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MainHotel Issues – Budget Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 18 All Topics

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Town Lodge Hotel
at the end of soi 18, next to the driving range

Brekkies 100 baht.

Thanks I will check it out.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:37 am on Mar. 15, 2005

So, in other wrods, you're just going for the gusto, and setting it all up to be a future 'naughty nightlife' hotel.

Sweet - do I get discounts

Dr. von Quack!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:35 am on Mar. 15, 2005

Quote: from Triyclops on 6:32 pm on Mar. 14, 2005

What are you now the forum police? Chill out...

Who are you to tell me to chill out?? Do you think that my point is invalid?? It was BK who wrote the rules, maybe you can tell BK to chill out and delete the rule. Or is it that you think that the application of the rules should be arbitrary depending on the member concerned?? You may have had a slight argument if I'd called for RTB to be banned for breaking the rules on posting.....I think it is you who needs to chill a bit.

Would I also be considered breaking the rules if I were to ask RTB (or anyone else) to tell me (or anyone else) about a particular Hotel, Club, Pub, Restaurant, Massage Parlor (or is it parlour), or any other establishment in Bangkok (or anywhere else) whether he is the owner (or part owner) of this establishment (or another establishment) or not?

Is this an attempt to suck up to RTB and get a bit of a discount?? In relation to your question about the rules (hopefully not to be accused of being the "forum police" again by the likes of you) - the answer is no, because you haven’t “self-promoted". Maybe you should go ask your lawyer to explain....

So f***ing what if he is plugging his club/lounge/bar located at the basement of a particular hotel called the Town Lodge Hotel.. Situated at the end of soi 18, next to the driving range.

You really aren't a bright spark are you?? The issue my cerebrally challenged little friend is the principal of "being biased". Otherwise, BTF would be covered with self-promoters spamming the site.

I might just start a new thread about it when it opens.

Good on you, why don't you do two or three for all I care (still missing the point aren't ya)

We need a nice new watering hole anyway...
I suggest we kick off ALL future RTs at this place and I have not even seen it yet.

What makes you think someone is going to take you seriously even for a second on that?? Or are you under some misimpression that it would upset me??

Good luck mate. I'll be there to support you...


Whats the bet that your support will be "limited"....
Don’t ask me to explain that, my good deed for the week on the unfortunates in this world has been used.

TC = Terminally challenged

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:38 am on Mar. 15, 2005

Quote: from oldarmy on 1:54 am on Mar. 15, 2005

dribble....Usually his dislike is because he does not like the person who wrote about the place.

Hope you have a reference to back up that pretty bold statement?? I doubt it however....

If I'm not mistaken, he wrote horrible reviews of the Swiss Grottino because RTB recommended that location.

Notwithstanding that your use or "horrible" is subjective, I certainly did write a review giving my experiences. In fact, you are mistaken that I did it just for the purpose of writing a bad report and should read the thread again so you can at least get something right. You'll also notice by re-reading said thread that I even gave it a conditional recommendation (far cry from "horrible" IMHO).

The "friction" between I and RTB arose when he decided to stick up for the hotel and attack/dismiss my views. I seem to recall at that point RTB had decided to keep any association with the hotel/owner quiet. It was RTB who appeared overly protective on the hotel which raised my suspicions. You seem to forget a number of issues:

1. RTB is good mates with the owner and manager of Grottino;
2. The "independence" of RTB's "recommendation" must become a consideration - unless you are one of those ppl who couldn't care what was told to them and from whom??;
3. If RTB has nothing to hide, why isn’t he more up front with his “connections” to the places he “recommends”;
4. RTB receives a “benefit” either directly or indirectly in promoting this hotel.

In fact, I’m confused about RTB’s exact position in the hotel because at one point he says he owns it, then he says he doesn’t but has an interest in a club in the hotel, then he answer’s questions concerning the hotel with “we”.

Isee, have you ever stayed at the Swiss Grottino?

