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Who could that be I wonder????...two identities posts.....Sad

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:50 am on Mar. 6, 2003

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:55 am on Mar. 6, 2003
Smegma...about 15 minutes will do....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:56 am on Mar. 6, 2003
My opinion is to keep the posting numbers but display then in Ýfour levels.

Under 100

100 + or 100 Plus

500 +

1000 +

So, not exact number is given.

Just a thought.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:46 am on Mar. 6, 2003
Damn, Kris, you really are a pablum-sucking, highly boring individual. Are you sure you wouldn't rather be working for Encounter Groups of Cleveland, Inc.?

Way too 80s for me. Wake up, smell the napalm. Life is struggle, death is the only stress free state. Do you sleep in a plastic pyramid or what?  White noise generator?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:13 pm on Mar. 6, 2003
haam sup,

I will try to reply to your questions one by one.

"Please note that this is NOT an attempt to start a fight, or attack you in any way. I have some responses to your questions."

I understand.

"What is it that upsets you about heated arguments between other members (i.e., not directed at you)?"

I like to live a stress-free life. I try to avoid tension, avoid places where there are bad vibes and a lack of cordiality and common courtesy. I try to find surroundings where there is peace and goodwill.

I had never been on any forum till a little over a year ago when I discovered this one and found it interesting. I had visited LOS several times before but on this forum I found a lot of information that made my trips to LOS much more enjoyable. As little as I knew about LOS, I found members that knew even less and had questions that I could answer. I tried to contribute as much as I could. Most of all I found this to be the kind of place I like to visit, to hang out in, with people who were polite to each other and mindful of other peoples' feelings.

Then things started to change. For the worse from my perspective. Suddenly I found that this was not the forum that I had joined. It was changing in character. I started getting turned off. It was almost like I was in a nice peaceful room where everyone was having fun and a few guys with different ideas of fun entered and started to disturb the tranquility, abusing and insulting people.

For a while I stopped posting. I even thought of quitting the forum. But then I saw a few sounds of reason on the forum and I joined them in trying to restore some tranquility, trying to lighten the mood a couple of times. I am hoping that things will get better and that we will be able to restore the forum to what BK had envisaged it to be.

"Why are you not specific when referring to those you blame for the forum no longer being a "place to have fun and trade information"? "

I do not think it is necessary to name names in this case. I choose not to address individuals but issues. I have not been vague in pointing out what I thought was wrong.

"What makes you sure that the two forms of expression are mutually exclusive? Why can't threads exist where people trade favorite hotel/restaurant/blow job bar stories, along with threads where people discuss more volatile matters, with the attendant hubris and posturing?"

I could go into a lengthy explanation on this subject including on the matter of flames, abuses and insults but will restrict myself to reproducing BK's post at the beginning of this thread:

BK said "Why not send them elsewhere? I am sure there are other forums that excel in this. We should keep our focus on having fun and sharing information rather than flaming and hurling personal insults."

I think we would all do well to treat this forum as BK's house where we are all guests. We owe it to him to behave in a manner that he finds acceptable.

"Sorry if the extra questions are a burden, but I think their answers would clarify a few things... "

No problem. I hope I have been able to explain myself to you and sincerely hope that all the members who read this post spend a little time in reflecting on my reply to your last question.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:29 pm on Mar. 6, 2003
Thin White Duke
WOW GUY's- Maybe "Deleted Post" is the wisest after-all. Confession time fellas. In the last three days I've seen the tone of the discussions go from "subtle stabs, jabs, attacks, and other "garden variety bitter roots. Following the usual dance of misunderstanding and communication, some subtle application of light and dare I say.......Humility.......Respect........Contrition.........Deep, then Deeper Bows, the cyber dust settles and cooler minds begin to prevail.

Thin White Duke may have some insight: we all act out our neuroses (and psychoses, maybe ), on this and other forums.  But it is also therapeutic - people apologize, are forgiven, re-offend, and presumably learn the hard way.  I'd be a liar if I said I didn't fall into that category...
Haam, you are no liar, nor are you as angry or terrible or horrible as you may sometimes present or be perceived. You've taught me a tremendous lesson of the human condition, which may just have resulted in a tone change, which, again, dare I say, is much more to my liking.

