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Few years back, I had went to a "lady house" with a thai friend.   Taxi drove us to a remote area in BKK.    We sat down and about 20-30 lady sit on the couch around us for us to select.   The lady are mostly young(around 18-21) and pale skin.   I had not been back since then.  Did anyone else has experience in these places.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:29 pm on Sep. 15, 2002
Juniper, according to the news "brothels" like the one you have been are lilkely crowded with poor TGs coming from different and remote parts of Thailand. I particularly never been in one of those and this issue may disqualify me on giving an opinion.

However, my 2 cents on this....

What I could read and talk with myy Thai colleagues is that the girls at these palces were usually sold by the families to the mafia. Sometimes the family don't know this stuff as they think the girl will work as a maid somewhere. Once the "transaction" is done, the poor TGs end up in a "brothel" together with other cuties of similar situation. This is so harsh as they are forced to be sex-workers. A couple of years ago one blast in Phuket killed more than 10 of these cuties as they couldn't escape from the fire coz they were hand-cuffed to their beds....that's the horrible part of the story. These places are OPEN for locals but few people know where they are. Numbered "hotels" are also places where you may be able to find TGs for a "service" and it is likely that the TGs "offered" to you might be "sex-slaves".

Once in a while you can read that the police raid few places in LadPrao or ChinaTown coz of having young TGs being exploited as sex-workers by very well organized bands.....Hmm I read that most of the customers are Chinese and Thai-Chinese guys.

However, I think that "brothel" concept is quite interesting in Thailand since you can go to Baron's and see the ladies almost with the breast totally exposed waiting in coaches for a "customer". I think is the same picture you've got years ago at the so-called "brothel". For instance, ladies at Baron's are sex-workers. They are "selling body" under a masquerade of an oil/traditional massage and they are 100% AWARE about what they are doing. They are not slaves as they can walk in and out freely. Same case with the HUGE MPs all over Bangkok. You paid up-front a "fee" for the services with "everything included". Shall we call an MP/Baron's a brothel?

Well, going back to your point, the answer is YES. There are several "brothels" in Bangkok like the one you have mentioned in your post. However, they are hidden and maybe we better stay away of those places as the TGs might be exploited by mafia.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:10 am on Sep. 16, 2002
- correct, not really a place for the new in town "farang'  alot of these houses in the "Suttisan" district, and the heavies on the door are very mean looking, plus the hygiene of many of the places leaves alot to be desired ...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:18 am on Sep. 16, 2002
pinga, you are talking apples and oranges.

The "Lady Houses" are not the same as the "sawng" Thai brothels. You will never see a Thai brothel. Yes, Thai brothels can be and often are horrendous and the girls (and sometimes children) are abused, involuntary captives. This is often trans-national, the vistims maybe Yunnanese, hilltribe girls, ninorities from Burma, Laotian, Khmer etc.  

The caucasian readers of this forum need not make any decision whether or not to patronize such places, WE CAN NOT. We are not allowed anywhere near one.

Lady Houses, concentrated around Sutthisarn Rd., are nothing of the sort. They are sort of halfway houses for beginning sex workers, the girls are living there being indoctrinated/acculturated. Some may end up in the western establishments but most will go to the cafes, tea houses, karaoke bars, member clubs etc.

As far as I know there is no on-premises sex offered at the Lady Houses; if you have the connections to have found such a place, you can talk to the mamasan and maybe buy a girl out, just as in a bar.

The girls are almost certainly NOT involuntarily indentured, else they would never be allowed out.

I have no intel to offer about specific places, prices, details, hygiene etc.

Remember, it is a huge mistake to think that prostitution in LOS is farang-centric. I would estimate that only 1% of Thai "sex workers" (I would prefer "sex professionals") are involved with dealing with foreigners at all, and that includes the Japanese places.

Don't swallow all the hogshit that the newspapers put out. They have an agenda.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:37 am on Sep. 16, 2002
yeah, i've been there some years ago. not sure whether located along Chinatown or near bobae market since the place is almost unnotieceable looking like an old house.  There were several mean-looking guys guarding the place but not that pushy. they will guide you to a room and about 5 innocent looking girls will come in and paraded for you too choose from. i did not take any and went out the establishment without problems.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:52 am on Sep. 16, 2002
CJ, my post was about a "brothel". The place where you can go, pay up-front for sex and later choose your girl for a couple of bangs. No masquerade at all. No advertisement of the palce as coffe shop, oil/traditional/body massage, etc. Just that, a "brothel"....

If you are coming up with different terms, that's cool. Keep contributing to the site avoiding the flames or rude comments. Ah! I have to believe what the newspaper wrote on that issue a couple of years ago. That blast happened and the dead bodies and chains found were not "hogshit".

