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MainHealth Matters – AIDs - a gay plague? All Topics

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I guess everyone has heard of the theory that HIV/AIDS is a ‘gay plague’ with little or no relevance to the heterosexual population. This, to me, sounds like a pretty ridiculous theory – why should any virus be link to anyones sexual proclivity? However, as I will show below, the statistics from the US Government (relating solely to the US) certainly support this theory.

Before I start (and before a mass of flaming) may I point out that I have no agenda – I am not gay bashing, nor am I suggesting that anyone should stop using condoms or anything else. I am just presenting some statistics (which have received hardly any publicity) and pointing out what they seem to imply.

All the stats come from the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention – a US Government funded body which seems to me to have no obvious agenda to distort the figures. The CDC interviews all patients in the US that are diagnosed with HIV and as such, has compiled one of the most detailed and comprehensive collection of statistics about the disease.

Here is the breakdown of HIV/AIDS patients by exposure category. It shows a cumulative figure up until 2002.

Exposure Category...................Male.........Female.........Total

Male-to-male sexual contact.....420,790.........-..............420,790
Injection Drug Use...................172,351.........67,917.......240,268
Male-to-male contact + drug use.59,719........-..................59,719
Heterosexual contact.................50,793..........84,835.........135,628

*Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal,
and risk not reported or not identified.

So according to the CDC a cumulative total of 50,793 heterosexual males have contracted the disease (from a cumulative total of 886,575). Incidentally, a cumulative 50,793 cases seems to me a remarkably low figure – it probably equates to around 5,000 heterosexual male cases a year. About the same number of cases as say Lou Gehrig’s disease (the disease that killed Tom Watson’s caddy).

The number of homosexual patients is 8 times higher at 420,790. This figure in itself doesn’t mean much but if you bear in mind that gays only make up 4% of the total population but account nearly 90% of non-drug related AIDS cases, it certainly implies some link. I mean roughly speaking, you are 200 times more likely to get AIDS through male-to-male sexual contact than male-to-female. (Should be enough to put you off anal sex or LB contact).

I would also argue that the number of heterosexual patients is so low it could even be a statistical anomaly. The CDC compiles it statistics by interviewing patients diagnosed with AIDS/HIV. Don’t you think that if you interviewed 500,000 homosexuals and asked them how they contracted the disease that 1 in 10 might say that they contracted it from male-to-female contact. Gays in the closet or married bisexuals? It really doesn’t take a huge leap of faith to say that no-one contracted the disease from male-to-female contact (or, at the very least, that the 50,793 figure is grossly inflated).

In my view, the statistics are so overwhelming there has to be some link. The link might be quite simple – HIV/AIDs can only be caught through anal sex for instance. Of course this is a rather pathetic ‘guess in the dark’ but it is interesting that no-one is bothering to investigate a link for fear of offending the gay community.

This ‘fear of offending’ also means that another statistic from the CDC has received little or no publicity. If you look at the breakdown of AIDS cases by race or ethnicity you will see that while afro-americans repreent only 12% of US population, they have accounted for 39% of cumulative AIDs cases (this equates to an afro-amercian being 11 times more likely to catch HIV/AIDs than a Caucasian American). Incidentally, for 2002 (the latest available statistics) afro-americans accounted for 54% of all reported HIV/AIDS patients implying that afro-americans are 20 times more likely to catch HIV/AIDs than Caucasian Americans (source:

Race or Ethnicity # of Cumulative AIDS Cases

White, not Hispanic..................................364,458
Black, not Hispanic...................................347,491
Asian/Pacific Islander...................................6,924
American Indian/Alaska Native.....................2,875
Unknown or multiple race................................887


Now that could all be a big coincidence and any link I suggest is going to make me sound racist. Afro-americans take less precautions? Are more gay? Have more sexual partners? Or have a different physiological set up? Try getting funding for investigating something like that!! The statistics certainly imply a link but no-one is even talking about it because they will only get branded a racist. Gee if someone did look into it, they might explain the apparent discrepancy between the number of HIV/AIDs cases in the US and in Africa.

So does this have any relevance for anyone on this forum? Well not really but I guess Neverbeentobkk (whose condom broke) should be a little more relaxed especially if he comes from the US. It appears that the chances of a Caucasian American catching HIV/AIDS from a single heterosexual encounter is so small that it is the stress rather than the disease that is more likely to kill him.

Anyway take a look at the website ( It is a mine of interesting statistics.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:49 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
Abrak. i'm not really sure of the point of this thread. While AIDS isn't a gay plague, it's hit gays most because the easiest way to transmit the HIV virus is when HIV infected bodily fluid (usually semen or blood) is transferred to another, USUALLY directly into the recipient's blood stream.

Gays have been susceptible more than hetro's because anal sex lends itself to torn blood vessels more than straight sex. It's as simple as that.

Yes, it can also be transmitted by semen or vaginal secretions, but that's very rare and usually involves a cut or abrasian somewhere.