Instead of showing everyone how lazy and uninformed you are - why don't you go back to the thread and answer your own question.

Everybody else seems to enjoy that particular hotel.

How WRONG you are - clearly an example of your disregard in spreading misinformation. To give the benefit of doubt to that hotel, it would appear that the specific problems may be on an individual room basis rather than hotel wide. Have you stayed in every room??

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:41 am on Mar. 15, 2005
Isee! Said the blind man.

Come back in 12 months time and Isee if this new establishment does not have its own thread.

It will be just like the Eden club and Grottino threads filled with praise about the facilities and field reports about the excellent quality of service. I can't wait to share in the good fortune of one of the bro's!

Why would I need to suck up to RTB and get a discount? I don't need charity. Do you?

Of course my support will be "limited" but only by time, certainly not by money.

Finally, what is wrong with supporting a fellow BTF member in his honest efforts to earn a decent living and maybe provide a safe harbour for us all??? Now go away.

TC = Tugged (your) Chain Got Cha

ps. BK Chill out (happy now Blind Man)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:09 am on Mar. 15, 2005
I guess the issue is more fundamental than the rights and wrongs of one member 'promoting' a place he has an interest in.

Personally, I can't see anything wrong with members posting about their businesses so long as any interest they have in it is expressly stated and that it's not written up in the guise of an 'unbiased' review. That is simply sharing information which may be of interest to us. It's certainly interesting to some members to hear of a new cheap hotel in soi 18, next to the driving range.

A few members do that well already. ManuelBkk sets a good precedent by being quite open about his Spa on soi 23 - he makes it clear that he is the owner. From what I've heard it's a good facility - would 'gagging' him about mentioning it at all be in members' interests? I don't think so.

What is at fault here is the rule on self-promotion. Does it need to be clarified? I would have thought simply being principled enough to declare any interest in your review would suffice.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:44 pm on Mar. 15, 2005

Quote: from Isee on 12:22 pm on Mar. 15, 2005
LOL - Keep dreaming shit head.
TC = Total Crap

What is wrong with you mate? You really have a thing for him don't you?

Did RTB knob your bird or what?

Or is it because he would not give in to your sexual advances.

Get a new life! You miserable prat.

TC = Totally Cheerfull

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 am on Mar. 16, 2005
Do they have a "hose by the toilet"?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:07 am on Mar. 16, 2005

Quote: from Isee on 12:58 pm on Mar. 14, 2005

Quote: from ringthebells on 7:37 pm on Mar. 12, 2005
no. its mine!!



Am I jealous?? - Not really, but funny to know that you actually think there was a possibility.

What I am wondering is whether this is a breach of rule 12 regarding "self-promotion". Given that the initial post was to have the effect of a recommendation for a hotel in bkk only to be discovered that it is a recommendation for your "own hotel".

Just to offset the possibility of arguing that there was no representation of a "recommendation", Ill quote you with your statement "not a bad deal for bangkok.". But of course, this pales with the latter statement of "can recommend this place for the budget orientated traveller."

Of course you can recommend it.....its bloody yours!!!

Really, when are you going to provide unbiased information on this forum??

It would seem you have a hard-on for rtb. This thread f*** is personal and does not appear to be in anybody's best interests.

I have known rtb for some time and value his judgement and personal knowledge of all things related to LOS. He gives pertinent information and an honest opinion, which is more than I can see in your musings.

Samuel Johnson's famous quote applies to you in spades..."tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool that to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:15 am on Mar. 16, 2005

whatever I own or not is basically nobodies business.

grottino was a good deal and still is. I think that town lodge is a good deal, too.

wait until the club opens in the basement. when angelwitch meets carribean.

than you can start to trash me for self promotion.

maybe then you could even be bothered to have a look for yourself.

I might even buy you a drink!!

and stop trashing my friends, will you??


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:38 am on Mar. 16, 2005

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