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Buttman 007
Just for the record, I think it is very important for David and NicFrenchy to give a full account and/or explanation of their spending and tipping practices. Perhaps it would be helpful if they could post an accounting ledger of their year-to-date income, expenses, liabilities, and percentage of disposable income spent on sex-related activities. I am certain this would shed some perspective, and better enable us to pass judgement on them.

Had they done this from the beginning, we wouldn't be having this problem.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:27 am on May 16, 2006
Regarding Oz's comment that I should stop smoking the sea grass...

No, I had better not! How did you know that that will be one of the prime methods of male nourishment in the future times to come--a little seabush will go a long ways!

Just think of it. The more you prepare yourself now with eating wet bush, and advice your offspring to engage in 69 as they come of age, the more agile your descendants should be and the greater the chance of survival and flourishing in the new environment of the unexplored depths. Why not take the step into the future now--69 today with your nose firmly imbedded in (imminently) life-sustaining ass!

I realize this may all sound a bit bizarre to you, however I assure you it's scientific fact based on extensive female anal research, which some may even consider excessive. I refer you to the above pages w/posts by two other respected forum intelligentsia. Oh yes, you can assured of this, that little orifice has more purposes up its sleeve than we can shake a stick at now!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:44 am on May 16, 2006
david 85260
Quote from wowser34 :David why do you laugh when u are trying to say something serious?

And please boys if you don't like anything I said just keep it to yourself; will ya? LOL

Well for one because I don't consider what I said to be of a serious nature and if it were I would still try to find some humor in it if at all possible. And I agree with you on Midnight; I've had a lot of really great times there a few years back. I loved the fact that most punters did not know that most of the girls were lesbians. But the place was wide open then and anything went – They sure were a fun bunch of girls. What was the name of those two tall sisters? They were really crazy!

One time I took a girl ST upstairs and while I was banging her there was a banging on the door. Another dancer had just finished her shift and wanted some action with her GF and I before she had to go dance again. It was so much fun the girl I took forgot to ask for the money but I remembered and gave it to her. The other girl just grabed her g-string and and raced down the stairs. I don't recall if she even bothered to take her shoes off!

Another thing that I find really humorous are the comparisons guys make between the States and Thailand. Not to single anyone out but just ONE example like this quote from DaffDuck:
Quote from DaffyDuck on May 2, 2006:
Fair enough, no problem - but then again you also have no problem giving that same US stripper $40 or thereabouts for a lapdance, which usually last less time than the time you spent with that BG, and usually does not involve getting your nuts groped. So, by that standard, the BG certainly earned a portion of those $40, and you better be ready to pony up $3-$400 for a 60 minute short time with that same girl, seeing as how you seem to rely on US standards of performance and pricing... What's that? That's a different situation? Yeah, I'd say so, considering the BG really only expected, or hoped for, a measly $3 from you.

Then again, as Formen pointed out, the girls will talk...

Well for starters this ain't the States. And yes I would have a problem paying those fees for a lap dance. (Gee are they really that expensive now?) Maybe that is why when I lived in the States I would send flowers to my right hand every Vanentines Day, shave my left leg, and well you know...

Actually I did photo shoots for those in the strip club profession and the prices were not that steep, but that was some time ago.

The point is this is not America this is Thailand so if we must play the comparison game why don't we ask a TG construction worker how much she earns for a 12 hour day. She will tell you; " Loy Bad Zip – Song Loy" (180 – 200 THB) "
Yes you read correctly that is a days wages. And so when I read how hard these BG's work for their money I just can't help but shake my head and smile!

There are some attractive women hidden under those big shirts and covered faces; but most are not because they have had the life worked out of them already. My heart goes out to them because they get the worst of jobs to perform and when they are finished at the job site they get to ride in the back of a pickup truck for another hour or two with a bunch of dirty smelly bodies. Then when she gets home she gets to take care of her family/husband/boyfriend because Thai guys don't do one thing to help their female counterparts. When the day is finally over for her, she can consider it a good day if she managed to escape having the crap beat out of her by her drunken spouse/boyfriend. Geez what a life!

