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MainElsewhere in Thailand – The Ton Koon Hotel Massage All Topics

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I was in Udon recently and stayed at the Ton Koon, which I would not recommend. But right across the driveway is a massage place, not a soapy, just a regular. I go in there and have a seat and look in the fishbowl. Its not that good but I see to possible candidates. I make my choice. I pay up and we go to the room.

As we're going to the room she asks me where I am from. I tell her from the United States. She gets all excited and says that her mom and dad are in the United States, in Florida. This seems odd as she is working in this massage parlour and speaks no English.

In the room I remove my cloths then we walk to the shower, and I shower. We then walk back to the room. Then she calls her mom in the United States and starts talking to her in Thai. After a minute she hands me the phone to talk to her mother.

"Hello" I say

"What are you doing with my daughter?" The accent-less voice on the other side of the phone says to me.

This is odd, as the massage lady speaks no English, yet her mother speaks American English without any trace of being Thai.

"You're her mother?" I ask as I don't want to answer what I am going to do with her daughter.

"Yes, I'm her mother and what are you doing with my daughter?"

The situation is much different than any that I have had at a massage parlour. Fortunately I manage to take control of the conversation. As it turns out, this is really the girls mother. She immigrated to the US when she was 21, and left her daughter behind. To immigrate she had to be married to a US citizen, so I'm guessing that she did not want him to know about her daughter. Off she went. Eventually she married her Thai husband and immigrated him to the US but the daughter was left behind again. Not only was the daughter left behind, but her birth certificate listed her aunt and uncle as her parents.

Then the lady asks me to help get her daughter to the US. I feel like I'd like to help as the massage lady is very nice, kindly even. As we chat though I start thinking that this lady completely f***ed over her daughters life 34 years ago, and hasn't really done anything in the intervening years to help her daughter in a significant way, such as education, or even having her learn English, and now me, the tourist that is spending two more days in Udon, has been tasked to solve all the problems. I got an email address, and we said goodbye.

The massage was good. My impression of her mother saying "What are you doing with my daughter?" went over very well and it ended with a really wonderful hand job.

Other than thinking about it every once in a while I haven't done anything. There is really nothing that I could do. I haven't written the mother back but I will before I go home. The whole thing was just rather strange.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:40 am on Aug. 6, 2012
A real f***ed up situation for the poor girl. And obviously there's nothing you can do. But what kind of a mother would leave her daughter to fend for herself for so long!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:11 am on Aug. 6, 2012
james bond
Exactly what I was thinking Kris, poor girl, I would say over the phone "you left your daughter behind what sort of Mother are you"

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:25 pm on Aug. 6, 2012
It's not unusual at all in Thai culture to leave your child with Grandparents of even with an Aunt & Uncle while you go to Pattaya or BKK to sell pussy, why should going to America be any different ?

Post some pix of the lovely lady, maybe I'd be willing to adopt.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:50 pm on Aug. 6, 2012
Who are we kidding? (or rather, who is this bitch shit f*** of a mother kidding?) The mother was selling pussy herself, that's how she got her ticket out of Thigh Land, like they all do.

She abandoned her daughter, and now she's surprised that the little tart is a chip off the old snatch, and is sucking cock for a living?

If it were me, I would have told the mother bitch all the above, in Thai (well, no, given the Udon origin of this story, in Lao!), and then f***ed the shit out of the daughter (for which I would have paid her handsomely, thank you). But maybe that's just me.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:08 pm on Aug. 6, 2012
LY, having found her "heaven" in the US, I would have expected the mother to at least ensure a decent life and a good education for the unfortunate daughter. It does not take too many dollars to ensure this.

There is more than meets the eye here. Maybe she is not the real mother and this was a story cooked up to play on the heartstrings of an unsuspecting customer. However, if true, the mother is just plain heartless.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:39 pm on Aug. 6, 2012
The only thing that meets the eye, here, is that BobFiveHead has spun one of his usual tall tales, again.

Don't get all wound up.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:11 am on Aug. 7, 2012

I'm going to be in Bangkok probably around the 18th of August. If you're around we should get together for lunch. I'm just really interested if you're such a f***ing c*** in person, or if this is just your internet persona. Send me a PM if you're free.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:22 am on Aug. 8, 2012

Quote: from vox on 7:08 am on Aug. 7, 2012

chip off the old snatch


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:47 pm on Aug. 8, 2012

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