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haam sup
This crap comes up regularly, like sunspots, and the flu.

Peter Duesberg, Kary Mullis, et al, are resting on past laurels, and Mullis, who invented PCR to win the Nobel in chemistry, has NO clinical experience, period. He is a doper, who enjoys partying and surfing. His lifestyle is legendary in San Diego, and makes him a less-than-objective authority. Fun to hang with, but relatively half-baked on medical matters. He is my slightly distant neighbor.

These guys are a fart in the medical industry breeze, but find willing supporters in those who refuse to change their BB habits.

Recognize that female to male transmission is less likely than the other way round, and decide if you want to play the odds. The problem, of course, is that you are laying HUGE payoff odds: your life vs. the hassle of getting used to protection.

The other thing that comes around regularly is the "mouth swab, instant HIV test", which only guarantees that your test subject didn't become infected more than six months ago. He/she could be teeming with live virus, but not yet seroconverted, and the test would, of course be negative, since it is an antibody test. Still infective.

PCR tests for live virus are ENORMOUSLY expensive, and NOT widely available in clinics. They are the ONLY true test of someone's CURRENT infection status.

Cover your dicks, boys. Or try Lolita's. Oral sex is pretty safe.

haam sup

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:10 pm on April 13, 2004
haam sup's med 'em...miss 'em...always read 'em!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:37 pm on April 13, 2004
909 living
America And The HIV/AIDS Pandemic

During the late 60’s to middle 70’s, America and most European countries funded a highway route running from Kinshasa Zaire on the western coast of Africa to Mombassa on the Indian Ocean in hopes of capitalizing on the untouched resources of the dark continent. Diamonds, oil, lumber and precious metals we bountiful in this region of the world, with a cheap work force and minimal taxes required to bring merchandise to market. Trucks drove day and night back and forth between the ends of this route stopping only for sleep, food, a drink and sex with the low price prostitutes that were everywhere at the many road side way-stations. On this highway is where we find the first reported cases of HIV/AIDS in the world. This highway was dubbed “The AIDS Highway” by doctors and Epidemiologists a like, and as of 2002 (Reported by the CDC) 90% of all prostitutes along this highway are believed to be infected with the AIDS virus. We as a people are responsible for unleashing this monster into the world and it is my belief that we should shoulder some of the burden of our less fortunate brethren. In four Southern African countries, national adult HIV prevalence has surpassed 30% according to the CDC website: Botswana (38.8%), Lesotho (31%), Swaziland (33.4%) and Zimbabwe (33.7%). Over 3 out of every 10 adults will die prematurely from a virus that is easy to protect yourself against. Scientists have called this “The hollowing out of Africa” and in the next 20 years these already struggling nations will be brought to the breaking point by people to sick to work and hospitals without the staffs or resources to help.

There are several ways we can help and first and foremost is education. In South Africa a belief in Black Townships is that if you have sex with a white woman you can be cured of AIDS, so right now in South Africa there have been an enormous number of rapes committed on white women. In Thailand, locals see AIDS as a foreign disease that won’t affect them. In the United States people believe that HIV and AIDS aren’t related and aren’t really the killers they once were thought to be. Some even believe that it was a Biological Weapon released by the government to control the population. As we know here in the class, Sex won’t cure you, Anyone is at risk if the aren’t careful, Thailand has over a million people in that country are believed to be positive carriers of the AIDS virus, HIV does lead to AIDS and as a Biological Weapon, AIDS is a bust (it takes to long to kill or incapacitate and is relatively hard to contract).

Of the 14,000 cases of AIDS reported Daily over half are from Sub-Saharan Africa. Of all cases worldwide about 70 percent live in this area.

Second, we need money to research vaccines for the different strains of HIV and low cost medicines for those living with it.

Third, Countries with needle exchange programs show a decline in the spread of blood-borne pathogens such as AIDS, and Hepatitis C.

We, as a whole, need to band together to stop major reasons for the spread of AIDS. Countries suffering with famine, war, and/or poverty have the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS. When famine or war strike an area, basic necessities such as food and water bring high prices and with no money to buy these things other forms of trade are welcomed. In Francistown Botswana 1 in 4 of the population is infected and 1in 2 of all pregnant women.

Some countries are however fighting back. Uganda’ AIDS population has has declined dramatically in the the past ten years from a high of 15% in 1991 to a low of 8.5 in 2000. The effects of the disease may have already done it’s damage though. In a country that relies on a large labor force it has been cripples by the shear number of dead and dieing young people.

I have spent most of my time writing about Africa and that’s because countries outside of Africa such as most of Southeast Asia where leaders of the those countries fear of lose of income from Tourism. They operate under the belief that a dumb person is an easy person to control.

In 2000, there where more than 13 million orphans in sub-Sahara Africa and that number is expected to jump to 30 million by 2010. 30 million children without a mother or both parents within 10 years is the last reason I have for helping fight AIDS in 3rd world nations. 30 million children who could grow up loving us for our help or hating us for our decadence. In a world where we are hated for our beliefs and attacked for our overseas policies, 30 million friends can make a difference.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:41 pm on April 14, 2004
Vancouver Jay
909 living: "We as a people are responsible for unleashing this monster into the world and it is my belief that we should shoulder some of the burden of our less fortunate brethren."

As to the second part, no one living in this age should be without proper nutrition or health care. There's more than enough to go around and plenty of ways to get them there if the international will existed.

But who is this "we" you speak of in the first part? I don't seem to recall holding a gun to an African truck driver's head to force him to have unsafe sex with a prostitute.

