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Who are the morons? Who is encouraging problems? Let's get it out in the open and let them know they are not welcome -- as we did with the infamous B1. I spoke with BK and another member very recently about this exact thing when he asked me my opinion about the conduct of people on the board. We agreed that people who are really unpleasant will feel unwelcome and won't stay (usually-not always).

Like Yurune, I too find this discussion of "certain people" without mentioning names to be not only non-productive but even potentially destructive;. Example, I say "There's one guy I don't like." Now somebody says "Yeah, I know who you mean!" They think we are in agreement and they feel even stronger that they are right and thus thier anger increases but we are actually tallking about two different people so now the general anger is spread around a bit wider.

Meanwhile a few other people are thinking: "I know they are talking about me." and in fact they are wrong but the anger spreads.

I haven't had my coffee so I don't think I'm explaining this well. I should just say that if you think it's necessary to talk about certain people who, in your eyes, are responsible for all the problems; why not say who? If you think that would just create problems or be seen as confrontational, why not withhold comment or exchange views in private? I do feel criticisms can be made in a civil and reasoned way; I believe I have done it and I know others who have as well.

What do therse vague and ambiguous indictments accomplish?

I'm with Yurune on this: If there was a general consensus that I was a unwelcome member-- and maybe there is --- I wouldn't want to stay. I would most likely choose to explain myself once and bid a pleasant goodbye to all.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:59 pm on Mar. 5, 2003

" Toot.....I'll be looking for you waddling along tomorrow night!...." again....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:04 pm on Mar. 5, 2003

Quote: from bkkz on 3:25 am on Mar. 6, 2003
Another suggestion
Why not send them elsewhere? I am sure there are other forums that excel in this. We should keep our focus on having fun and sharing information rather than flaming and hurling personal insults.

I hope all those indulging in flaming and insulting take note of this post. BK has been very patient till now and maybe those indulging in flaming have taken his silence as tacit approval.

Those who have known BK personally know how softspoken and gentle he is. A post like this by him is an indication of how strongly he feels about the issue. I am sure most of the members of this forum wish the flamers will take heed of BK's post and either behave themselves or leave.

As pinga said in his post, ignore the flamers. If someone hurls an abuse at you, he is doing it to elicit a response from you so that he can take his abuse to a higher level. He revels in this. The best way is to just ignore him.

Let's try and restore this forum to a place to have fun and trade information.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:15 pm on Mar. 5, 2003
"Those who have known BK personally know how softspoken and gentle he is. A post like this by him is an indication of how strongly he feels about the issue."

An excellent point and a wise post. I would hope everyone would reflect on this as I am doing.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:20 pm on Mar. 5, 2003

Yeah, I came up with the same medicine....just ignore them.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:29 pm on Mar. 5, 2003
haam sup
I'm not sure how to say this without sounding like I'm kissing up to BK, but if he even hinted that my presence here was not welcome, I would gladly refrain from posting.

And I, too, dislike the lack of specificity of the current bunch of complainers. ÝThose in the treetops are getting nervous again, and lack the resolve to speak directly. ÝToo bad for them.

There is always an adjustment period when new folks come to the forum, without a clue as to the complicated and unwritten protocol that exists in every community. ÝAnd I don't think old timers have any lock on propriety: some of the oldest and most prolific are also some of the most contentious and cranky.

What it boils down to, from my view, is a combination of the tendency for us all to forget that we are addressing others who have the same tendency to wounded feelings as they would in person. ÝIf everybody pretended that they were within range of a well-aimed glass of cold water, we might temper our acid tongues a bit. ÝOf course, this is impossible for most posters to sustain, and for some to ever achieve. ÝSo, rough spots get worn down, and dedicated assholes get ostracized - no problem!

Although I don't like having this particular weapon pointed at me, Thin White Duke may have some insight: we all act out our neuroses (and psychoses, maybe ), on this and other forums. ÝBut it is also therapeutic - people apologize, are forgiven, re-offend, and presumably learn the hard way. ÝI'd be a liar if I said I didn't fall into that category...

The problem of on-topic content is exacerbated by folks who can't be in LOS often enough to have new insights to share. ÝSo, the discussion turns from specifics to more general banter, and the thread Nazis complain. ÝBut really, those who complain seem to be net CONSUMERS of information, living vicariously and not offering much of substance. ÝThey seem to get angry at a lack of 'I got a 500 baht blowjob at XXX' info in every thread. ÝToo bad for them, too. ÝBuy a f_cking ticket, and come back and post something new.

All in all, I really believe that this is one place where DIVERSITY is a good thing, since participation is voluntary. ÝAnd, also really, this is one of the best there is...In MY Humble Opinion.

haam sup

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:32 pm on Mar. 5, 2003
haam sup

Please note that this is NOT an attempt to start aÝfight, or attack you in any way: ÝI just have two questions that will help me understand your position:

1) What is it that upsets you about heated arguments between other members (i.e., not directed at you)?

2) Why are you not specific when referring to those you blame for the forum no longer being a "place to have fun and trade information"?

and (sorry!)

3) What makes you sure that the two forms of expression are mutually exclusive? ÝWhy can't threads exist where people trade favorite hotel/restaurant/blow job bar stories, along with threads where people discuss more volatile matters, with the attendant hubris and posturing?

Sorry if the extra questions are a burden, but I think their answers would clarify a few things...

haam sup

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:02 pm on Mar. 5, 2003

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:04 pm on Mar. 5, 2003
haam sup

Please eject Smegma. ÝHe is no longer funny, and is beginning to make sense.

Thank you,
haam sup

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:19 pm on Mar. 5, 2003
Beer Barone
I'm new to the site as far as posts, but I have read almost all of the posts on the forum's board over the past 2 months as a lurker.  I just wanted to say that I think BK is right and that this forum was/is a place for fun and info....that's what brought me here (even though some probably do not care what I think)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:21 pm on Mar. 5, 2003

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