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Guys! (and esteemed X) thought I'd pass along another tip as these hot summer months make us swelter more.

Was in the train station the other day and chanced upon a shelf of talcum powders. This instantly flashed me back to Indonesia several years past where I'd used it effectively to ward off the heat and discomfort,but had since forgotten the talc comfort factor. Took a long look before selecting a menthol enhanced talcum powder. Later, when I splashed it on I got the most scintillating, zestiest zing you can imagine accross the scrotum and sphincter. Yeowza!! Talk about a blast of menthol! Man, what a feeling, and it stayed with me for hours too. Now, going on day three, it's a de-rigeur part of my daily hygiene, and I'm all the fresher for it too. Nice! Don't know if my barren scrotum ( thanks bkktonight!;)) enhances the factor but, wow talk about feeling- COOL!!!! If you wanna really beat the heat in LOS try a splash of menthol talcum. Heck, ditch the underarm deodorant too and try a splash there as well, you won't regret it.

Secondly, on this trip I've really been diving into the spicy Thai foods and I swear I've been feeling chilled from the inside by the spicy chilis. I've even noticed what seems an inverse correlation: the hotter, stickier, muggier I've felt the more chilled I've felt by the spicy chilis. Anyone want to corroborate or elaborate? Is it just me? I doubt it, and it seems given that all tropical countries are fond of chilis perhaps they know something we west don't. Ward off internal heat via consuming chili. Does that make sense? Ŭ

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:55 am on June 30, 2003
Vancouver Jay
I like to take powdered chilis, mix them with a little naam plaa kung and apply them as a paste to my naughty bits. Then don a neoprene diving suit, bowling shoes and a day-glo orange fedora worn at a jaunty angle and go wait for the bus. [/threadf_ck]

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:14 am on June 30, 2003
What!?!? Ho!            
Man, I hope your neoprene is a summer weight fabric bro!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:21 am on June 30, 2003
I found talcum powder with cornstarch keeps you the driest. ŬI also blow dry the affected area before appling the talcum powder. ŬMy TGF thinks this is so funny, the white farang applying white powder. ŬI call it my morning Songkran. ŬI've found that polyester/lycra (note edit change from nylon) underwear prevents chaffing also. ŬI buy them at REI, for LOS only. In LOS if you shower then its time to change the undies and repeat the powdering. ŬI never getting any chafing or rashes in LOS.

I've also found that silk Hawian shirts are the coolest (heatwise) and most comfortable. ŬRayon is too heavy and hot.

Happy Songkran! Ŭ5555!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:09 am on June 30, 2003
hey Skip, do you know you can get menthol shower gel too? ŬI don't the brand names where you live but we have one called "badedas". ŬIt's really good and feels "cold" and gives you that tingly all over sensation.

CalEden... nylon underwear in that climate... cooler? ŬNylon fabric doesn't 'breath', cotton does.

(teheheeee don't get me started on another rant about nylon undies and yeast infections... I've already had the "antibacterial soap & yeast infections" rant this week already;) )

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:06 pm on June 30, 2003
Thin White Duke


I like to take powdered chilis, mix them with a little naam plaa kung and apply them as a paste to my naughty bits. Then don a neoprene diving suit, bowling shoes and a day-glo orange fedora worn at a jaunty angle and go wait for the bus.  -VJ

VJ- your post has the hallmark "signature" ring of the Lunatic Fringe. The collective needs more members like you. Do not resist. Resistance is futile. And the pay is good too.

TWD- uses a combination of cooling agents when in LOS.

1) Extra Strength, Triple Action, GOLD BOND medicated body POWDER. It's the "medicated" part that ought grab your eye, or tickle yer fancy. The main ingredient is menthol, but this happy poster believes it's the zinc oxide that retards any little critters down there from multiplying into a rave party. Call them with your questions or comments- 1-800-745-2429. Prior to the board I called frequently, just to chat. Nice folks there at Gold Bond.

2) TWD keeps a large zip lock of baby wipes,(99cents) in the fridge. Delightful for the cooloff period.

3) Bottle water- gotta stay hydrated.  

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:34 pm on June 30, 2003
couldn't stay away! 55
in Angels disco, I asked for a cool towel.  IT WAS SWELTERING IN THERE!  The towel was one of those prepackaged types.  It was cool wet and menthol enhanced!  God I would loved to have wiped that all over my private area and check the results!  This was more fun when I got a similar towel in CM2 and had two Tg's trying to wipe my forehead while two others fanned me.  Welcome to paradise!

Gold bond medicated... good for what rots!  

TWD, I'll try and disengage my lucidity and see what kind of swimming hole I back into!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:52 pm on June 30, 2003
Yes, I've used Johnson and Johnson baby powder for quite a while to keep the privates slippin and sliding, but havent tried the menthol type yet.  

The prepackaged towels can be bought at 7-11 if you want to cool off after some street food or whatever.  

And TWD, I've also noticed that spicy food increases my heat tolerance, especially soup.  Don't know why though.  

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 pm on June 30, 2003
TWD!!! Good call bro! gotta remain ever vigilant of those pesky little critters and maybe the gold bond working round the clock would  be just the thing.

X~ Thanks! Jack Rabbit jsut informed me of something similar. I 'll be shopping for this as a I LOVE tingly showers.

CalEden ~ I too am a tad suprised by your undies recommendations. I for the first 32 years wore BVD's tehn one day I woke up in Hawaii and asked myself "why? what if I might be more cool and comfy in boxers so I bought me a pair and that was all she wrote. In the tropics i think it's very important to gove our members room to wobble to and fro and boxers do the trick for me!

But! What I find more surprising is the silk shirts. I for one cannot wear silk shirts anywhere without busting out in sweat, can be a completly airconned environment and still silk on my skin makes me sweat, only exceptions are if it's woven. Go figure! But I always wonder if I'm alone in this. Anyone else find that silk on the skin makes you sweat?

As for Rayon-Yuk! I love the stuff in the temperate zones but lordy! in the tropics it feels to me like a neoprene suit.  

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:03 am on July 1, 2003
Somewhere in this forum I read once long long ago that washing your member with mouthwash was good after having sex.

One day when taking the regular after-the-dirty shower, when offered the Listerine mint bottle by the girl, I decided to pour some of the liquid on my member. Well, .... I remember feeling like an idiot for following such weird advice. At first I didn't feel much. But after a couple of minutes my penis started to feel like cold-burning with that usual refreshing sensation that the menthol/mint or whatever thing it is they use gives. It lasted for close to an hour and wasnt very pleasant. Do not try it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:51 pm on July 1, 2003

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