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MainSpecialty Bars – The Strip Patpong 2 All Topics

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Ok, I went there. Unfortunately my Gik called it quits (went to see her b/f) early that night, so I was on my own. No kinky 3some privacy show today.

Line up on the small centre stage was ok, but I eventually passed on any further activities because I couldn’t get comfortable with the whole place.…

I see one severe problem: The only thing u actually want to do in there is that cylinder thing, the private show. The rest of the place lacks any inviting seats or something. It’s just wide and empty. But if it’s just a walk in service situation, why bother? There are better options nearby…

That small bar they have makes the whole thing finally look like a station concourse or USS Enterprise’s Transporter Room. And due to the room layout and concrete poles you can hardly see the dancing girls from the bar, how stupid is that?!?

My recommendation: a) dim the light to half and b) replace half of the 8 or more (!) cylinders with cosy seating areas with a view on the stage. You might have a new bar then with an exciting and unique option of a private show where anything goes (which is on the menu, hehe). This concept would finally be a good idea (imho) …

Oh, one more thing: I saw one LB Mamasan type of character frequently peeping through the curtains of the only cylinder in use when I was there. I would HATE to see her face all the time when I get busy in the transporter…

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:25 am on Sep. 24, 2007
Aurum : I Think I remember you swearing a few month back you were not the owner or part of Barbar and Bangkok Sisters, and now you "change your mind" and are part of it? Or did you decide its such a good establishment that you just had to buy a part in it?
I heard about a plate with "Aurum Limited" on the same floor next door to Bangkok Sister, coincidence LOL?


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:34 pm on Sep. 24, 2007
Was in The Strip last Sunday.

Arrived there Early and as MTK said above, there was no atmosphere.
I ordered a beer and sat at the bar. I looked bored and however there were some staff inside (the Ladyboy Mamasan, some other Farangs, and an Asian Doorman/Manager) no one came to me and explained the concept.

the Girls dancing were not so nice looking. none of them were smiling (for the exception of YOYO #25 but her english was nil so I passed).
Setup is really strange.
I liked the House Music though.

Will I go back again? I think not.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:21 am on Sep. 25, 2007
that aurum limited plate has been there since 5 years. This company indeed controlls shares in various entertainment venues in patpong, some of those you have mentioned. The strip will take it's time to unfold. All critics are taken serious, and I hope they will work on it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:11 am on Sep. 25, 2007
Hi Aurum

looks like you avoid to answer madfrog's main question:
##I Think I remember you swearing a few month back you were not the owner or part of Barbar and Bangkok Sisters, and now you "change your mind" and are part of it? ##

it will be very easy for anybody reading back this thread to understand what Madfrog is talking about :

at this time you pretented to be only an honest customer giving an honest opinion about a place where you had your own interests. it is by now ( thanks to your own post ) fully proven:

##so I am part of both 1st (strip) and 2nd floor (barbar).
there is a very good review on
which I did not ask or pay for, as BarBar, Strip needs it's time as well, to establish something new and different is at least, difficult and timetaking, but, so far, worth it.
most of the issues raised in badboys comment are, or will be, sorted out over time.
BarBar is doing fine, those who like it come again and dont mind the little extra (900 for one drink), Strip is doing better each day, we dont compete with SOL (a great place), it;s somewhere in between.
try or dont, the loss is limited to 120 for a heineken ##

you tried to make all the readers of this board believe that I was involved in your place, thus using my name and Eden Club's name trying to promote your own business

let me remember you your own statements :
1) a nice lounge, reasonable girls, some stunners, very nice rooms, two girls one man, those are the rough facts, naturally edenpapa does not like it, I dont think its a real copycat of eden, not been up and open for several years, the ladies are good, not as experienced as eden and not as used as eden. I just went for a bj last time and am booked to go again this weekend for an extensive session, and will field report, a friend of me is going to eden and we will compare, give points, a nice competition
they have a website

2) well it is obvious that edenpapa does not like it, who started the "copycat" thread.
in terms of reliability, one post counts for one, two for two and so on, no need for conspiracy theories,

3) truly not as certified as in eden, and I have not made one negative comment on eden, as I have "no beef" with eden, I am just not such a worshipper of this establishment or the people involved, in fact I am starting to wonder why marc is providing this first class audience for sisters, maybe he is just smart and thats his third branch, eden bangkok, sisters bangkok, hell pattaya? would explain alot of the effort, and lets face it, all these posts are just part of a first class marketing campaign and talent. congratulations !!!

