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I'm going to be in Bangkok around Xmas time with two friends from London. I'm black/Japanese mixed race so infact on my previous trip to Thailand everyone thought I was Thai till I started speaking! My 2 friends though are black and this will be their first trip to Thailand. I don't want to have too many negative experiences so does anyone particularly recommend any beer bars/clubs which are definitely open to all races and we'll all be well accepted?


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:49 am on Nov. 14, 2004
This is asia. Here we are all FALANG black and white.
It is not so important where you go, as how you dress. Dress british, maybe even go over the top a little. That makes you a western tourist. And western tourists are always green. The color of money. And because of some strange accident in evolution; thai girls can only see green.
So you better leave your spears and nose-bones, that indicate you are the ambasador of some pisspoor african country, at home.
Also you better not pick a hotel in Sukumvit Soi 3 (opposite Soi 4 Nana).
A lot of... eh.... ambasadors hang around there.
It's not a black thing, it's a money thing.

Oh, do this at your own peril, but maybe you all should hang your dicks out of your pants when you walk the streets. Many girls think blacks have enormous dicks that will hurt them. Unless you have one ofcourse, then surprise is your best strategy. So it isn't a black thing, it is a dick thing.
Expect some attention of the boys in brown tho.
And that is a color nobody likes.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:59 am on Nov. 16, 2004
Years ago I was at Thermae late in the night. There was a young falang couple obviously going for an "open relationship" sort of fun. The girl picked a very good looking black American guy who didn't hesitate (she was a looker) and went off. Her guy looked pissed quit a bit when they came back half an hour later with that certain difference in there appearance

So, boggler, you may have some hunting options most of us don't have...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:38 am on Nov. 16, 2004
jack attack

Check out Soi Cowboy as I think they all are quite happy to accept all nationalities. The was a girl named Noi who was working on the outside of Rawhide who told me she only wanted Black men. She had a great face huge hooters and looked like she could rock your world.


You must be having a really bad day. Otherwise many people may be offended by your remarks. I can't imagine any other reason for them.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:51 am on Nov. 16, 2004
Long Gun on Soi Cowboy had negative experiences if I recall from earlier threads.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:21 am on Nov. 16, 2004
I also recall about reading the threads complaining about negative attitudes towards blacks in the Long Gun. However, I've also seen some black men there. I don't think it's necessarily a case of systematic racism, but more about the attitudes of some particular employees. Actually, the soi itself is named after a black man, a former Vietnam War veteran nicknamed 'The Cowboy' who originally opened some bars there catering to American servicemen on R & R.

Edit: Much thanks to Sanook269 for providing further elaboration on the history of Soi Cowboy. My source was from memory of reading a travel book in '92, from the bookstore on Patpong (since gone, I believe). Not trying to TF or get off on a tangent, just want to add the correction.

Just as a friendly "point of order," so to speak, and please don't take this wrong, but below you will find a short history of Soi Cowboy. We took our troop, about 99% of them out of thailand in '73 and what was left in '75. I don't believe the gentlemen in question was black, but that is not important. The source of this imformation is,
Here we go:
Thumbnail History - Soi Cowboy & Annex Entertainment Area

Updated April 2002
- Richard D. Hartman

Soi Cowboy

The soi most people now know as " Soi Cowboy " is a lane running parallel to Sukhumvit Road from Soi 21 through to Soi 23. Despite its ideal location, no night entertainment establishments were in operation there during the U.S. military R&R years (1965-1973). Prior to the opening of the first bar on that soi, the single-shophouse Chitra Bar on Soi 23, had a side door opening on to it. And while the stray foreigner was warmly received into its darkened corners, the Chitra Bar was definitely a locals-only bar. For these reasons, this original Chitra Bar can't literally be said to be the first bar on the Soi, but it did portend of things to come. Note: ‘Chitra' would later open another bar ( Chitra's ) in Soi Cowboy, but that would be some years after another bar had "pioneered" the Soi.

Early in 1975, about one year before the last of the residual U.S. forces left Thailand, the Soi's first bar opened. This bar, the Gold Label, opened with very little fanfare. Although the bar was designed, built and managed to international standards by a U.S. military retiree, Jim George (who still resides in Thailand), it still took several months of word-of-mouth advertising before it became known to the expatriate community.

The Gold Label was the "seminal bar" in every sense; aside from being the first bar on the Soi; it was the first bar aimed at expatriate custom; it was also the first double-shophouse wide bar, and it was also the first multi-story bar, and it was the first A-Go-Go and "Show" bar (later, upstairs), while downstairs, it remained a lounge. But mainly, it was the bar that realized -and made others realize- that the Soi was an ideal location for a night entertainment area. The Gold Label enjoyed an approximate three-year run of popularity. At first, only the first and second floors were used, but for a brief period the third floor was opened to accommodate the custom. The regular expatriate clientele treated it as if it were a best-kept secret - and for the most part, it was. It has since been replaced by several other bars, the latest being the Baccara Bluebird A-Go-Go. During those early years the Gold Label was not only the first, but for a long time the only bar, so naturally enough, the soi was referred to as Soi Gold Label.

