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I too have just returned from BKK and Pattaya mid Sept
and have only just begun to slowly develop symptoms of gonorrhoea or chlamydia.  Burning sensation when urinating and a milky sometimes clear discharge with an unpleasant odour.. Also 5 small pimples in the pubic hair region, about 1 inch to the left of the base of my penis. Warts, Herpes ??????
I will get myself to a Sexual Healthcare Centre.

I would like to add a condom was used always durring vaginal sex, and survived unbroken. But I received loads of BBBJ's from the various venues which specialise in this type of thing in both BKK and Pattaya. If showering or washing facilities were available I used them. Girls that work in these places told me they go to the doctor and get checked for STDs every month. I think they need to change doctor.

I blame nobody but myself. I assumed BBBJ's were low risk. I know know better.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:55 am on Oct. 3, 2003
BK boiler
Gon is more commonly transmitted via bbbj than chamydia.  As for the pimples, that was probably transmitted via her pubic hairs contacting yours.  Did you daty?  If so, you are susceptible to getting those lesions around your mouth.  Yes, go see doc asap.  The longer you wait, the harder it is to treat.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:16 am on Oct. 3, 2003
haam sup
"Gon is more commonly transmitted via bbbj than chamydia."


Here's a bulletin: The bacteria responsible for gonorrhea is known as a fastidious bacteria, because it requires fairly specific conditions in which to grow. ÝChlamydia is extremely easy to grow in the throat, and other mucous membranes, and accounts for most NSU passed via the oral ruote. ÝIt also EASILY infects the eye, often concomitantly with other sites.

Your theory on the pimples is also from left field, and in general, anyone who listens to ANYBODY, other than a physician who has inspected your package, is a fool.

Get to a clinic.

haam sup
STD, the gift that keeps on giving...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:21 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
could anyone tell me what these syptoms sound like please?
burning urine, milky/clear discharge,smelly penis and aching testicles, and scab/sores on foreskin?
had my tests just have to wait a week for results now

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:21 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
Repeat Offender
Gonorrhea is not the only organism that can cause discharge and other unpleasantness. These symptoms can also be produced by an array of bacteria that come under the umbrella of NSU (Non-specific urethritis).
Take Mr Hamm Sup's advice and go to immediately to a clinic, as these disorders can quickly develop into Reiter's Syndrome. This happened to me, and I was lucky that I did not permanently damage my eyesight.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:52 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
haam sup:
Right on the money as usual!!

I was wondering what you could've posted in this thread. I mean Haam Sup and Gonorrhoea just don't seem to go with?? ha ha ha!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:06 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
BK boiler
In re to gon, that's what the doctor told me. ÝShe told me that both chamydia and gon are common, but gon is more prevelent, at least in CA. ÝThe thing with the lesions, I've been told that herpes/hpv is often found in public hair.  Do you have lit that refutes this or are you just rambling along and trying to flex. ÝTry asking your doc, or Ýlook it up shooting it down because it's better to be safe than sorry in this type of hobby. Ý

As always, seeing your doc should take priority.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:42 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
I've been told that herpes/hpv is often found in public hair.
I don't think so and I always wear my hair in public

How Is Herpes Spread? Ý
Herpes is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact. For example, if you have a cold sore and kiss someone, the virus can be transferred and the person you kiss will get HSV. If you have active genital herpes and have vaginal or anal intercourse, the virus can be transmitted to your partner. And, if you have a cold sore and put your mouth on a partner's genitals (oral sex), the partner can acquire genital herpes. Ý

So the moral of the story is you don't have to spit out the public hairs...right???

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:47 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
I went down to visit a STD clinic but unfortunately they operate only on Tues and Weds, so I went to the hospital instead, across the road. I explained to the doctor what happened and the effects I have suffered. From his experience he suspects it may be gonorrhea, chlamydia or a urethra infection.
He took a urine sample off me and a urethra swab with a cotton ear bud which he inserted deep inside my pee hole. It f..cking hurt.
Then he gave me an injection in the ass, it felt like razors going in my ass (my ass is killing me,), I cannot recall the name but he said it will control the the virus.
He prescibed me some pills, Minomycin 100mg, for the pimples.
He said the results for the urine and swab tests conducted will take 2 days, and they will be sent to the STD clinic. He recommended I go there for a follow up examination, as they can offer greater assistance than the hospital. And they can tell me what these pimples are. I just hope they aren't herpes.
Doctor also said no sexual activity including masturbation till everything is treated.

Harold I recommend you visit a STD clinic as apposed to a GP, they can give you the results in hours or 1-2 days.
2 weeks is way too long.
I have similar symptons to you, but no aching balls or scabs.
I think I have cotracted 2 possibly 3 STD's, and from your decription it sounds like you might be in the same situation.
Hopefully we can both make a quick recovery.

But you know what I realised, we shouldn't feel bad towards the girls, I am sure when they first started working they were clean. The problem is the "dirty" westerners who come to LOS and spread the virus to the girls, who then in return infect the rest of us unlucky guys.  

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:20 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
Harold, don't be alarmed, but it sounds like leprosy. It should drop off in a week or so and then all the symptoms will disappear.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:22 pm on Oct. 3, 2003

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