4 ) baccara is a good place, demonia as well, the bj at sisters was good too, and I like ebony woman, I still do not see the need to get a new username. You are far to excited about the whole issue, giving me more and more the feeling of some kind of hidden agenda
this vendetta is getting boring, and not providing any more useful information

5) I have posted on more topics then baccara, demonia, barbar and black women, I know many bar owners, including marc, the others just dont complain when I write about other bars, and I did not register on this forum five years ago to prepare for the opening of a sandwich bar in patpong.
if it is easy to deliver what eden delivers the eden should be scared, if it is an art, the eden is sleeping very well and cozy, this applies vice versa for sisters
the service I received yesterday was good, a full field report should be delivered by someone else.

6 ) edenpapa quoting :
but the more people will be losing money over there, the sooner everybody will know it's not worthy
Aurum answering :
and it is edenpapas fear for your money, that puts him on the desktop to save you...
mother theresa please show me the way to sukhumvit 7/1

it was easy for me in this thread
to prove that you were posting lots of positive comments for the places you were involved in
demonia, barbar, baccara, bangkok sisters, castle pattaya
always playing the honest customer

i am sure that all the readers of this board will appreciate the situation where it is finally proven that a board where the members are not playing the honesty game can not be reliable

see you

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:48 am on Sep. 25, 2007

thanks for your investigative spirit, always seeking the "truth" for the mutual benefit of all board members.

I can not limit business and investment decisions to comments I have written on this board. As up to today, I do not praise venues that I am not convinced about, owning a share there or not.

I also do not wish to engage again in any similar correspondance as we had it some months ago.

Credibility? please, I dont have the time to re-search your various posts and flip flops on eden/hell/in's and out's.

What I generally miss in your comments is a common sense of fairness but I guess I have to live with that.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:01 pm on Sep. 25, 2007

sure, there is no way and no need to continue to argue something you can not win

out and over for me

the readers will judge and decide by themselves who is fair and who is feeding B.S. on this board


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:18 pm on Sep. 25, 2007
you seem to be in a war, "winning" and loosing, "B.S." etc., I don't think that I am the challenger, it's rather tulip.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:54 am on Sep. 26, 2007
Oh yes, competition is good... for the customer!!!

Dear aurum

RTB for Toxic
Bangkok Runner for Glow
Edenpapa for Eden

they clearly stand up for their business which is good. It gives me a port of call and always the latest news about program and new developments...

I understand you are not that directly related to (managing) the places in question (sisters, strip etc.) but only have some shares in them. Nevertheless in the forum I would prefer to see you in the role of a person taking responsibility rather than giving FR's about these places... It would give you the credibility the before mentioned entrepreneurs already have. I'm all on your side mate if you are...

Still looking forward to my first private show at The Strip

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:28 am on Sep. 26, 2007
Transparency is the word we are all looking for here

Amen Mick for demanding a little credibility. Years ago I used to contribute on several boards. I quite for two reasons: 1) I moved to Thailand 2) More often than not, the opinions and recommendations on most boards like this are far from objective. I like to see spam coming, not have it slipped into my drink.

A few months ago, I began posting again about some experiences in Thailand. It was fun telling my story, but what I witnessed first hand was a really petty argument between Marc from Eden Club and another guy that owns some interest in several other bars, including one I attempted to review, Bangkok Sisters. I disappear to the Philippines for several months and return to find the same silly-ass squabble going on.

For some reason, I’m fascinated by this bizarre charade. I have some questions, and I’m hoping some of you out there fill me in.

Is it not apparent that the guy who owns Bangkok Sisters, Bar-Bar, Baccara, etc. regularly posts reviews of his own clubs posing as an objective observer? In the US, we call this type of guerrilla marketing “advertorials”. I’m not opposed to this kind of marketing, but I’m an American … we like to hear a disclaimer somewhere in the pitch.

The problem here is that I assume every glowing review of some establishment is horseshit. Subliminal spam. Somewhat less than credible. So, what I propose is disclaimer policy. If you are going to ramble on about how great some place is, you should state whether or not you have a financial interest in the joint. It only seems fair.

Then again, I’m a guy who has posted 3 times on the board and now wants to start making rules. Please excuse me … as I said … I’m an American.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:17 pm on Sep. 26, 2007

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