But times were changing; within the next three years, the Gold Label would fade from the scene and a number of smaller, single-shophouse bars would open. By 1978-1979 the Soi reached a nominal ‘critical mass", and as time passed, it was becoming clear that the leader of this new pack was the Cowboy Bar. The Cowboy Bar was opened by another then-recently retired US military veteran. Everyone knew him, unsurprisingly, as "Cowboy". This upsurge in numbers of entertainment venues on the Soi and the resultant increase in popularity were not lost on Bernard Trink, then with the Bangkok World. The Soi was often mentioned in his weekly entertainment page. He dubbed the soi, "Soi Cowboy" and the name immediately ‘stuck' - today you won't find a taxi driver who doesn't know where Soi "C'boi" is. Only a few diehards remember it as Soi Gold Label.

While Cowboy (the man) ran a good bar, he almost immediately found himself in financial difficulties, and by the mid ‘80's had sold the original Cowboy Bar. It became Annie's Cowboy Bar, and then early in 1993 became "Annie's Cowboy Bar 1", with the added "1". In that there was no ‘Cowboy Bar 2', this struck many of the Soi's regulars as unusual. But the other shoe finally dropped; two doors down ‘Annie' also owned Annie's Diner Lounge and later that same year, it became Cowboy Two.

Soi Cowboy had two "Cowboy" bars for three years, but Cowboy Two eventually sold out and became the Wet Lips Bar in mid-1996. Cowboy One survives today as Cowboy 1 A-Go-Go.

Cowboy (the man) had been blooded but not humbled by his earlier business failure; shortly thereafter he opened his second Cowboy Bar, this time in Washington Square. But it wouldn't be long before he would find himself in financial trouble again, and sold out to the Square One Pub. Not willing to call it quits, in 1988 he joined forces with another long-time resident, Grant Francisco to open the New Cowboy Bar on Sukhumvit Soi 22. Alas, Cowboy (the man) once again found himself in financial difficulties, this time with his partner Grant, and left Thailand shortly thereafter. Ironically, while often credited with pioneering Soi Cowboy (he didn't) and for pioneering Washington Square (he didn't), his and Grant's New Cowboy Bar was the first Expat bar on Soi 22. Grant Francisco died a little more than a year later, but the New Cowboy Bar is still in operation today.

Initially, at least for the most part, Soi Cowboy didn't have the glamour of Patpong I & II, or later, Nana Plaza. As late as the mid-1980s virtually all the bars were single shophouse wide, many reeking of stale beer and tobacco. Understandably, prices remained generally more reasonable. As a result, it was more an attraction to the foreign resident than the visitor. The Soi's image is slowly changing, however; over the last 15 years, more and more bars are following the lead of the trailblazing Gold Label. Many bars are now 2 or 3 shophouses wide, and serve customers both upstairs & downstairs. Several can hold their own, both in ambience and service, with the best of the Patpong or Nana Plaza bars. --Those immediately coming to mind are: The Long Gun, Tilac, Midnite and Our Place.

Soi Cowboy has been a ‘constant' on the night entertainment scene for two decades, maintaining an average of over 30 ‘night spot' venues for most of that period. The turn-over rate of old bars being sold and new bars being opened is not overly great and tends to follow the normal on-season, off-season fluctuations. With the luster fading from both Nana Plaza and the Patpongs, and barring implementation of the current government's self-crippling Purachaiian zoning plan, Soi Cowboy should survive indefinitely as a Night Entertainment Venue.

Long-time residents and return visitors each have their favorite "old" Soi Cowboy bar. The names we see cropping up most often as ‘favorites' are the Ding-Dong, the Top Cat, the Pink Pussycat, Butterfly, the Darling, the Suzie Wong, the relocated Mitch & Nam's Soul Food Restaurant & Bar and Bamboo's, each of which had its all-too-short heyday. Regrettably, none of these is still remaining in business today.

April 2002

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:37 am on Nov. 17, 2004
To Jack : No my day turned only bad after reading your post. You cannot imagine any other reason??? Then you must be one sorry person. Get a dictionairy. Look under H for the word HUMOR. Then go to MBK and ask there where you can buy some. It is obvious you were not born with it.
I told Boggler what the reasons where for the rascism. And how he can treat them. I told this in a colorful way, but it seems to me that, it is the only way you can tell a story about color.
And before you start assuming things about me, maybe I should tell you that the friend I shared rooms, beds and girls with in other posts is probably blacker then Boggler and that we never ever had any problem what so ever. We stayed in a cheap hotel in Soi 3 and went to Longgun and my friend had more freebees then you can shake a stick at.
The previous occupant of our room in the soi 3 hotel was an african that left a stack of different identity cards behind. So what his story was I don't even want to know. But strange people wonder thru that soi.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:48 am on Nov. 17, 2004
I was priveleged to go out and drink (on their tab) with cowboy, and several other owners in the early eighties. In those days the only 'double bars' were milano and lorettas. after 24 years of drinking on soi Cowboy there is only one guy left, and that is the owner of "our place", guy named wolfgang, so if you want to know the old stories ask him..


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:54 pm on Dec. 6, 2004
Mark Pressure
The girls have a problem with black drug dealer/low life types from Africa. Once you start talking you should be ok.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:20 pm on Dec. 6, 2004

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