In general terms, even if the HIV-AIDS connection does not exist -- I believe it does -- that wouldn't change one bit my belief in the importance of using a condom each and every time you shag a prostitute and for at least the first few months of a committed and exclusive relationship.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:07 pm on April 14, 2004
909 living
When I say "we", I mean The rest of the world. The building of that highway unleashed a demon, and yes we didn't put the gun to the truck drivers head... we just added the bullets.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:36 am on April 15, 2004
"As to the second part, no one living in this age should be without proper nutrition or health care. There's more than enough to go around and plenty of ways to get them there if the international will existed.

Ya, then why don't you stop whoring around, and give the money to some honest charity? You expect others to pay, but not yourself.

Proper Nutrition: So you are going to force farmers to give there crops to people who can't pay for the food, or force the "evil" rich people to foot the bill? How about yourself, 1 LT costs 2000 bhat, you could feed 100 children for a day! But, nooooooo, you will rather pay for the LT but expect others to pay for feeding the hungry.

"The building of that highway unleashed a demon."
Oh? What if the highway was built by UN to spread education, science etc.? Would the highway be still considered bad?

I agree more should be done, but to point fingers is least bit constructive.
Same advise to you, get off the pussy site and devote your life to helping the needy. You seem to be one of those preacher types, all high and mighty.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:51 pm on April 15, 2004
So as a medical layman, I understand the basic official reasons for HIV/aids. I think most of us in the west and many other parts of the world have had it drilled into are heads through public service announcements and after school specials for years. However, maybe one of you more knowledgable science based members can explain this to me. If vaginal secretions are a major cause of aids, which is generally inferred, how come unprotected sex is the reason for transmission? In reality, shouldnt male to female, or even female to female oral sex be a bigger cause of this infection? Perhaps I am incorrect, but don't we have a greater chance of having minute cuts in our mouth caused from very, very small sores or slight abrasions caused from food bones or the teeth? Combine this with oral sex and the inadvertant vaginal secretions swallowed and consequently exposed to these open cuts? Now compare our mouths with our dicks which we often treat as lords of the body. Logically, which is more suseptible to hiv/aids infection? To me it would be the mouth everytime. Yet studies suggest that transmission is greater for intercourse.
I find this hard to believe. I'm a younger guy and live in Seattle which is a very gay friendly area. Recently, a King County study showed that of approximately 7250 of 8400 of people infected with aids were gay men.

Now considering that the remaining number of people are split between women and men, how many of these can be contributed to men having heterosexual sex? I'd bet almost 0, considering the large amount of heroin users on downtown seattle's streets and the contributing factors of bisexual male to female transmission. Of course the rest of the STD's are out there, but, just wondering how this can be explained in medical terms.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:29 am on April 16, 2004

If vaginal secretions are a major cause of aids, which is generally inferred, how come unprotected sex is the reason for transmission? In reality, shouldnt male to female, or even female to female oral sex be a bigger cause of this infection? Perhaps I am incorrect, but don't we have a greater chance of having minute cuts in our mouth caused from very, very small sores or slight abrasions caused from food bones or the teeth? Combine this with oral sex and the inadvertant vaginal secretions swallowed and consequently exposed to these open cuts? Now compare our mouths with our dicks which we often treat as lords of the body. Logically, which is more suseptible to hiv/aids infection? To me it would be the mouth everytime.

I'm obviously not a doctor, but you don't have to be one to find simple and logical answers to this question. A little logic and simple math should do it.

First, vaginal secretions are not a "major cause of aids." They (and semen) do have a high concentration of HIV, compared to saliva, for example, but that by itself does not mean that they "cause aids."

Second, saliva has a very low concentration of HIV because substances in saliva kill the virus.

So right there you have part of your answer. Barring any gaping wounds or open sores, a person with HIV giving oral sex is unlikely to pass it on (since the concentration of HIV in saliva is low). Also a person giving oral sex to someone HIV+ will be killing much of the virus that enters the mouth with their saliva.

But a couple of other factors come into play to lessen the odds of passing HIV through oral sex.

It is far more likely that minor fissures or tears will occur during vaginal sex than oral sex. And even more likely that it will occur during anal sex. (Hopefully this will be obvious.)

Also consider how often you wash your "lord of the body" versus how often you cleanse your mouth. Most people (especially those who are careless enough to go bareback indiscriminately) do not wash their privates thoroughly after sex, so the chance of the virus lingering for a bit afterward gives it a greater chance to penetrate the body's defenses. The amount of time the virus can effectively linger depends greatly on the part in question; again, you should be able to figure this out on your own, but note that this also implies that uncircumcised penises have a greater likelihood of catching HIV. The mouth is constantly washing itself out with saliva (the aforementioned HIV killer) and you are also washing it out with other fluids throughout the day.

The stats shouldn't really be surprising at all. This is not a pure medical and scientifica analysis, just a practical explanation of why the stats are reasonable.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 pm on April 16, 2004
thanks for the reply, but I am looking for a medical reply. Unfortunately, your answer while steeped in logic seems to not quite ring true based on current medical testimony.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:37 am on April 17, 2004
I have read recently that the virus is an "Aneroebic" virus as opposed to an Aroebic virus. This means that it requires an Oxygen free environment to survive. Thus it will not survive long in air. A womans orifice provides a theoretically safe haven for the virus. A mouth provides a hostile environment for the virus due to the digestive aspects of saliva and it's enzymes not to mention the fact that a mouth is generally open and exposed to air more than other orifices.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:40 am on April 21, 2004

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