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Girls slam on brakes after
spotting skid marks

By Ryann Connell
Staff Writer

"The end came right out of the blue. We'd been talking on the phone every day, going on a date once a week, having sex each time we met, so I thought the relationship was going really well. But, about a month before we broke off, there was something strange about our sex. The 'peripheral activities' started to change," ad-man Kenichi Nakayama tells Spa! (10/5).

Nakayama says that when he went to kiss his girlfriend, she'd start joking and shift her face away a tad. If he tried to slip the tongue in, she'd break off the kiss, saying things like, "I don't feel like it at the moment."

"She started coming up with all these different excuses not to perform fellatio, like saying she had got an infection in her mouth, and that. I was a little bit worried, but figured that because we were still having sex, the relationship was still all right."

Nakayama was wrong. Within a month of noticing the little changes, his girlfriend dumped him.

Sudden and unexpected ends to relationships can be doubly painful, but women usually give off signs that they're thinking of pulling the plug, just like Nakayama's girlfriend had subtly let him know in advance that he was on the way out, according to Spa!

Women admit they send signals that a guy is on borrowed time, even if they're not always transmitted verbally.

Namiko Nijo says that early on in a recent relationship, she had no qualms with doing all the cooking, cleaning and laundry every time she went around to her boyfriend's place. But that willingness to please didn't last long.

"What really turned me off was his dirty undies. I didn't want to touch them," the 29-year-old systems engineer tells Spa!, adding that after a while the mere sight of her lover's worn skids started to send a chill up her spine. "It wasn't like I could pick them up off the floor and put them in the laundry basket. I couldn't even bear looking at them. From that moment, he turned from being 'the man I loved' into just being 'any other guy.'"

Sure enough, within months Nijo and her boyfriend had gone their separate ways.

Yumi Inoue says the signs she sends out to lovers on tenterhooks are all to do with her need for a breathe of fresh air.

"When a relationship is on its last legs, I start getting annoyed by little things about my partner that I might have earlier not even thought about. The one that really irks me is the foul breath some guys get when they first wake up in the morning," she says. "It's not like it bothers me all the time, only when I start to get sick of him. There's nothing so awful as being kissed first thing in the morning by a guy with foul breath. He only has to move his face close to mine and I feel like I'm going to faint."

Inoue adds that it became torture even when her boyfriend opened his mouth to say "good morning" to her and she stopped kissing him. A few weeks later she dumped him.

"He wanted to know why I gave him the flick," she tells Spa! "I didn't have the heart to tell him it was because of his putrid breath."

WaiWai stories are transcriptions of articles tha

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:32 am on Oct. 17, 2004
you smell like a 14 inch dick, junior size.

or are you really from italy??


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:36 pm on Oct. 17, 2004
I thought this was about Johnny's prerequisites for a bar fine.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:03 am on Oct. 18, 2004
jack attack
Just think if your breath smells like skid marks!!! Whoa... no morning poontang for sure.

reminds me of the old joke... a girl with really bad breath goes to the Dr. and he tells her he can't figure it out but she will just have to always use mouthwash, breath spray, mints, etc. to get over it. She is tortured to think she will never meet a guy and get married.

A guy goes to the Dr. with a problem of terrible foot odor. The Doc can't solve it but tells him to wash several times a day, change socks and use powder. He's despondent thinking how will girls ever put up with this.

As fate would have the two meet and hit it off but keep their respective secrets from each other. After more than a year and realizing they are truly in love they decide to get married.

Individually they both feel really guilty about not telling the other of their condition. The girl thinks "I must tell him before we get married and if he really loves me, it will be ok" The guy virtually has the same thought and that night as they get ready to jump in the sack, the girl, who would always rush to the bathroom and gargle says to her boyfriend while covering her mouth "darling I have something to tell you" The guy who would normally be powdering his toes while his girlfriend is in the toilet says "actually sweetheart I have something to tell you too."

They go back and forth for a few minutes as to who will divulge first and finally the guy relents and tells her to go ahead and tell him what is on her mind.

she uncovers her mouth and turns to him and says "DARLING..." The guy jumps up and screams "Oh God, you ate my socks!"

I said it was an old joke. I didn't say it was necessarily funny.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:12 am on Oct. 19, 2004

Big C for new satan boxers, mouthwash, toothbrush, toothpaste,
and be sure to FLOSS YOUR ASS !!


and be sure to pay for laundry service YA CHEAP ASS !!!

Priceless butt stinky ass and smegma cock * (

Done Im Out !!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:15 pm on Nov. 11, 2004

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