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Quote: from bkkz on 5:49 pm on June 13, 2003

Quote: from Arramsey on 4:05 pm on June 13, 2003

... - BUT why do you bite the hand that feeds you ?
There is a Thai Proverb, which describes it better... "Eat in my house and shit on the roof".

That would be like Nokna shouting from the roof tops - because many times when he opens his mouth shit comes out !!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:54 am on June 13, 2003
BK, I envy your skill at being always able to say so much with so little. I really do.


BTW, anyone think nokna will understand what BK means? If not will he pretend he does? or will he dare to ask?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:54 am on June 13, 2003

Quote: from Arramsey on 5:54 pm on June 13, 2003

That would be like Nokna shouting from the roof tops - because many times when he opens his mouth shit comes out !!!!

Would this mean he is all screwed up, turned upside down, and eats through his ass?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:59 am on June 13, 2003
I see nokna once again acnnot answer.

This happened on another thread.

As soon as you ask him to answer specific questions he manages never to see the thread again.

Boys a fraud.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:19 pm on June 15, 2003
thanks Yurune for pointing this out.
i gave up on the thread because it went so off topic i gave up.
i will try and answer your questions,but is there any point?,you and others will always find something to nit-pick about.

"He then answered a sayjann question in another thread obviously thinking he was logged in as sayjann."

did i?,just sit down and think about it and you may understand.

"Recently he tells us (in a thread I can't remember the title of) that sayjann is another 'female' member of the forum who he is in frequent conversation with about how we do not know what is going on, and how funny we all are. so who could that other member be. Not X for sure. Not Lady Anne. any other female members? Nokna if you know this person is a double poster, then get rid of them, you know it upsets people."

i never said Sayjann was another female member of the board,just that she was female.
and yes Nokna and Sayjann have frequent conversations,in fact many times each day.
but not on the forum,just read the posts and look at the clues i gave you.
but is it too hard to admit you are beaten?.

"sayjann's syntax was identical to nokna's, no capitals, inability to use an apostrophy in the correct place and no spaces after a comma."

any reason for this?
you will find i use capitals too much,unlike your good self.
i was taught it was good manners to use capitals when using a person's name.
unlike yourself,very rude.

"Nokna's stock response

Whiny Whiny f_ckin and my faceless buddies"

yes they are faceless,i have never met them.

"Unlike the rest of the people at GT's on occassions standing there telling their favourite 'nokna what a wanker' story."

good to know i'm so popular,why would people talk me otherwise?,and do i care?

"3000+ posts on a place he's spent two days in. Sorry...count the maybe 200 posts in the Phuket thread where he has spent approx 88 days."

i have always said i have never considered myself an expert on LOS and i maintain that view.
i do respect the members living there and wish i could join you all.
get your facts right please,only 81 nights in Patong.  
loss of credibility when you cannot get things accurate.

"Q1. Nokna were you sayjan (last post March 30th 2003)

he'll say no."

see above answer and yes i will say no.
again lack of respect from you with no capitals and too lazy to spell names properly,shame on you.

"Q2. Why did you answer a question/point asked of sayjann

hell say...Yurune read the thread you are completely missing the joke me and my chums are having..."

answered above.

"Q3 At that time is it true you'd never received PMs?

He'll answer...nah he won't...he be off on a whine at that point."

you know the answer to your question.
why twist things?,this is something i do not understand.

"Frankly there are times when I've been sympathetic to nokna as he well knows and tried to get on, but this issue annoys me."

i don't understand this 'tried to get on' comment.
i have no problem with members like yourself and enjoy the sparring we engage in.

i will risk being banned now but something i must say.
i have engaged in private conversations with you and other members who 'might' feel the same way about me as you do.
but i like all the interaction and the forum would not be the same if i was not flamed now and then.
i have no worries at the moment.

"Never mind I'll go out tonight in Bangkok and have a few quiet one followed by some noisy ones. I know where nokna would rather be."

do you?
a long time since i visited LOS and the urge has gone,as i explained in a previous thread.
yes living in LOS would be good,but at the moment i am happy with my Filipino friend and have no plans to visit LOS again in the near future.
my friend does it for me.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:52 am on June 16, 2003
And now he wants us to believe he doesn't want to come to Thailand....

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:10 am on June 16, 2003
Just another thing to go with your excellent attempts to appear intellectual.

sayjann is spelt with a samll 's'. It is in fact a nickname not a name and I shall write it as the individual who created it intended.

The same way nokna is a small 'n'. It is not your name.

My mistake was in fact spelling your forum nickname with a capital 'N'.

You did say sayjann was female.
You did say sayjann posted still but under their other identity, when I noted that sayjann had stopped posting the day we discovered he was in fact you.

You don't answer, you just create smoke screens. You know it annoys and that is where you do have your fun....keep enjoying...your credibility goes down lower each time.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:27 am on June 16, 2003
<At least with my friends i don't respect them and come on their faces at the same time.>

Liar liar, pants on fire.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:32 am on June 16, 2003
Yurune are fast...I decided that that quote was uneccesary and removed bugger Ducks

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:35 am on June 16, 2003
Nokna any comment to BK's reply? Did you understand it?

He said that after you ate in his house you took a shit in the roof.

Not nice of you to do that.

You still have not addressed of why you made such offensive remarks . We, all others all fair game, but please could you show some gratitude and appreciation towards your host?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:35 am on June 16, 2003

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