Now lets look at the lazy Ass girls who work in the P4P industry. It is their choice and most really seem to enjoy it despite what they will tell the Farangs that throw money at them. They get hooked on it and as it has been said before; 'You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can Never take the bar out of the girl"

Nic Frenchy bought the gal 2 lady drinks; 250 THB. Say she gets to keep 125 of that. And then she wants a tip on top of that. Unless I am missing something the way I see it she made the money sitting on her lazy ass in an air-conditioned room, listening to music, with her hand on his Levi's.

What I don't know is how many times she went ST already before Nic Frenchy showed up and how many dicks she sucked before he arrived. (Hope he did not DFK her).
Lets look at the possibilities;

1. She went ST before work with a regular customer.
2. Possibly went ST again before Nic Frenchy showed up although he did get there early.

At the end of her working day a Thai guy shows up on a brand new motorcycle that she paid for; wearing new shoes and clothes that she paid for; talking on a new mobile phone that she paid for, Or she goes home to him because he is either out screwing another girl or getting drunk on cheap whiskey that she paid for.

Sure there are some exceptions to this but for the most part it is the way things work with bar girls.

Just last night as I sat outside a bar on Soi cowboy I noticed one of the most popular dancers working outside service holding a welcome sign. What's up with that I ask my friend behind the bar? " Oh she boyfriend come soon from Amerika and he support her, but she tell him she stop dancing and no go customer anymore, she only work outside for lady drink"

So here we have a tale about the lives of two women who work in the same city, one chooses to be lazy and well off; the other chooses to work construction or sell chicken/fruit from a cart, work in a garment factory etc.

BTW last week I was in Suzy Wong's and one dancer smiled a lot and came over after her shift. I was seated at the stage and she asked for a lady drink. Normally I wont buy if they ask but I said yes. 130 for her cola, 130 for my beer, no problem I know the prices there. But what surprised me was that when the girl went back to dance I checked-bin and the server demanded 100 baht tip. When I said no way she verbally assaulted me in front of the customers and dancers. Did she deserve a tip for not showing her face other than to take my check bin? If Peter and Oh (Owners) want keep raising the prices and employing rude staff then their are other more enjoyable establishments to spend my time and money.

Quote from DaffyDuck on May 2, 2006:

In the end, it's simply courtesy - if the girl spend time with you, and you have a moderately nice conversation with her, a 50 or 100 Baht tip when leaving is a nice touch and good way to receive good, if not above board, service when you return.

I agree that is just common courtesy. And to show my respect for a girl's time even if I buy them a drink I don't let them sit with me very long if I am not interested before I tell them "I not take lady tonight –you sit another customer – you working". Now the ball is in their court – some continue to sit, while others leave. Works for me.

Quote from Buttman 007 :
Just for the record, I think it is very important for David and NicFrenchy to give a full account and/or explanation of their spending and tipping practices. Perhaps it would be helpful if they could post an accounting ledger of their year-to-date income, expenses, liabilities, and percentage of disposable income spent on sex-related activities. I am certain this would shed some perspective, and better enable us to pass judgement on them.
Had they done this from the beginning, we wouldn't be having this problem.

Yes I agree, however that is just your opinion Buttman 007 and as we all know; "Opinions are like Assholes, everybody has one and they all smell the same."

I love your name Buttman 007 but me thinks perhaps your head was buried in one when you suggested this!

Get off that keyboard man, go have some fun.

In the end it is all about choices. I am just puzzled as to why everyone for the most part jumped all over Nic Frenchy for posting a simple FR on his evening out. There was some useful information and this forum is supposed to be to share our experiences for the benefit of others; is it not?

Don't take it serious though; I don't. Gotta run now, one of my TG's are on their way over before work.



Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 am on May 16, 2006

Quote: from Buttman 007 on 2:20 pm on May 16, 2006
I think it is very important for David and NicFrenchy to give a full account and/or explanation of their spending and tipping practices

Haha.. don't worry about me buttman, I think you have better things to worry about than my finances or spending habits (for example you could search the net for your next Fruit purchase to replace the Grapes you stuffed up the Eden Angel's asses... jai mai?)

Just to clarify, I don't owe anything to anyone here... I experience something, I share it so it is useful for someone else (the same way I benefited from Other's reviews when I needed it).

