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not sure if you guys have done a search on viagra on this forum but worth a try.

There are about 10 threads covering fake viagra and penagra

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:13 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
Old Hand
One point worh considering - don't just assume you need Viagra or other such aids.

I am 56, 30+ years in Bangkok and not particularly fit, and recently got involved with a 27 year old Thai lady (not a BG). I simply assumed that I would require some form of boost for us both to get full benefit from the time we were able to spend together and I took Viagra before each encounter.

Yesterday however we arranged to meet at rather short notice and I did not have the little blue pills available; I rather surprised myself by quite easily doing the deed twice in our 3 hour session in  Soi 3, "bullets" and all.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:56 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
Old Hand,

Am curious, how many hours (or days) prior to your 3 hours tryst on Soi 3 had you taken that little blue pill (if at all)? The stuff stays in your system for many hours (can feel residual effects for a day or so afterwards as my body gets recalibrated). The graphs from Pfizer show an early serum peak, with the majority of it metabolizing out in a few hours, but the residuals tail off for many hours after that.

- Balls

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:05 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
Balls is certainly right about the residuals. Theoretically, the stuff starts taking effect after 30 mins, goes at full whack from 1-4 hours after admin, and then starts breaking down. I think it has a half-life every 4 hours or so - so its still having some effect ages after you take it.

The side effects can be pretty nasty. First time round, I took a full tab (100mg), which was far too much. The immediate effects were spectacular, but I had a devil of a job getting the damn thing down, even after two rounds, and this was not a comfortable experience. An unpleasantly stuffy nose and a splitting headache the next day weren't that great either.

Like Balls, I find I can get by on a basic diet of 50mg a week - though I do it by taking two quarter-tabs at intervals. When I'm out on the town bent on evil, I carry another quarter on me just in case. If I think I've had too much to drink or am otherwise not as... er, excitable as I feel I ought to be, I'll take this as well. Don't know if I really need it, but it's worth it just to eliminate any anxiety.

In my experience, doses in these small quantities have no unpleasant side effects at all. Of course, everyone would need to experiment for themselves to see how little they need.

My own understanding of how V works is that it inhibits the enzyme we produce to break down an erection. The reason you couldn't lose those raging hard-ons when you were 13 is that you weren't producing enough of this stuff. As you get older (typically in your 40s or 50s), you start producing too much. By putting this pesky 'antidote' on hold for while, V gives the rest of the chemistry/mechanics a free run to do their stuff. At any event, most impotence is due to this relatively trivial and extremely common physiological problem, so there's no need to be at all embarrassed about it.

Just how much misery did guys endure before V was discovered, I wonder?

If you're in LOS on any kind of budget, you should forget about V and go for one of the copies, which are just as effective and far cheaper. I can personally vouch for Penegra (peneGRA, as Thais seem to pronounce it). As Dave says, there are other threads here which will tell you where to get reliable supplies.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:51 am on Jan. 14, 2003
Old Hand

I thought about this, but the last time I took Viagra was 6 days before the Soi 3 encounter so there is little chance my "performance" was a holdover from then.

Next date is Friday so I am interested to find out if it was a fluke!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:38 am on Jan. 15, 2003

Hmmm, haven't tried the 25 mg every half week, maybe do so next time I'm in town. Interestingly, my "performance" is usually WORSE than normal on about the 4th day after I take the stuff. Almost feels like I'm on some sort of sinusiodal curve with this stuff, suffering from homeostatic rebound around day 5. Your quarter tab strategy may fix this problem. On the other hand, there's always toothpicks and rubberbands.

About mid-day through my last stay, I just stopped taking it, as I was over jetlag, and for me, at least, my TGF is easy on my eyes. But I knocked down a half tab before leaving to be sure we had a good sendoff. But there is a (not so happy) story there, too, and I wouldn't want to spoil it for cmore in this thread (there I go again, teasing cmore) ...

- Balls

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:58 am on Jan. 15, 2003
Simon WS
How much do you guys pay for it? Has anyone tried generic viagra? Its much cheaper.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:31 am on Jan. 15, 2003

Hope 2 x 25 works for you, but I suspect that individual differences are quite marked. People need to find out for themselves what works.

Yes, jetlag must be a major complicating factor. The body-clock matters quite a lot in this department.


BKK price for Penegra is B700 for 4 x 100mg tabs. This is an Indian-manufactured version of V, and I believe that in India it costs next to nothing. There are several similar brands, all of which are basically V by another name. Is this what you mean by 'generic viagra'? Ý

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:49 am on Jan. 15, 2003
Deep File
Several guys have mentioned using reduced dosages... after months of experimentation I have arrived at the same conclusion.  I am mid-fifties, rarely have any problem related to getting it up but like the extra stiffening effect the stuff has on my meat.  But a 100 mil dose is way more than needed, and I have had aftereffects like headaches and/or muscle kinks every time I have gone with the full dose.  I cut the suckers in quarters now, and that is about right; the effect is the same but the side effects are  not so severe.  Pity they don't MAKE a smaller (less expensive) dosage...

I have also found that peak effectiveness is something like 4-6 hours after ingestion, and for me the effects are still noticeable for 2-3 days.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:07 am on Jan. 18, 2003
Careful with the v guys, I know someone who went into a coma after ingesting to enhance his performance with the young wife.  However, he had ailments that I'm sure contributed to his condition (heart, bp).
If it aint broke don't fix it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:15 am on Jan. 18, 2003

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