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Glad you had a good time and thanks for the report. It really sounds wonderful, filling those girls mouths up with semen like that. I would like to go in and do that.

I used to go in there sometimes, but I stopped after I met the boss. I don't know what he thinks of as his role there, or mine as a customer, but after a short conversation he impressed me as someone in need of a straight jacket and a rubber room. If I've offended anyone here, friends of his perhaps, sorry, and I'm sure it is no reflection on you. Glad to see you keep a candle lit for his mind.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:30 am on Dec. 6, 2007
Joe Wood
well, as you say, this is the advantage of having money.

But it is always comforting to know that a lot of BJ girls never let anything go to waste.

It must be something to do with the house-keeping skills they are taught at an early age.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:48 am on Dec. 6, 2007
I went in there on Saturday night and they have thought of a new rip off. For every lady drink I bought, they inserted two bills (the second set must have been added whilst I was in the corner) and said the girls had ordered doubles. In the process, they gained a few hundred baht and lost a customer for ever.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:00 pm on Dec. 10, 2007
it's not a ripoff.

Afterskool girls always order a soda to chase the Tequilas. which mean you pay for 2 drinks everytime.

tell them they can have only 1 soda per 3 tequilas

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:41 pm on Dec. 10, 2007
I don’t know about it not being a rip-off. I would count it as being a rip-off if they do not advise the punter in advance. If said punter says sure I’ll buy you a lady drink, or sure I’ll buy you a shot – the lady should ask for the second one as well. Or if this is some kind of bar “policy” then they should make the policy clear before the punter starts to run up a tab.

IMHO one lady drink/ one shot = 1 tequila; i.e. 1 = 1, not 1 = 2, or 2=4, or any other kind of math that might somehow seem to make since in this land of delusions where every man is a hansom man.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:01 pm on Dec. 10, 2007
This is where it pays to keep track of the bills. I may get a little drunk when in the bars, but never to the point where I can't count, if I did then it’s my fault if something bad happens.
With the 2 drink issue. They did try it on me with the first shot and even with them making Mr happy, well... happy, I still checked the bills as they came. After I saw it the first time and made mention of it, they asked before getting that soda with the shot and they did not charge for the next round.

As I said in my earlier post, it pays to know what you are getting into before you get there. Isn't it a general rule of thumb that most bars (or bar girls) are going to try and find a way to get a few extra baht out of you? True there are a few bars (and girls) that just serve a drink and don't try to milk you, but in my experience none of the naughty things happen in those bars. Even the ones that didn’t try it on me the first time may try it to somebody else or even me the next time
Maybe it's just me, but that is the impression given before ever setting foot in Thailand, you need to beware and watch your cash. Then again, having had experience with "fish" bars around the world, including 3rd world countries, (Thailand may be a little better off then some other but the same still applies) … they are all doing the same thing, get you drunk, tempt you with T&A and get all the cash they can from you. Hell, it’s the very premise for all the strip clubs in the US and other countries. The big difference, in the bars in Thailand you will pay less to get the girl and you are almost guaranteed to get off. (strip clubs in the US you will pay 10 times as much and end up jerking off, alone) It is capitalism as it's... best? worst? The point is, they are all trying to get as much out of you with as little effort as possible. And it is supply and demand. You are supplied the female "companionship" and they demand the money.

So be a smart shopper, watch where your cash goes and ENJOY!!! You can’t get everything for nothing, but I found in Thailand, you can get a lot for very little.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:46 am on Dec. 11, 2007
Mel Gibson
Soda at lady-drink prices,,,,NAHHH

Oneshould pronounce that the "chaser" is being held by the customer in special storage units and is to be extracted via the banana shaped straw.
I rest my case.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:43 am on Dec. 11, 2007
jack attack
This double charge is a new one and not clever. I am sure there are plenty of punters staying reasonably sober to catch this. Next it will be charges for salt and lime slices!! The mamasans in some of the WanChai pubs in HK often stuff the cup and the fees are much worse. But word gets out and regulars drop off until they start to behave again.

Let's see... Bt 200 for the seat, Bt 300 for the table, BT 100 for each leg of the table....

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on Dec. 12, 2007
ooh, you want to have lining in your suit, my good sir??


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:35 am on Dec. 12, 2007
They didn't try to charge 2 Lady Drinks when one was ordered. It was a normal cost for soda added onto the Lady Drink tab. If I had ordered it or they had asked me, it would not be so bad. This is why I said something and they gave the next round for free.
I may be generous but not stupid (maybe) and you have to let them know it from the start (What I think at least). That is why I will check each bill. They looked at me funny when I was in the corner getting serviced and they dropped another bill in my cup, I pulled it out to check it over. Sometimes it takes doing that to keep them honest.


"Locks keep honest people honest". Think that still applies here. If you give then a chance to cheat or steal... They will!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:22 am on Dec. 12, 2007

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