David, it is a great pleasure to see an intelligent post here once in a while... doesn't happen often enough though...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:16 am on May 16, 2006
nothing wrong with being

whats wrong with comparing usa with bkk. if it wasnt for the price difference I think none of usa would go to bkk.

i ask this in another forum and no one came up with good answer. what can you do in bkk besides cheap sex that is not available in usa.

ps. it aint eazy being a hooker. have u ever seen what most of them look like. I bet most of them make the same same as a construction worker, about 5$ a day.
ex. golf available in both. nature in both, shopping in both etc.....

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:34 pm on May 16, 2006
I think this is the post with the least "lol" you ever posted here... LMAO

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:30 pm on May 16, 2006
Mel Gibson
what can you do in bkk besides cheap sex that is not available in usa.

1) Cheap golf
2) Friendly people
3) People that speak without adding 5,000 "r's" to every word
4) Cheap restaurants
5) Meeting a different culture
6) Get told you are hunsum 10 times a day
7) Unending supplies of fresh tropical fruit.
8) Cheap Hotels
9) Cheap Taxis
10) Ability to visit several other Asian countries / cultures within a 2 hour flight.

I could go on but I think the point is made.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:40 am on May 17, 2006
Arizona Wildcat

Quote: from harold444 on 2:26 am on May 17, 2006
whats wrong with comparing usa with bkk. if it wasnt for the price difference I think none of usa would go to bkk.

i ask this in another forum and no one came up with good answer. what can you do in bkk besides cheap sex that is not available in usa.

PLEASE tell me you're either kidding or not American! Please.....Damn, I hope your post was in jest, if not then I'm truly embarassed by Americans like you. It's one thing to acknowledge yourself as a 100% whoremongerer (and that's ok if that's what you want to be) but to say something so ignorant and shallow, Man.....I'm almost speechless.

As for myself, I rarely whoremonger these days but I do enjoy to take one of the GFs to some cool Gogo Bars and check out the Babes, Freaks, Sideshows, Sex Tourists, Normal People, etc...

Man, again though, if you think the only reason to live here vs. the USA, or anywhere else, is only for cheap sex then that statement alone tells most all they really need or care to know about you.

If I misread the intention of your post then I apologize. If not, then all I can say is that you must really not like Thailand (other than the cheap sex) much and I would recommend that you find your cheap sex elsewhere or spend some time learning the language and meeting people outside the Sex Tourist Places. Thailand is a great country to live in and I love this place (though it ain't perfect but then again, I haven't found anywhere that is).

Or is it only Bangkok that you make the comment about and not Thailand? If so, then I still don't agree but could understand why one can get tired of the big city.

As a final comment, there is nothing wrong with cheap sex either but comparing prices without any regard to the relative economies is just plain stupid or foolish.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:59 am on May 17, 2006
Buttman 007

Shortly after quoting me, you mentioned that all assholes smell the same. I disagree. For the past several years, I've had the fortunate experience of having my nose buried in several young ladies' asses and have noticed they are quite like snowflakes: no two are ever alike. Some are like roses, others are like fruity bath gels, while some remind me of slightly unpleasant graham crackers. Nonetheless, I think I understand your point.

But I think you might have missed mine. My request to see a detailed accounting ledger of your income, minus expenses, with specific details regarding all money spent on sex-related activities, was, I thought, purely sarcastic. Stupid really....but sarcastic sounds a bit better. I never actually thought you might not read through that.

In the end, we are missing the most important point. These trivial misunderstandings are like lost grapes deeply embedded in a young girl's rectum---they simply don't matter. Two days have already passed since God spoke to me, which only leaves 999,999,999 and 363/365ths years until we will be all standing on the beach, calling out to our dolphin girls, ready to make our way underwater. Time is of the essence!! We must find young asses, forthwith!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:01 am on May 17, 2006
u still didnt answer my ?

so you r telling me a guy goes to bkk to eat cheaply and stay in cheap hotels.

a guys goes to bkk to enjoy the cheap taxis.

did u read what you wrote sir........god damn funny

ill give you cheap golf.....ok thats passable.

u can get diff. culture and nice people in usa....for ex. mexicans.

if people fly 25 hours to eat

living there is different than visiting.

you still did not tell me what would bring back a guy over and over again to visit your fine country.

no offense, but I said be4 when people know I go to bkk the first thing they ask is about the sex and how

why do you think the government want s a different image. sex sells but its not what u want your country known for.

i should clarify im just referring to the single male tourist found on these boards.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:24 am on May 17, 2006

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