I have a gay friend who contracted HIV a few years ago, despite never engaging in anal sex. He got it by giving a guy a blow job. He's educated and knew that the chances of contracting HIV that way was minimal. What he didnt know was that he had a minor dental problem at the time which meant his gums were bleeding.

Given that the second largest group of HIV infected people are intravenous drug users and haemophliliacs and those with blood transfusions, it makes sense that it's exposure to your blood supply that is the riskiest practice.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:59 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
dirty guru
I f_cked a uni student of 19 up the arse with no condom, after snatching her from mbk, as she strayed along on her own, but on the sky train made eye contact. I asked her name acted alittle lost, and went to the chase, said"'i have 5000 baht to give to a guide that is friendly also < you understand? She immediately held my hand. But as she was in uniform dropped it. I had honestly lost control when it happened. She was a star fish but innocent, still I was taken at her absolute compliance, and just did it. I rate it highly as up there in the top 40-50 but was very nervous waiting for a test result. After doing this 7 -10 times by 1995 I stopped. Always use a condom. Ask NM who has lost many mates through not doing so in man on man sex

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:09 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
Using statistical records from surveys done in the USA and then applyng those stats across other races would leave out the fact that HIV/AIDS really doesn't give a sh_t about race.

The rampant increase in Aids patients in China has nothing to do with anyone else except the Chinese themselves, although indeed they do like to term it as a Western decadent disease.

The nature of transfer from one person to another may not be the same in each country, as well as the nature of the virus itself.

Your suggestion that researching why Afro-Americans 'seem' to have a higher incidence ratio than caucasians, would leave out the Chinese, who as the W.H.O. has constantly tried to remind Mainland China, has one of, if not the, highest rate of HIV/AIDS expansion in Asia at this time.

Even though for years the Chinese have made the excuse, "It's a Westerner's disease", eyes are now a little bit more open to the reality.

Trying to exclude white heterosexual males from the fear of HIV/AIDS does a disservice to reality.

Under the skin, all blood is red.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:15 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
Scobie. My point is that I think your analysis (which is the generally accepted view of HIV contraction) is too simplistic and not supported by the statistics.

'Gays have rougher sex' might account for a 5 or even (possibly) 10 times prevalence amongst gays not 200+ times.

As for intravenous drug users how about this for a theory. HIV is transmitted blood-to-blood but in 99% of cases a normal healthy body destroys the virus. The virus takes hold in intravenous drug users more frequently because their immune systems are depleted by 'intravenous drug use'.

As for anecdotal evidence - I know of 2 farangs who have had live-in Thai Gfs who contracted HIV but they did not. They didnt find out until later and meanwhile had been having regular unprotected sex. They could have been very lucky or is it possible (or even probable) that at some point they had blood-on-blood contact but didnt catch the disease.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:17 pm on Sep. 26, 2004

I THINK as far as Chinese and Afro- Americans, Africans are concerned their immune system may be impaired. Giving the virus a foothold in the body. BTW I have NO facts to back this up.

I always check my penis for minor cuts, abrasions and always check my mouth for the same. When I finished getting a blow job, I take a piss and wash myself off with soap and water or anti-bacterial baby wipes. I rinse my mouth out with Listerine after I go down on a girls pussy.

US Army Medical Corp
Preventive Medicine

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:17 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
What about female-to-female sexual contact? Or is that lumped under the "other" category? I'm not trying to be funny (believe it or not) but I'm sure there's got to be risks if infected body fluids make contact with a tongue that may have scrapes, minor abrasions, and whatnot.
I'd also say a big chance of getting infected exists if the dildos, strap-ons, etc., used are not cleaned.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:34 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
Anyone wants to win GBP 1,000?

Find HIV somewhere and it is yours:

For interesting reading, start here:

Given that the thread deals with statistics, I find this quote may be of interest:

Dr. Serge Lang, Professor of Mathematics, Yale University:

"I do not regard the causal relationship between HIV and any disease as settled. I have seen considerable evidence that highly improper statistics concerning HIV and AIDS have been passed off as science, and that top members of the scientific establishment have carelessly, if not irresponsible, joined the media in spreading misinformation about the nature of AIDS."

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:14 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
Personally I think Abrak mentioned the reality without realising
"Try getting funding for investigating something like that!! "
Personally I have heard lots of stories (just that, no facts implied) that it is a gay disease, but in todays twisted society of pre-judging the medical institutions would never get anywhere near the funding they require if people knew that to be true, and nobody would care. One very scenior member of the red cross was in a worse for wear state in Nana Plaza a while back and was reiterating this same story to many interested listeners.
Harsh, but 'probably' not far from the truth.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:01 am on Sep. 27, 2004
So Abrak, what are you trying to proof?
That riskfull behavior is more risky then other?
Well that's old news.
So here are some 'new facts':
In Asia at this moment more women are infected with HIV then men.
The transmission of HIV is boosted by other STD's.
The highest infection rate is in Asia at this moment.

And so when you are an American, you better stay at home.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 am on Sep. 27, 2004

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