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I have read with interest the comments of many a bush-doctor on this site.

One thing I dont understand is how you guys keep persisting with BBBJs. I mean I certainly understand the desirablity of the experience but not the laissez faire nature of many of the brothers.

Of course the chances of HIV transmission are slim but what about other nasties?

For instance strains of Herpes can be pretty bad - there is a guy at my work who has an incurable strain, everytime he is run down/sick he gets horrible sores appearing around his mouth.

I have read that a lot of girls rinse with Listerine etc - but surely this is not enough to prevent transmission.

I mean just about every guy on this site, it seems, has recieved a BBBJ from Oil or Saeng.

The reason for my post is that I am uncertain about whether the BBBJ as opposed to the CBJ is for me.

Just wanting to know if many of you guys have caught stuff from the BBBJ.



Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:19 pm on Oct. 30, 2004

Quote: from liam gallagher on 7:34 am on Oct. 31, 2004
For instance strains of Herpes can be pretty bad - there is a guy at my work who has an incurable strain, everytime he is run down/sick he gets horrible sores appearing around his mouth.

Then I would advise that during those times best not to get a bbbj from your friend.

PS All strains of Herpes are incurable both herpes simplex 1 or simplex 2 (sp)

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:25 pm on Oct. 30, 2004

Quote: from liam gallagher on 8:21 am on Oct. 31, 2004
moronic quote from that dipshit George Bush.

Hope he doesnt get back in and pretty much the rest of my country feels the same way.

I know that's really you John Kerry. You really must be desperate for votes if you're getting on BKKT posing as a non US pussy hound. By the way, if you really need BJ advice, just ask your buddy Bill. He may even give you tips on stain removal for after the fact.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:27 am on Oct. 31, 2004
CBJ - Washing your feet with your socks on.

No thanks.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:25 am on Oct. 31, 2004
Check her eyes and see if they are yellow. If they are, the down and dirty diagnosis she has hepatitis. I would give her a pass.

BBBJ as soon as she finishes take a leak and wash yourself off with soap and water or anti-bacterial baby wipes that have alcohol. I bring a supply from the US and keep them in the bathroom. As I'm doing all the above I rinse my mouth out with Listerine. So far no problems.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:47 am on Oct. 31, 2004
Thats cool doc dusa,yeh watch the eyes,mate you are turning into a pickle, YOU can not pick a person with Hep C,The color of thier eyes do not come into it.

You are turning out to be a bigger fool than NM told me.

Want me to give you a blood diagnosis ?

besides that I sell fire arms and besides that I`m a quack been on the job for 12 years !



Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:27 am on Oct. 31, 2004
Hi Liam,

Sorry about my lippy last post no pun intended. Just that there are more then a couple of past posts on this subject so use the search engine and read all the past posts.

I love a bbbj but also worry about the possible chance of getting something. Below is what I found from using the search engine on this site and reading every post I could plus searching the web about this subject (and very indepth research).

One is I never did find an absolute common agreement on what you might get so sometimes just ended up more confused. I did find some info.

Let me state I AM NOT A DOCTOR this is just what I found doing research. This info could be wrong and if anyone has anything to add more than just an opinion ie from doing a little research then please correct me if I am wrong.

Herpes is a possible thing you can get. Both ways as in getting a bbbj and daty. The herpes type 1 or type 2 are about the same just one is on the genitals and the other on the mouth. It passes through thin membranes like the lips and penis. If a girl licks you on the arm unless you have an open wound most likely you will not get it even if she does have it. Once exposed to air it dies rather fast. Will it kill you not to my knowledge but I would rather not have it. It is treatable with pills and some people only have the first outbreak and never have another even though it is always in your system. I have also read that if treated right at the beginning sometimes it is possible to cure it but am unsure about that info.

A little known treatment for it is using BHT. Do some research on the net about that one. Search for Dirk Pearson Sandy Shaw life extension. They wrote about using BHT to treat Herpes in their book life extension that I read. Sounds a bit odd as it is a food preservative and also used to stabilize Gas by the military so the gas does not go bad if it is not used over a long period of time. Very much like BHA that if you read the back of many breakfast cereals you will find it as one of the last ingredients. It stops oils from going rancid and somehow strips the outer layer of the retro virus off so the body can destroy the virus.

If you have herpes it can flare up because of many things. One is sun exposer ie sitting on the beach also if you get run down or tired/stressed out it can flare up. Taking the amino acid Arginine (sp) I have read can bring heapes on if you already have it in your system.

I remember reading in Dirk and Sandys book about a pilot who had constant problems as with the high altitude flying he was exposed to more UV rays and constantly had outbreaks of cold sores (herpes type 1). I believe it is a retro virus that lays dormant in your cells waiting for your system to be run down then pops up in your but/cock/lips yes you can get it in the but. Where ever it lays dormant. To my knowledge it does not move from one place to the other so if you have it on the lips it will not pop up in you ass unless you happen to rub your lips while you have an outbreak and then decide to stick your finger up your ass.

Next is gonorrhea. If the girl blows some guy with it and ends up with it in the mouth she could pass it on to you. You could also get it from DATY. Will you die no but rather not have it happen to me. I have read more then one guy having this happen to them. Not sure how to check this one out. I would guess but am no expert that a clean mouth/breath/tongue would lesson your chances but I really don't know. A yellow tongue bad breath I would pass.

HIV form what I have read is very low unless both you and she have open sores ie in her mouth and on your dick ie blood. You don't get HIV from kissing so not much chance you will get it form a bbbj.

Crabs, well they are really lice and not much chance she will have them in her mouth.

Scabies, this is a mite that attacks the skin and is spread from skin contact again not much chance from a bbbj. This is really not a sex transmitted disease but can be. You can also get it just by touching someone infected.

Genital warts, have little info on this one but take a good look at her mouth first. This one would suck to get again no pun intended. Good inspection should reduce the risk. Never heard of getting it from a bbbj.

Chlamydia also known as

NGU (NonGonococcal Urethritis) is an infection of the urethra caused by pathogens (germs) other than gonorrhea.

Several kinds of pathogens can cause NGU, including:

Chlamydia trachomatis
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Trichomonas vaginalis (rare)
Herpes simplex virus (rare)
Haemophilus vaginalis
Mycoplasm genitalium
NGU is most often caused by chlamydia, a common infection in men and women. The diagnosis of NGU is more commonly made in men than women, primarily due to anatomical differences.

Often the women will have no symptoms. This is very unfortunate as in the long run it can prevent her if not treated from having children.

I have read that it is possible but very unlikely to get this from a bbbj. Also will not kill you and can be treated.

I think that covers most of them maybe I missed one not sure.

I have received many bbbj and never had a problem. however I also have passed on occasion when I was suspect there might be a problem.

Also get your hep shots and as BigD said avoid if the eyes are yellow.

Thanks BigD had not known of that trick but makes total sense now that I think about it.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:35 am on Oct. 31, 2004
Shit to much the f*** what !!!



Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:39 am on Oct. 31, 2004

Quote: from S05 on 3:54 pm on Oct. 31, 2004
Shit to much the f*** what !!!



When you are pissing needles you will wish you would have read my entire post and used some of the info.

Never to much info unless wrong and I might be, feel free to correct me if I am.

By the way I may be wrong but is it not

Hep A - by food transmission
Hep b - Bodily floods
Hep c - Blood

ie the eye thing seems to make sense for the hep B maybe not for hep C


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:52 am on Oct. 31, 2004

Quote: from S05 on 3:54 am on Nov. 1, 2004
Shit to much the f*** what !!!



Here another guy with almost nothing to add.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:58 am on Oct. 31, 2004

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