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is Dirty Guru the biggest shit poster to hit this place since B1?

Come on Dirty give us a break man. At first I didn't mind him. But now he is really posting plain ass stupid shit.

Something needs to be done, whether posting probation, or whatever. But shut this guy up a little please.

Enough is Enough!!!!!!!!!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:50 pm on June 24, 2003
haam sup
One-a-day would be fascinating, but yet somehow, comforting...

Zero would be fabulous, yet somehow...fabulous.

haam sup

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:06 am on June 25, 2003
Krypto.... no... it's not just you....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:53 am on June 25, 2003
Even I who always champion for tolerance ... I am reaching tolerant-no-more-danger-zone.

My vote is this close to joining that of X and Krypto and Haam Sup.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:02 am on June 25, 2003
dirty guru
today i asked about the new   escort agency that had a  similar eden format...also discovered that 187 cold the guy with the thai girlfriend that is now asking about f_cking backpackers..... (dont you see the pattern?) i know a few of you dont like being told that its everyones forum to share... and i have been threatened etc... i laugh at it all really guys take a break.. you are the costant pains around here... if i am so bad why are several brothers meeting me in los..and others thank me daily for a tip or something like asking a new escort agencies e-mail address. (oh is that what this new attemot is about)  look get over it laddies.. get a life and stop following me around the sites with dnftt..

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:08 am on June 25, 2003

Quote: from X on 12:53 pm on June 25, 2003
Krypto.... no... it's not just you....

Kinda don't agree with X.

My eternal regret is that I missed Big1. ÝDo have an affinity with them controversial Ýtypes. Ý

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:09 am on June 25, 2003
dirty guru
look the boys are playing numbers ..wheres kev and jack rabbit? why do you all insist on bullying  others that run posts that you dont like? I was am thinking its silly

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:12 am on June 25, 2003

Quote: from zipper on 1:09 pm on June 25, 2003

My eternal regret is that I missed Big1
You certainly did. At least B1 -though often annoying- provided some entertainment value by means of being a good target at which to throw some fun.

DG ... exhausted his entertaining value long ago in the eden-brain-in-the-freezer thread. He is boringly annoying, as opposed to B1, who managed to bring out the funniest side of some members.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:24 am on June 25, 2003
JackRabbit present...

dirty guru bigger than Bigone ? Never.

Bigone had multiple personalities , discussed with himself and actually could start something.

Compared to him dirty guru has no class and no intelligence.

Bigone WAS the biggest !


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:06 am on June 25, 2003
Thin White Duke

i laugh at it all really guys take a break.. you are the costant pains around here- Dirty Guru.


Dirty Guru- This is the kind of feedback that is your due, when your baiting and namecalling begin to spiral. 75%-80-% of your posts lately only self congratulate or damn your brothers in response to others posts.

This is such a typical pitfall for newer (400) posters. Your tendency to go to war, dis senior members only reaps furhter hostility, drawing you away from your initial intention, which is to inform and entertain, and embrace the brotherhood of the sight, (that is your intention, right).

Albeit, sometimes raising hackles is neccessary to raise awareness, but brother, when you paint broadly with your venom on Senior Mbrs, what the f_ck do you expect. Then to whine over the responses is nothing short of immature stupidity.

This is like the third appeal to your sense of logic, here, and like some of the other brothers, I'm tiring quickly myself. I'm asking you nicely to tailor your responses with more wit and less hostility, back off the Senior mbrs who know far more than you, and look forward to the future and design for yourself your legacy of this board. Once you begin to truly impart humor and wisdom, (it's true, you do know the neighborhood!), the brothers will consistantly give strong positive feedback, and less of the vitriolic ramblings of brothers like myself.

Nobody likes a hothead. There are times to fight, and times to shine it on. Your task at this juncture, prior to finding the submit button not working, is to determine, which is which. This wisdom, even in this playground, is hard won, and not succeeded with hostile retorts, and bitching and whining, playing victim, and pissing contests.

Go back to the "happy poster", mode, be funny, inform, tease with love, and if you can't fill a hundred and twenty posts like that per day, f_ck it. It'll come, just now as impulsively as pissing all over the board. JMHO, take it for what it's worth, but this "happy poster" would love to read your response.

DG- You haven't responded to my PM either, and I'd still like to invite you to hang on Z Other Forum as well.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:50 am on June 25, 2003

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