T airfare, in much the same way. ÝI know it's not popular to discuss personal responsibility, especially when it comes to pussy-hunting, but the fact is that it is WAY too easy for people to come to Thailand, trash the place, and return home to the old Buick, up on blocks in the front yard, and the rest of their white-trash trappings.

Sorry if this is harsh, but a number of us have worked or are working HARD to get away from all of that, and it annoys me endlessly to see how it is becoming spoiled by a few dickheads.

I can also see how you might take this personally, but it is not intended that way. ÝThe #1/#2 illustration is probably not all that useful, because we ALL have some degree of #2 in us, and I include myself in that statement. ÝThe problem is the irresponsible, immature asswipes among us, who 10 years ago never heard of Thailand, and if not for this forum, and ones like it, couldn't find it on a map, let alone get on a flight.

Nothing wrong with chasing TGs; we ALL love it. ÝBeing sensitive to the culture, and realizing that we are in THEIR country is the least we can do in exchange.

In any case, this and other forums EXIST, and instead of extending a welcoming hand to those who would abuse the place we love, I choose to push a bit toward approval of those who share my love of Thailand, and distaste for those who are there to take, and leave behind scorched earth. ÝIt's what I want to do in repayment for what I have learned here.

As for your comment about the chains popping up - don't kid yourself: McDs/Burger King/KFC, etc., are marketing MONSTERS. ÝMost Thais HATE them, but, like many Western things, they also LOVE them, and are seduced by them. ÝIf you could get a glimpse of Sukhumvit even 5 years ago, vs. today, you would be AMAZED at how different it is. ÝThe number of fat BGs is HUGE compared to a few years ago.

Never mind the change in attitudes: ask not-so-little Noi to wash your underwear before she leaves the next day and see what happens. ÝHell, you didn't have to ASK 10 years ago. ÝAnd most guys didn't have to do a weeks worth of net research to find out what to pay, either. ÝNever seemed to be an issue - everybody was happy, or worked it out somehow.

Now, there's a Tesco/Lotus on Koh Samui! ÝHow many quaint little Mom/Pop stores do you think will survive THAT?

Anyway, hope I don't sound like I think Thailand belongs to ME. ÝI just really love the place in ALL its dimensions, and hate to see it lose its charm. ÝI can understand why people seem protective of their favorite surf spot, campground, etc. ÝWe don't like to share with those who don't appreciate, and won't be responsible...

Sorry for the rant...just the grumblings of a guy who is resisting change, with both feet...

haam sup

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:44 pm on Dec. 31, 2002
Thank goodness for anti-foreigner laws then (that keep foreigners from owning land, and making just about everyone do those silly visa run trips)?

I suppose we could make the laws tougher if ya'll feel it's too easy to visit here. Ý Ý Ý

How about Magic Kingdom day passes? Ý I think the current Disneyworld rate is something like $150 for 3 days? Ý That sounds about right. Ý ÝSpecial! Ý3 month Super Magic LOS passes for only $4,000 (drinks and entertainment not included).


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:39 am on Jan. 1, 2003
When this thread first started the discussion was focused around prices, which is a topic I have little to say about. But recent posts have re-awakened my interest and I was very encouraged to see like-minded posts from many members but particularly ìHaam Supî, who I applauded for having the courage to say exactly the things I would like to say.

I love Thailand, the culture, the food and the people, and for me the nightlife is the ìicing on the cakeî. If I had to choose though then the cake is the most important part.

My point to this posts is that LOS has been and still is changing, but we are all responsible both the Visitors who demand their home comforts and the Thaiís for taking the opportunity to make a living at providing what the visitors demand.

I would like to class myself as type #1, but after a few beers down my neck in a beer bar, I soon off down to NEP or Sow Cowboy and guess I would be classed as type as type #2. Here I would agree ìLeafordî, each to their own, but at the end of the day I see little difference between the two types.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:06 am on Jan. 1, 2003
Without wnting to put words in people's mouth's
but when Ham seubeup catagorised between #1 and #2 I dont think it was so clear cut.
Necking ale in in NEP and chasing BG'S does not put someone in the #2 catagory.
As he said the #1 love Thailand and Thai girls.
I think the difference is not that someone goes paying for sex in NEP SC etc but the way they do it.
i.e with as much respect for Thai girls and culture as we can manage.
ÝI think? what put people in catagory #2 is thei attitude towards the place and the people.
Hope In correct with this summary.

As for the sharing of info.
I first visited LOS 2 years ago. I went to Phuket and knew nothing about the p4p scene. I assumed it was reserved to BKK I had never even heard of Pattaya.#
It was the best 2 weeks of my life. To be that nieve was great.
I asumed all through the first night that these girls hanging around were ujst regular girls serving drinks.
I think the info on the net would have took a lot of charm away from that holiday.
I ended up going with girls everynight once I got into the swing of things and paying then whatever amount.
I never once got ripped of. Probably because of my fresh attitude.
Again Im going of the point.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:59 am on Jan. 1, 2003
I don't understand this fear that publicity on this forum is driving up prices for "special services" and BGs, TGs, etc. Western world tourists who are used to seeing ordinary interns, columnists, scandal-mongers and other kiss-and-tell do-no-gooders in their own countries being turned into millionaires overnight through free publicity in so-called "free press" tabloids, should not grudge the angels in LOS a little (mostly imagined) price benefit arising from publicity on this forum. Get real. These angels at the very least make you happy. Ý

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:01 am on Jan. 1, 2003
haam sup
"I suppose we could make the laws tougher if ya'll feel it's too easy to visit here. "


Who's 'we', kemosabe? ÝYou're not Thai, and you don't speak for anyone, except Packripper.

I guess I understand your post. ÝYou are a relatively recent resident of Thailand, and having to jump through all the hoops to stay must be a constant irritation. ÝBut if not for the long-standing prohibition on foreign land ownership, the country would be largely golf courses and Japanese business. ÝI know you're Asian, so don't take this personally.

The reason Thailand IS different from other countries in SEA, is precisely that anti-foreign stance, dating back a long way. ÝThailand used to comprise a bunch of Laos, Cambodia, and surrounding lands. ÝSkillful negotiation, and trading away territory kept Thais from becoming colonials of England, Spain, Holland, France, and Portugal. ÝThais ARE Thais, not a sad mix of some colonial power and hapless local people. ÝIf you want to see colonialism's legacy, check out the PI. ÝNo one in their right mind would wander around there, the way the dullest blades among us skip through Thailand's countryside.

So, if possible, think beyond your own genitalia, and try to understand what this is about. ÝI understand it is hard to see when you're as close to the subject as you are, but what you, and others do now, will mightily affect the future. ÝSome people already see a backlash coming.

If you are worried about being welcome, please don't give ammo to those who would have you tossed out.



If you take the time to read my post, I won't have to yell

haam sup

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:54 pm on Jan. 1, 2003

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