This can be a pretty touchy subject since personal viewpoints will be all over the map. Some (maybe many?) have no problems with managing their money in bars. Others may seek suggestions and/or advice. It is in this spirit that I write. Nothing said below is gospel, just my experiences. It must be noted that I am not cash-strapped. Spending 10,000-20,000bt in a night wouldn't change my vacation plans one bit. However, I do like to get value for my money, and I don't like to waste money. I would guess that others on this forum are in similar circumstances. Others must watch their pennies. When I enter a bar I quickly try to put a cap on the maximum amount of money I will spend at that bar. This depends a great deal on the specific bar, the reasons that I am visiting that bar, and the girls that are there. For example, I know that if I am visiting Afterskool I am immediately on the hook for 6 LDs. No, I am not obligated to by anyone anything. But, I know these girls - many for 6,7 years. I know going in that I'm going to buy those drinks. In return I get companionship, a good place to watch the flow of people in the Soi (if I sit outside), and whatever else comes my way. I feel perfectly fine in saying no more LDs - or saying No to any other Afterskool girl that comes up to beg for a drink. It is what it is. A Coyote Bar is a different matter. Many forum member won't go into any Coyote Bar. The value just isn't there for them. I respect that. If I, however, happen to see a Coyote girl that is interesting, fun to talk to and be with, I am more than willing to go inside and buy her a drink. Buying a Coyote girl a drink in an Arab bar is not cheap. Its 220bt right now, up from the last time I visited in 2010. Your bill can quickly add up, as her friends will likely cluster around for their drinks since not many customers are willing to spring for LDs. Now some will go into a Coyote Bar, order a drink, and just watch the girls without buying a LD. That's fine. As I said above, I say No all the time. But, for me, the only real reason to enter a Coyote Bar is to have fun - and for me having a cute girl next to me really helps that happen. I don't want to barfine some Coyote girl anyway. How to avoid a hugh bar bill in a Coyote Bar? Lots of ways. You could just not go in. You could only order for yourself and buy no LDs. You could pick just 1 girl out and only order 1 LD for her and no one else. All of these options are perfectly reasonable - and I have done all of them. This trip I am doing something a little bit different. Mostly because the Coyote girl I enjoy being with is both fun and smart. For each 220bt LD she gets 50bt. I decide how much I am going to spend that night in the Coyote Bar (let's say 1,000bt just as an example). I tell her "I will buy you 1 LD so your boss doesn't get mad at you. I'm only going to spend 1,000bt here. When I check bin you can have all of the change. Now, you decide how many LDs you want." Now, you need to have a girl that can do a bit of math. You also need to match your words with action. If you said 1,000bt, then it isn't 1,200bt. I have found that for this particular girl, for this particular trip, my value for the money spent has been very high. Of course I'm not bar fining her. If that's what you want don't go to a Coyote Bar in the first place. I'm there to have fun with a pretty girl. When I go into a bar basically to do some research to discover more about the bar I tend to set the amount I am going to spend pretty low. A drink for me. If a girl catches my eye and can speak reasonable English then a LD for her. Most girls will sit with you for quite a long time just for the price of 1 LD. If you happen to get one that won't there are a lot of fish in the sea. A little bit about your bar bill and paying your bar bill. Especially when you are new to the bar, but even when you are an established customer, its a real good idea to check the bill as soon as it arrives. Mistakes happen - including deliberate ones. I have been lucky and never had a deliberate mistake made. But, mistakes do happen and you want to correct them quickly if they do. When I actually pay the bar bill it really depends on which bar I am in. If I am in a bar that I am well known at and have a good relationship with, I have no problems with using a 1000bt note to pay a 200bt bar bill (I do make sure that the server and I agree that I am giving her a 1000bt note.). If I don't know much about the place, I try to give close to exact change. Carrying 500bt notes as well as smaller denominations is a good idea. There are many techniques for managing your money in a bar. Mine tend to be: decide which bar to enter and why, set a spending limit, and go and enjoy. Sometimes you are very lucky and find yourself in a fantastic situation where your spending limit is too low. As long as you can afford it - go for it.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:03 am on April 20, 2012
This thread is too funny! Only a duck would need money management in a bar. Come on- are you little boys here?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 am on April 20, 2012
One of my favourite bars for debauchery was the QC chain. After QC III closed down, the other two provided good hedonistic nights. As soon as I stepped in about 3-4 known girls would fawn all over me, hustle me into a dark corner, strip me down and molest me. The drinks would rapidly tot up and eventually I realised QC's prices were going up too at 200 baht for a LD. But with three or four naked girls surrounding and suffocating me on the couch, one pair of hands massaging my balls and shafting me, another girl kissing me and filling my mouth with her breasts and a third girl seizing my hands and rubbing them on her shaven pussy and a fourth stepping in to relieve the others by enveloping my cock in her mouth and sucking me off, I would invariably give a holiday break to the accountant in me. In less than an hour I would find, three rounds of drinks to 3-4 girls have gone around. The mamasan would then come prowling around for her inspection, shine her torch on my cock, administer a pre-arranged admonition to the naughty girls who would then advise me to buy drinks for the mamasan as well. There was another sexy young mamasan in QC who I lusted after. I once grabbed her and kissed her full on the mouth in the heat of all this debauchery and, while the girls clapped, the two of us kissed non-stop for about 10 minutes, tongues rolling in each other's mouths, sucking lips till eventually she closed her eyes in a half daze and rested on my shoulders, murmuring "oh, you made me horny." Surprise events as these naturally would push up the bill. Then at the end, of course, there would be the tips : around 200 baht each for the girls who molested me, and 500 for the one who went all the way to do the SOL act -- CIM and all. And all of them naked. I would wonder the next morning, when the accountant regained control, if the one-night's bar bill of 4000-5000 baht was worth it. Well, given that I usually visited for just one night per short trip, the accountant was always overruled and banished from the mind. Sadly, all of QC is gone -- III, I and II, in that order.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:54 am on April 20, 2012
Good general advice there. I often tell Newbies that BGs are like sea-gulls - feed one (buy a LD) and others will start to flock around. So be ready for that. And in some bars - Spice Girls in Soi Cowboy springs to mind - the Mamasan hovers around trying to get the girl to hurry up and drink the LD and get another one and more money for the bar. The longer you have been going to the bars the more it shows and the girls can read this.... these days I just buy the one LD (if the girl has earned it) and tell her to go slowly and she'll get more from the final tip... (which she does, and I agree with the OP that keeping your word is important here). Having wandered thru Cowboy for over a decade now, even at intervals of over six months at a time, I think it is important to mention that more people will know you than you will ever know - even after only a few visits to the same bars. Anyone who thinks they are invisible or unknown or just another face in the crowd is kidding themself. Enjoy.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:13 pm on April 20, 2012