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MainHealth Matters – Any new jet lag cures? All Topics

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I have been back almost a week and I am still messed up. I took ambien for a few days but that makes it worse. It screws you up all day and your body has a hard time making the switch from ambien to no ambien.

LOS really screws your circadian rythmn up because time is not really an issue there. Nightlife is often morning life too.

Last night I did not sleep at all. I lay awake thinking about LOS and my LTGf all night and kept getting up to do things.

I was so exhuasted I almost dozed off on the road. Last night I went to bed at 7pm and woke at 12AM. I have been up since. At least I got in a good five hours. Tonight I will get back to the gym and try the Alluna. I figure I'll be better in a week.

I am open to any suggestions.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:01 am on Jan. 4, 2005
Hey Noknoi,

Have you ever tried taking melatonin? It's a natural substance that comes in capsules, you can get it in any health food store, and it is supposed to help regulate the sleep cycle and metabolism. It is reported to work for many people for just this very situation, and I've talked to a lot of people who absolutely swear by it, but to be perfectly honest, it hasn't worked for me when I tried it. Chok dee mahk krub!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:28 am on Jan. 4, 2005
Diligently, and religiously maintaining normal sleep habits once you hit the states - hit the sack at 10:00pm, and no matter when your body wants to wake up (usually around 1:30am, or 4:00am), force yourself to stay in bed, keep your room dark, and sleep until at least 5:30am/6:00am.

3 days and you should be fine, again. You can accelerate the process by starting to 'live on home time' 2 days before departure in LOS.

The circadian rythm is primed by exposure to light (i.e. sunlight), and darkness (i.e. night), hence, keep it dark when you should be sleeping, and light when you should be awake.

This applies to travel back home - I never had any jetlag problems when going to LOS, aside from the first day when I would get sleepy around 10 or 11 - but that never lasted long, at most until I get hit on

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 am on Jan. 4, 2005
Have you tried Benadryle or however you spell it. I had a 7P-7A work assignment for a two weeks and used this every morning to get to sleep and the stuff worked everyday. It does not have the associated side effects of some of the other sleeping aids.

Also Trader Joe's has this stuff that you take during the flight that is supposed to help. I tried it once and didn't do much for me but maybe it will work for you.

Finally, follow DaffyDucks advise.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:19 pm on Jan. 4, 2005
I have had the same problem on both sides--going and coming. I used to use Ambien and like you, I hated the after effect. A friend told me about Melatonin and I'm sold on it. I take it about 30 mins before I intend to sleep and I get a full night. It works great for me.

Try it. Good luck!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:22 pm on Jan. 4, 2005
Since they say that dehydrtaion is one of the biggest factors in jet lag, have you guys tried drinking a ton of water, before, during, and after the flight? I drink a lot in the terminal before the flight, I carry on a 2 liter bottle of water, and I drink any water I can get my hands on while on the plane. I stay away from alcohol on the flight, since it dehydrates the body. It is a bit of a nuisance to have to run back and forth to the bathroom to piss, but I always get an aisle seat for this reason (as well as to stretch). Like you (Noknoi & Markster), I tried Ambien and had that same groggy next-day feeling which I didn't like. I switched to a 5mg dose of Valium that my local doctor prescribed, and the next-day feeling wasn't as bad, although still felt just a bit spacey. I don't know if BobFiveHead meant the "Jet Lag" labeled packet of small white pills that are sold in Trader Joe's and other health food stores, but these pills that you chew every few hours when you are on the flight did help me. Benadryl is an antihistamine, and it's never made me sleepy, but some friends have said it knocks them out completely.

As people talk about, flying to Asia from the U.S. will always be less of a problem than returning back here, and I have definitely felt that difference. I can basically hit the groud runnig going there, but I am knocked out on returning.

Another great help that I've found is stopping into the day-room/shower rooms at Narita, even if it is for 1/2 hour for a superfast shower and to lie down for even a couple of minutes. It's ridiculously cheap (about $6-$8/hour), it's immaculate, and incredibly restful. They take down your flight info, they let you know how far you are from your particular gate, and what is the absolute latest time for you to walk from their site. At first, I was worried that I might miss my flight if I fall asleep, but a friend who had used this establishment a lot says that they NEVER miss calling you on the in-room phone to make sure that you are awake, and in light of the Japanese sense of responsibiltity and commitment to service, they would feel totally dishonored if you missed a flight. The 4 times I've used them, they were superb!! I find this place is a godsend while spending the 27 hours door-to-door it takes me from the States to LOS - a bit more so on the way there than on the way back. It's amazing to me how refreshing something as simple as a quick shower can be between flights, and it seems to help with my jet lag. Do any of you guys use them, too?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:55 am on Jan. 5, 2005
Great advice by all--hydration and a sleep aid prior to your back home sleep time will be all your need. The light and dark comment so ture--your adrenal gland is getting retrained to give you your cortisone rush in the AM. The big problem is the withdrawl of your other gland that may keep you up at night.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:29 pm on Jan. 5, 2005
Okmeester - thanks for the great tip about the day rooms at Narita. I'll be flying through there on my way to BKK tomorrow. Are they easy to find? I'm flying Northwest with about a three hour layover in Tokyo.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:03 pm on Jan. 5, 2005
Hey Luke,

The dayrooms are in the main terminal, and I believe they are near the Sony electronics shop. They are near the food concessions, and you should see signs for them, or just ask one of the terminal workers. With your 3 hour stopover, you should have plenty of time to get there, but be aware that they are popular, and it's first come, first served, so if they are filled, you have to just sit in their waiting room until one opens up. In the 4 times I've used them, I think that they were busy twice, and then I waited for about an 3/4 hour, since to me they are indispensible. It's incredible just to be able to stretch out flat on your back after the flight, and to even sleep a bit if you have time. I am absolutely sure you will swear by these rooms when you use them. Have a great trip out there, and let me know how you like them!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:27 pm on Jan. 5, 2005
This is what works for me:
Melatonin to get to sleep at night
ENADA/NADH to stay alert during the day. NADH is a natural co-enzyme available in health food and supplement stores. Its not a stimulant. I saw an article on it in the Wall Street Journal a couple of years ago, tried it, and found that it works really well to increase my level of alertness. Check it out at

The combination of Melatonin to sleep and NADH in the morning really helps me get back to a regular sleep cycle within 2 - 3 days after a USA - Asia - USA trip.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:19 am on Jan. 6, 2005

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