If you have a personal appreciation about myself or my posts send me a personal message or an e-mail. If you have more information that can contribute to the topic post it here. Thanks.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:55 am on Sep. 16, 2002
Actually I think the incident you are talking about happened more than "a couple" years ago (more like 10?), but it did happen. Nonetheless, I think that was not what CJ was talking about as hogshit (but of course I don't need to speak for him). I think he was referring to "a huge mistake to think that prostitution in LOS is farang-centric.", and I for one am glad everytime someone points this out (as I have been doing for years.).
The injustice and the hypocrisy of people claiming that the sex industry was invented by and for westerners just drives me up the wall.
BTW your intention as I read it, is to point out that there are some very evil manifestations of prostitution in this country and that the "falang oriented' ones are generally the most benign. In that I agree with you and I suspect that CJ would as well.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:03 am on Sep. 16, 2002
Mr. Joe, I agree with your comment on the "farang-oriented issue.

On the other hand that blast did happen when I was studying here, let's say 98/99 perhaps. Anyhow, I remember this issue as few weeks later the post-graduate programme in GENDER ISSUES at the institute made a conference on "Slavery and sex-trade in Asia". Harsh, very harsh.

Concerning the hogshit of the news....well, it is up to the reader to believe or not the "points of view" of the newspapers. I particularly only focus on the facts and get an idea from the "points of view" of the media. That's all.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:45 am on Sep. 16, 2002
Happened to me before one year,on my very first night in BKK and LOS.Me and my friend stayed on Kao-San road then,and wanted tuk-tuk to take us to "place with girls".After one or too places ,wich was VERY expensive for two young backpackers,we finally find something like old,remote house.Don't ask me where it was situated,but neighborhood wasnt so friendly for us.We get inside and saw 15-20 gals sitting on some kind of stairs.Price was still a little bit high(I think about 2000 Bath),but we just wanted to "try Thai pussy".Took two girls back to the hotel,bang-bang, nothing special...just waste of money,but we knew it after, when pick up 2 another gals for free about 4 am on Kao-San road!But nice experience anyway!Now I think ,the real price in such establishments is about 1000,maybe even less.If it was "Thai" place or "Farang" place,hard to say,but I think more "Thai".

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:06 am on Sep. 16, 2002

I am employing the correct usages.

You (or maybe the newspaper accounts you are relying on apparently) are confusing the terminology. I am not inventing anything.

A "brothel" (Thai: sawng) is the sort of place you are describing. The girls are indentured, possibly chained after attempting to escape. The customers pay for a quick f_ck on premises and the girls service 10-20-30 men a night. Hygiene is poor, STDs are rampant. The same sort of places exist all along the Thai-Malaysian border and handle the weekend cross border sex tourists from goody-goody Islamic Malaysia.

LADY HOUSES are totally a different subject, free from these sorts of abuse. This thread confuses the two.

By the way the sawng are mostly run by the POLICE who also provide the security and track down the runaways. There was a cause celebre (that means a notorious case) about 10 years ago when a 13 year old brothel inmate from northern Thailand ran away from her brothel in the far south on the Malaysia border, the brothel keeper sent two thugs after her, they caught her and killed her. As I said she was 13. The two killers were POLICEMEN.  This incident shook even the Thais, and was one of the proximate causes of the raising of the age of consent in the Kingdom.

The sawng are not for farang.

MrJoe, I have also been fighting the myth of farang basis for prostitution for many years.

There are maybe 1 million prostitutes in LOS, but only perhaps 10,000 who have anything to do with foreigners (caucasians, Japanese) as opposed to Thais (and I include the Malaysians in that category).  Think about it.

How many girls work NEP?
How many work Soi Cowboy?
How many work Patpong?
How many work the misc farang venues?

Clearly the large MPs are primarily Thai clientele. Some like Juliana are 100% Thai and misc Asian, no farang allowed!!

The numbers for the farang venues will total in the few hundreds each.

Now throw in Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai. Samui.

Let's be VERY generous and round all this up total to 10,000 girls, this includes the Thaniya clubs, other Japanese-only places all over, our share of the MPs. Probably the total is more like 5000, but we can be generous.

Well, that is 1% of the total sex workers. For every girl taking care of a farang there are 99 taking care of Thais, and getting paid less for it, and being abused by their management into the bargain.

The Thais cherish the fantasy that Europeans introduced prostitution into LOS, however, that is a crock of total crap.

How about the current rezoning of Bangkok to restrict nightlife places to certain areas? The government and newspapers will tell you this is to protect schools and temples. Actually, it is to create a de facto monopoly so that the owners of certain blocks of real estate can benefit hugely, and holders of licenses for entertainment places can resell their licenses for enormous profits.  This was done with MPs a long time ago, new MP licenses are not granted, one must buy out an existing license. The gun shops of Wang Burapa set up the same sort of little clusterf_ck monopoly, no new gun dealer licenses, thus inflating the value of the existing ones. Also the importers of guns had a law passed that said that firerarms can't be manufactured in Thailand!! thus protecting their backs at the expense of a potential local industry.

That is how things are done in the Land of Smiles.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:35 am on Sep. 16, 2002

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