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Errr...just for the record (not that anyone does or should care), I left...

...partly because I was bored with my own ponification and pedantry.

...partly because of the state of the forum at the time.

Furthermore, I long ago objected to the introduction of politics and news to the forum; though I am very interested in both topics I go elsewhere for it and I thought it would be divisive and disruptive to the forum. I posted my objections twice and then shut up about it (unlike a poster I can think of who went on for months about something he didn't like ).

Yurune is partly right and HS was right: I left before the New Rules and was unaware of them. And I left because of some of the content (among other things).

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:10 am on June 11, 2003

Quote: from MrJoe on 2:10 pm on June 11, 2003
.... unlike a poster I can think of who went on for months about something he didn't like ....
Are you thinking about the poster who went on and on complaining about the privacy rules and said he could not get the literary inspiration to write if he had to change the names?

Well, ... guess what has happened since?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:18 am on June 11, 2003
Yes, as a matter of fact I am thinking about that idio...errr...poster. The same one who lied about it and who insulted BK repeatedly. The one who whined and whined as if his FRs were the most important thing in the world. The one who once posed as another poster so he could agree with himself, got caught and later lied about it...

Yes, that's the guy I meant. But I'm not trying to satrt anything.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:24 am on June 11, 2003

Hi guys,you still don't get it do you?....
one day you masterminds will get the point,well maybe.

"The one who once posed as another poster so he could agree with himself, got caught and later lied about it..."


you still don't understand what was going on do you?.....

this is so funny,i enjoyed the fun at the time and now MJ is back,the fun is double.
other members know what was going on,but you 2 just can't see it..i love it

but not to worry,i am very chilled at the moment and am enjoying a good period in my life and nothing will get to me....

but i will say one thing...

"The same one who lied about it and who insulted BK repeatedly."

BK has never said i insulted him or spoken to me about this matter.
maybe as the forum is his brainchild,he accepts things better then others who WANT to take it over.
if BK says i must not post my FR's then i will comply,but as he has said there were no problems anymore about my posting my FR's then i have continued to post them.why is it that BK says i can post my stories and we still get certain members complaining about it?.
don't moan on the forum,this is not the place.
any complaints,go direct to BK and get me banned from posting them.
but that is not too easy,you want to mention my name in public(thanks guys,any publicity is good publicity)and try and bring me down a peg or two.

but as Smeg and MrJ like to think of themselves as the moral moderators i will stop posting my FR's.
it's a shame that 2 members can ruin things for other people.
but do they care?......
all they want is for members to go along with them.

BTW MrJoe i have been called many things whilst a member of this forum,but an "idio"
new one on me,explain please or is it too difficult.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:13 am on June 11, 2003
Don't moan on the forum? Well if you say so, nokna, I suppose we'd all better comply. Pauline conversions of this magnitude command respect.

Hi Joe - good to see you back.  

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:10 am on June 11, 2003
Perhaps we can get the grumpy know-it-all 'Sauron Demon Master of Chateaujade' back !
Apart from his F-Off replies I miss this character.
I miss pulling his leg about running a CIA covert
operation using a BDSM Dungeon as cover !!!
He sometimes had a sense of humour failure but
perhaps that was his charm ???

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:23 am on June 11, 2003
Who said "shit" for nokna to raise his head and say "who called me?"

Quote: from nokna on 7:13 pm on June 11, 2003
..... you want to mention my name in public (thanks guys, any publicity is good publicity.....

Don't flatter yourself. Nobody named you. Ý;)

But interestingly enough, the fact that while not named, you identified everything said with yourself speaks volumes by itself. I rest my case.

...... but as Smeg and MrJ like to think of themselves as the moral moderators i will stop posting my FR's.
it's a shame that 2 members can ruin things for other people.
but do they care?......
WOW! Never knew I had so much power, and I could influence you so easily from such a distance and only by writting posts. 5555 It is your choice to post or not to post your FRs. I do not read them ever. So, if you stop it is "up to you". I thought you were mature enough to be responsible for your own actions. But if you blame us, that is fine with me.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:24 am on June 11, 2003
i was in such a good mood until i saw Smeg's latest post,but now?.

i'm even happier,thanks Smeggers......

good to see you still cannot fathom out certain things,so you just ignore some of the comments i made.
i'm off to work now with a BIG smile on my face...
when i'm out on Friday i will treat myself to a long cold one and think of the confused one.....

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:05 pm on June 11, 2003
Thin White Duke
tootin the trumpet on Mr. Joes return is like cheering with a Pabst Blue Ribbon. Boring as shit. Oh, no meaness intended, certainly. (Yawn).

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:41 pm on June 11, 2003
And again with the same crap! Amazing. "I'm not posting my FRs anymore! Boo hoo!" Post them or don't --  why would I care? I'm sure a lot of people want you to keep posting them but are you so pitiful that you need people to say "Oh please, don't stop again..."?

"...others who WANT to take it over."

Where does this come from? Care to back it up with even one line from ANY post of mine? Even a hypothesis? I'd like to hear it.

"why is it that BK says I can post my stories and we still get certain members complaining about it?. "

Who complained about anyone's FRs? I never have -- not even once in ALL of my posts. Not once. ALL of my posts at all relating to your FRs were about your behavior after institution of the privacy rules.

" want to mention my name in public"

Specifically did not.

"...all they want is for members to go along with them. "

Same as above: Care to substantiate this? Or even make a reasonable supposition?

What a load of utter shite. Not even worth the minimal time or effort post required. It is to my discredit that I even bother with addressing such pathetic self-centered whinging.


Hi Arcadius: Glad you're still here. For as long and as much as I'm around, I look forward -- as always -- to your posts.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:46 pm on June 11, 2003

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