This brings me to the next observation. So many of us are so comfortable in our smug little existances, developing ideas that calm, comfortable, "nice" is the norm. Well Virginia, the traffic don't always flow like water, and people walk into oncoming buses and trains, and we,(or I) fall off motorcycles, and that, IMHO is life, like it or not. Some aspects of the condition may be altered through carefully prescribed applications of antidotes to bitter roots, though life, and (uh-oh Haam, here it comes), the universe, will ultimately unfold and destruct, reconstruct, with or without our,(my) tiny mind interfering. I myself, don't particularly derive my comfort on the stands. I play. I play fair, and with some sence of ethics and morality, and given a choice enjoy being nice, respectful, deferential. Being this thing though, I do get annoyed at bullying, as well those who choose only to speak when the coast is clear without any perceived danger of rebuttal. This board is so much a micro-cosim of the rest of this planet. Our "stuff", if you will, is put out for all to see, the laundry, dirty or otherwise is aired, at least by the brave, and hopefully no one gets hurt in the process. Somewhere along the way, some kind of expectation gets thrown out that, "we all gotta get along", and fighting and arguing is no good" and dissension is intolerable, which is IMHO akin to "Mommy can I have a blanket". Silly, immature expectations of safe havens in this otherwise cruel world are pure folly. This is what it is, warts and all.
Let's have fun and learn, and revel in this mortal coil we're stuck in, cause before we know it, it'll all change. That, Virginia, is for sure.
This is quite more than I expected to drivel on about, so I will now firmly plant my head somewhere else to see what grows..........

Oh--- And Haam, your humor is amazing. Really, (No head planting intended).  

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:32 pm on Mar. 6, 2003
haam sup

I appreciate your response, and certainly accept your position. ÝAs you know, I differ in my ideas about what makes a forum interesting.

I do think, however, that you avoided the more important, and last, question:

"What makes you sure that the two forms of expression are mutually exclusive? Why can't threads exist where people trade favorite hotel/restaurant/blow job bar stories, along with threads where people discuss more volatile matters, with the attendant hubris and posturing?"

I think you've interpreted BK, hidden behind that interpretation, and done so at least twice. ÝI would really appreciate it if you would stop invoking BK's preogative here. ÝIt's fine to remind everybody that we are in BK's house, but he hasn't, as far as I know, banned folks for the heated discussion that you find so uncomfortable.

I think we live in a world where too many people spend time minding their neighbors' business. ÝI don't care if you DO "sleep in a plastic pyramid"*, as long as you don't make me do so as well.

Why should you care if some folks want to engage in guerilla group therapy on a thread which doesn't even interest you? ÝYou are free to ignore all of it.

And not every thread posted in by the more eloquent warriors ends in a fight. ÝCJ/Sauron has contributed a lot and so have most of the higher-maintenance personalities on this board. ÝIn the end, obvious trolls like B1 gave nothing, and are gone. ÝShouldn't we accept the bad with the good?

In my opinion, this board is different, because there are no 'Gods' who strike down posters by whim and fiat. ÝOn the 'other board', a certain decorum is maintained by the constant vigilance of 'the Gods', who are both idiosyncratic, and brutal. ÝIt is a more cerebral, and less passioned place, and it has its attractions. ÝBut, it can and does become tedious, and thread hijacks are a zillion times worse there than here. ÝThis board has true people, good and bad, dumb and smart, and a very light-handed moderator. ÝIn the end, HE will decide what to keep and what to discard.

Thanks for your reply, anyway...

haam sup

*"sleep in a plastic pyramid" - Sauron (who is NOT me, Bandit, et al.)

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:07 pm on Mar. 6, 2003

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:03 pm on Mar. 6, 2003

Got your e-mail. See you in April mate.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:59 am on Mar. 7, 2003

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