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Quote: from bkkz on 7:08 am on July 12, 2003

it's a pity BK has changed things because of pressure from other members.
Nope, no pressure at all. Just my observations on how members behaved with those pips e.g. members celebrating (and creating threads) their n-th pip and how many posts they have made, etc. And some guys making nonsensical posts, just to increase his post count, to get those pips. It was my own decision, all mine.

Ý ÝBK's decision was prudent. ÝThe date when a member joined this forum, or how many times they have posted rarely has any relevance to the value of their posts. ÝTherefore, that information was wasteful and Ýdistracting to display with each post. ÝAlso, this information by its very presence suggested to some posters it had some sort of value. ÝThen those posters would sometimes use it as a very weak means to degrade other posters during flame wars.

Ý ÝMoving this information out of the foreground was a nice clean up of the forum.

Ý Ý Ý Ý- Thor

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:20 pm on July 11, 2003
Thin White Duke


Don't forget the Internet could be one of the last bastions of free speech ? Hermanalobo.


Could be Ý Ý ?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:56 pm on July 11, 2003
Thin White Duke
I am laughing my f_cking head off. A whole lots of gleeful newbies, with "were all the same" and back slapping "way to goes". Today surely like getting something for nothing. This last guys got 13 f_cking posts and now he's some authority on this site. . Yesterday, the guys got six tellin off a senior member. The newbies demand respect, yet can't hang around long enough to understand the neighborhood.

Y'all can whine all you want, but BK, you're wrong man. Sorry. Collecting post points is a direct reflection of a posters dedication to this site. Posting and staying here is a sign of loyalty and tenacity. Along the way, a poster gains a reputation, enlarges his or her vocabulary, explores different ways of seeing things, hears others opinions, and tries on different voices.

Nonsense is in the ear of the beholder, and similar things were said about some great minds. "The nonsense" posted by those with a sense of humor, some kind of comic timing, and wit, break up otherwise incredibly sophmoric ruminations of newbies that ask the same 12 questions ad nauseum. Satire, and subltle sarcasm, as well as role playing and online theater are as rich of vehicles to convey information as any form of communication. It sometimes takes a little thought to discern, which may undoutedly frustrate the newbie, (and oldy) at times.  

The arguement that threadf_cking is rampant and a danger to this site is a myth propogated mostly as pretext to maintain a "pristine" board. Again, try as one might, different voices will come in again and again, and the only control left over time will be delete, delete, delete. People who want to talk on a thread will convey thoughts central to a topic. Somebody may come in with a joke. Big f_cking deal. It ain't threadf_cking Junior, it's just talk. Somebody else will come in and steer the thread back. If it's strong. If not, the goddamn thing needs to die.

The people who have spent the most time on this board deserve the respect and authority earned through the hours of reading. thinking. and posting. Posting Pips, and titles are and should be requisite rewards for longevity.

This is a huge and tragic mistake which unlocks the floodgates for wannabe gunslingers who think that because they can post a sentence they are some kind of equal to those who've been around a long time. Yesterday the guy said he researched this site for 6 hrs. 6HRS. And proceeds to attack the credibility of a senior poster. What a f_cking joke. As though this guy has the knowledge, wisdom and backround of the posters individual style, topics, flows etc.

Goodbye old Board, it's truly been f_cked.  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:34 pm on July 11, 2003

Goodbye old Board

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:27 pm on July 11, 2003
TWD, Got some cheese to go with that whine?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:47 pm on July 11, 2003

Quote: from CalEden on 10:47 am on July 12, 2003
TWD, Got some cheese to go with that whine?
Smegma should provide the cheese.

   - Thor

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:48 pm on July 11, 2003
TWD's  points are well taken.  Threadf*cking, whining and newbies asking the same 10-12 same stupid  questions just clog up the process of getting meaningful information and/or sarcastic and insightful wit.  Its like those fools that endlessly post the same malaria questions about Thailand/SEA on the Lonely Planet board.   Give me a break!  

The answer is delete.  Delete, delete, delete.  

BK should step up and become the Delete King.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:43 pm on July 11, 2003
"The answer is delete. ÝDelete, delete, delete."

Better to DELETE the source!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:50 pm on July 11, 2003
haam sup
I, personally, use the 'Profile' function to ADD to my understanding of a poster's point of view, and I consider it crass and utterly without class to point to someone's 'joined' date or number of posts, as a way of discrediting them, as opposed to confronting them (or better yet, the issue) directly. ÝNot to say that it's bad to point out that you were around Thailand when things were different: that is TANGIBLE, and adds a different perspective. ÝBut numbers of posts, or 'joined' date have little bearing on the validity of a post or poster.

The disappearance of these little niceties ('joined', 'pips') is yet another example of how a few can f_ck it up for the rest.

Until another newbie troll member referred to the number of my posts (in error, I might add), this wasn't an issue. ÝNow it's front-page news, and a cause for sweeping changes.


haam sup

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:26 am on July 12, 2003
HS -- hit the nail on the head.

The disappearance of these little niceties ('joined', 'pips') is yet another example of how a few can f_ck it up for the rest.

That IS true in this instance, and in almost every instance of change we've had.  If something wasn't "abused" the need to remove it or change just wouldn't arise.  

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:12 am on July 12, 2003

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