So what is so hypocritical about me calling DG liar? RTB. Will the hotel provide a Tuk Tuk for transporting your clientel to the BTF.. If so maybe offer the job to Isee so he has something worthwhile to do with his life. If he can drive that is. TC
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:52 am on Mar. 17, 2005
Quote: from Triyclops on 12:46 pm on Mar. 17, 2005 So what is so hypocritical about me calling DG liar? TC
You really aren't a bright spark are you....now you are just plain boring. Out of the sandbox with you!!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:08 am on Mar. 17, 2005
I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the draw, but one thing I am not is a f***ing Liar! TC = Truthfull Chap
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:29 am on Mar. 17, 2005
You guys are getting extremely boring, especially as the issue is completely puerile. The board is about bros sharing valid information. RTB shared that a hotel is available at 550 Baht per night. As long as that price is right, the information remains valid, and worthwhile for those looking for such a hotel. Wether RTB owns any shares in it, or not, is relatively unimportant to me, as it does not impact the information shared (decent hotel at 550Baht). Furthermore, if there's going to be a new club in the basement, right next to the steam turbines, that's just a bonus. Last but not least, I think Yurune's message should be given some weighty consideration if anyone wants to continue this thread. Dr. von Quack!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:03 am on Mar. 17, 2005
Quote: from Isee on 6:14 am on Mar. 17, 2005 The very VERY simple point to address is why RTB finds it necessary to omit his interest in the places he recommends. How hard is it to add a qualifying comment about that??
I must be lost beause I do see RTB being very forthcoming from the beginning of this thread. He even exagerated the other way around saying that hotel was his -which is not. I am not seeing him hiding anything. And if he did have an interest.... well... what is it he said in his opening post that could be considered blatant biased self promotion? That the rooms cost 550 baht? Or that the rooms are ok for the budget orientated traveller? Damn! I would say that in Bangkok a place for 550 baht where one or two brothers I know have stayed and say is ok, would probably be my first choice if I wanted to spend only 550 baht. Damn, we are talking about 550 only and just an "ok" recommendation. We are not talking about a lavish review of a US$150 room. Actually, I am so curious now that I may just go there crash one night just to see for myself. Maybe then I can say it is "ok." Will then my comment be disqualified because I go drink with RTB every so often?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:37 am on Mar. 17, 2005
Quote: from Triyclops on 2:23 pm on Mar. 17, 2005 I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the draw, but one thing I am not is a f***ing Liar! TC = Truthfull Chap
No, just a f***ing moron!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:28 am on Mar. 17, 2005
Quote: from Smegma on 3:31 pm on Mar. 17, 2005 I must be lost beause I do see RTB being very forthcoming from the beginning of this thread....I am not seeing him hiding anything....
You might find your way if you pull out a dictionary and look up the meaning of "beginning". After that, you might be able to hook up with Total Crap and discuss how a blind man can "see"
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:41 am on Mar. 17, 2005
anybody need a room, then?? email them at townlodge@gmail.com !! if you are unsure, they can mail you pictures of the rooms. single or double beds available. rtb
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:14 am on Mar. 17, 2005
Mr. Isee Let me buy you a beer tomorrow night at the RT and bury the hatchet before this discussion gets out of control. TC
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:11 am on Mar. 17, 2005