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Old Hand
If one result of these change is to discourage the "gunslingers" who compete to be the first to slap down some poor newbie with the UTFSE response it is well worth it.

This attitude has been a source of mild irritation to me for some time. OK, the Search Engine is certainly very useful, but let's face it, virtually every new Post on this Board - except perhaps FR's - has been posted before in some shape or form; if, say by some software "magic", we could trash such Posts before they reach the Board there would be little new traffic here at all. Also as we all know the nightlife situation in Bangkok is dynamic - very changing - to say the least, so it is unrealistic and unhelpful to refer a new Poster who wants to know, for example, the best Bars in Bangkok for shaved dancers to the Search Engine, where the last Post on the subject may be months old.

So come on all you self appointed "experts", if the subject line reminds you of an old Post - don't read it!

By the way I have been in Thailand for over 30 years, joined this Board in - I think - October 2002, have maybe 30 Posts but still a "Virgin" in the old system - so the categories really meant nothing anyway!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:54 am on July 12, 2003
JackRabbit present...

TWD is partially right.
When "newbie" enters the board , how he can be sure that the info he is receiving is usable without doing a massive cross-check in subject.
Especially when "I am right and You are not"-competition starts.
Who to believe ?

He is also giving a good point about earned credibility.

But being the owner of massive amount of posts does not guarantee quality of them , as Old Hand says.

Let's see how this goes on.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:29 am on July 12, 2003
One thing I have noticed while travelling through SEA is that I often bump into expats who really don't have shit to offer me in my understanding of what's happening on the ground. They rarely pick up a book, seem to retreat to a beer at the first opportunity, and don't think very deeply or broadly about what they are experiencing by being there. Some of these guys have "really lost the plot" and I learn nothing from them, other than the desire not to emulate them. These are people I wouldn't have wanted to be around here in the States either, so it doesn't surprise me much that their behavior in SEA is equally pathetic. (I could quote some specific examples, but I've already done so in other threads).

On the other hand are expats who really engage in the culture and continue to learn from and enjoy their new lives everyday. These people offer a wealth of understanding for those taking the time to listen. I have, more than once, benefited from the kindness of their good graces. They have softened the bumpy road I have travelled the last year and a half with my TGF, and I am grateful for that.

My point here: pips, or years, it's all the same. If you haven't got the "good manner," then you're probably missing much of what LOS and SEA has to offer (certainly the locals don't like "mariat mai dee" ). If you do, then you are an asset to your neighbors here and in SEA, and deserve to be heard when you speak.

Just my "not so humble opinion." Flame on!

- Balls

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:53 pm on July 12, 2003
"If one result of these change is to discourage the "gunslingers" who compete to be the first to slap down some poor newbie with the UTFSE response it is well worth it"

come on OH,lighten up
this thing about UTFSE was a bit of fun.
well it was on my part,i only got to say it once and only after i jokingly complained about other members beating me to it.

don't take things too seriously,some people do like to have a bit of fun.
but then again there has been a serious lack of humour on the Forum for some time now.
maybe another reason why i prefer to fly solo?,who wants to go out with members who sit there so straight faced and would not recognise a bit of humour if it slapped them in the face?.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:15 pm on July 12, 2003
"don't take things too seriously,some people do like to have a bit of fun."

Someone told me once, that not many people read between the lines.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:22 pm on July 12, 2003
China Sailor
I have to agree with Balls.

Having lived and traveled Ŭin foreign lands for the last 39 years, I have discovered that most Expats are a bunch of scrubs that ŬI would not even want living in the same city as myself much less having them as mentors. ŬAnd casting NO barbs at the bros on this board, I have found that these scrubs are the ones that suffer from verbal (read that posting) diarrhoea.

All that said, I think think that whilst new policy will not deter scrubs from posting, it will encourage the more thoughtful postings from those who follow the board and only post when they really have something to say.

Great forum BK!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:29 am on July 13, 2003
haam sup
"I have discovered that most Expats are a bunch of scrubs..."

Except you, of course...

haam sup

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on July 13, 2003
China Sailor
deleted -- copy  see below

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:39 am on July 13, 2003
China Sailor
Naw, only a scrub when I drink too much tequila...

Actually I am refering so much to the bros on the board but to the average Expat I have met in my travels.

However.. this thread is not the place to dicuss the problems with Expats, when I am in LOS next month I will discuss it over a beer or two or three...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:45 am on July 13, 2003
Broadly speaking, you get 2 types of expat/long-time asia traveller: The ones that Balls described so well, a truly avoidable bunch of idiots who really dont like asia IMO but are forced to be here because of reasons beond their control. Often to be found making patronising remarks about a country and its locals. Some of them no doubt gave rise to the acronym FILTH--failed in london try hong kong.

Then you get the opposite: the arrogant fellows who really do know a hell of a lot. For this breed it is impossible to admit that someone else may be equally knowledgeable even though they have a different point of view. These are the generally rude, condescending chappies who have to have an opinion on everything. And that has got to be the right one or else you can just f_ck off. I've met both types and  given a choice I prefer the company of the latter--for about 2 minutes.

Of course there may be some who might ask: so what category do you fall in? Well I can't say for sure, thats up to the people I meet isnt it? I do try to be on my best behaviour at all times. Although, like China Sailor, after a few tequila shots, all bets are off.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:54 am on July 13, 2003

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