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After a nice pizza (Suk. Soi 39), we decided to go for a drink @ Soi Cowboy. From what I remember, last Sunday I especially liked Long Gun because the BGs had "Big Milks" (as the Japanese say) so there we are in the middle of soi Cowboy happily trying to make it to Long Gun... took us quite some time as we had to avoid a Farang trying to push us to go to Sharks Bar (maybe was the owner or some guy that lost a bet..) but if that wasn't enough, we were also forced to dodge an Elephant (yes, a Real Elephant).
We finally arrive safely in front of the Long Gun Entrance curtain and as the "Leader" (sort of) I confidently open them, well only to find the bar is Packed so unfortunately we need to go somewhere else. An Angel-Witch like show was in progress and looked quite decent (I only caught a glance of it but it looked ok).

My friend decides on Baccara next so we need to dodge the Elephant and the Shark's Bar Farang (and to tell you the truth, the Elephant is the easiest of the 2)... we finally arrive @ Baccara and decide to go upstairs. Nice little show, girls are completely naked. While my friend looks with a wide open jaw, I am not really enjoying the BG's bodies... some are nice but they all (without exception) have why is that a creature as beautiful as a woman have to go and get "Stamped" like a vulgar Cow? (well, this is something I will never understand).

15 minutes later, we order second round and wouldn't you have guessed, the TG with the most tattoos (I counted 4 while she was dancing) sits right beside me with a big smile on her face. This is clear that I will not buy her a drink and/or spend time chatting with her (both a loss of my time and her money) so I tell her nicely that I am not looking for any company. She does not get it and continues to ask me my name and where I come from... maybe I was too tactful? I repeated nicely that I wanted to be with my friend but still she would not move. Dammit LOL, what does one have to do?
I tell her "I want be alone, no lady drink tonight"... she looks at me as if I just killed her sister and finally decided to lift her ass off the couch. All this time my buddy is laughing at me but I keep my cool.

Maybe I'm a little too old fashioned but why would one feel the urge to be "branded" like a cow? What is so cool about a tattoo? And I'm not even talking about the freaks that have the whole bloody arm painted in 7 different colors...
Well, I guess it's like every other hobby or passion, look at collecting stamps for example, what a Boring activity!! Well, except to those who share the same hobby or passion of course.

Sorry for the Ramblings... just came home from Baccara and couldn't sleep so I figured I'd type a little...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:44 am on May 6, 2006
I guess if you are "buying" instread of just "renting" then the tatoo might be a problem,

Some of these girls get tatoos and regret it later, I guess just like us,

I can get past a few tatoos if the BG is fun to be with,

OHH and after dancing are they still naked when the come over to your couch ?)

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:19 pm on May 6, 2006

They are kids.

They watch MTV.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:50 pm on May 6, 2006
I hear ya!

I personally feel that tattoos (along with outrageous hair styles, obviously fake boobs, and many types of piercing) are a major disservice toward, and perversion of, natural femininity. Why take what is already nearly perfect and f*** it up with meaningless nonsense?

Tattoos, piercing, and funky hair are masculine traits in my view. They bring nothing to the female body and in many cases ruin an otherwise impressive view. My only suggestion is that you might perhaps mention that this was your primary reason for not being impressed. Maybe that would get the word out that looking like a masculine crack whore isn't exactly the best way to attract some of us old-fashioned types.

And now for a special request...

Does anyone have up-to-date suggestions on where to find the most natural (non-augmented) girls around?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:28 pm on May 6, 2006

Quote: from NicFrenchy on 12:37 am on May 7, 2006

Maybe I'm a little too old fashioned but why would one feel the urge to be "branded" like a cow? What is so cool about a tattoo?

I have to admit, for once, I am entirely in agreemnet with NicFrenchy.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:16 pm on May 6, 2006

Quote: from BKKdreaming on 2:11 am on May 7, 2006
OHH and after dancing are they still naked when the come over to your couch ?

No Sir, not at Baccara anyways. I reckon they are all topless at Long Gunn though and stay that way when they come and sit with you.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:41 pm on May 6, 2006

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