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MainNight Clubs, Clubs, Discos – Thaniya Clubs - Arcadia All Topics

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more links to more sites from SOI JAPAN
all the fair-skinned girls that I am sure command an enormous amount of money

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:08 pm on Feb. 24, 2003

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:56 pm on Feb. 24, 2003
I'll see your WOW and raise you a YOWZA . Peace

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on Feb. 25, 2003
great are my hero !
are these places only for the japanese or can any asians or farangs walk right in ?
any info on the rates & options ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:42 am on Feb. 25, 2003
never been...but from doing some research...this is what i have found

Soi Thaniya :
Japan comes to Bangkok. Taniya Rd., three short blocks east of Patpong, more closely resembles a nightlife district in Tokyo than Bangkok. Just for an odd experience, walk pass the private gate ( the Japanese have apparently purchased the entire street) and pseudo-art-deco Thaniya Plaza building to glance at the Japanese nightclubs, laser karaoke bars, and sushi joints all marked with Japanese script. Most are private clubs that bar admittance to Westerners unless accopanied by a member.

looks like it is for rich Japanese

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:48 am on Feb. 25, 2003
Asian Man: Most have a Japanese only policy but as Arcadius says a Japanese friend accompanying you will usually be sufficient. Of course deppendinmg on how you look being Asian of another nationality might do it. The policy (which bugs me a great deal) is really for the customers. They like it to be exclusive. Though when I was there I experienced no sense of hostility or resentment from the Japanese.

Lalake: I've been a few times (with various Japanese friends/clients) and the women were indeed gorgeous but the service was way over the top and really annoying for me. You can't even pick up your own drink -- the girls raise the glass to your lips if you don't fight it away from one must endure very drunken Japanese guys* belting out Beatles songs or whatever and the other customers and the girls will not allow you not to atke a turn at the mic.

As some of you might now there is an interesting aspect of the Japanese culture: As concealing emotions is paramount, they have a custom whger when they drink they drink to massive excess so that they are excused for any behavior and may stop repressing themselves. This actually performs an important social function. (I believe there is even a word for this in Japanese). As a result if you go drinking with the average Japanese guy, threy will get very very drunk and often obnoxiously so.

I'll wait for Boomarang to show up and tell me I've got it all wrong...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:31 am on Feb. 25, 2003
when i was in LOS all the girls thought i was from Hong Kong. lets say that the folks at Arcadius things i'm from Hong Kong, do you think i could walk in with out any problem if i was to dress up maybe even a suit ?
how much are these girls are looking for you to spend anyways ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:37 am on Feb. 25, 2003
Folks at Arcadius??? You mean Thaniya, right?

I imagine you in a suit could get in except if there was any doubt I wonder if they would ask you in Japanese...Certainly you will have staff speaking to you in Japanese when you get in. Would get away with saying you were American Japanese or something? Maybe.

How much? I don't know. I was a guest of people who refused to let me pay anything. (I didn't fight too hard.)

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:01 am on Feb. 25, 2003
Damn you Mr. J, you just had to drag me into this!  ;)

I hate to disappoint you but you are 100%, without a doubt, inexplicably incorrect!!!

You are incorrect in thinking that I would come here and tell you that you have it all wrong!  

I've been sort of staying out of the conversation mainly because I don't have much to add that hasn't been said elsewhere and more to the point, I don't spend time in Bangkok much anymore so;
A. I can't say too much about what is going on at any given club recently and also
B.  I've been fighting with myself to try make time to stay in BKK long enough to invite a group of boardies into a club so people could see what it's like for themselves.

On a humorous note, I do remember ccvvbb saying that it's only money and he wouldn't mind spending millions so maybe we can have an RT at Arcadia.  He will pay for it and I will get everyone in.   How about it ccvvbb?  ;)

But, I would like to maybe add a bit or emphasize what you've written, which is very astute on your part although not surprising!

"is really for the customers."

This is one thing I SLIGHTLY disagree with.  Part of your third paragraph supports this as what you describe, (Buraiko) does support an important social function and although drunken behavior is well accepted in Japan, Japanese will feel less comfortable around foreigners (Gaijin) at the beginning.  Once shit faced however, a passing by Gaijin is likely to get dragged into a party!  

But, I think an additonal source of the policy, which you might end up liking even less than the policy itself, is that if  Japanese bar or club has problems with Gaijin over an extended period of time, anywhere in the world, that club will become private very quickly.

However, as a Japanese, I have much greater social responsibilities than just what are covered by laws.  If a business, bar, nightclub, grocery store, almost anything, can show that I caused damage or trouble, my family can be held responsible for it.  Also, if I am an employee of a Japanese company and I cause trouble in a Japanese bar or club, my company will hear about it.  

So, Japanese bars have much more assurance that customers are well behaved.  With Gaijin, their only recourse is to call the police if there is a problem.  But, if "you" are a Gaijin and you work for a Japanese company, having your business card, (Meishi) with you might very likely get you in.

The service?  It drives me up a wall!!!!  But, hey, I think I do the Beatles rather well, at least I think so, I don't usually remember too well.  ;-)

Not being allowed to take a turn at the mic?  I guess I never was in a position to notice that there, although the customers may come with prepared lists with 50 songs for each person and dump that on the DJ or the girls might be over reacting.  But, if what you say is happening, which I don't doubt, that sucks!

But here in Japan, it is completely opposite.  Gaijin will find a mic shoved in their face the second they walk in some clubs although there is nothing worse than to have the mic shoved in your face and are expected to sing a Beatles song with someone that is drunk half out of their mind!  ;)

All that having been said, the last time I was in Thaniya was about 4 years ago and I wasn't paying but was getting dragged from one place to the next so I don't even know what clubs we went into.  But, I do remember the prices at that time being about 2,000 per hour for a table charge per head and another 2,000 per hour for each girl to just to sit there and be a pain in the ass.  

But recently, it seems the price has dropped to around 800 per hour with 2 hours going for 1,200 and maybe 1,000 for each girl, if even that.

As far as getting a girl out of there.  Possible, but it would cost a ton of money to sit there night after night just to find one that isn't waiting for her Samurai in shining leather to show up with the title to a BMW and the keys to her own condo.  But, if one just wants to go and sit their with one's tongue drooping down to the floor, that's not so expensive.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:09 am on Feb. 25, 2003
Asian Man - I don't know what Arcadia's policy is, they don't say it on their web site, not that that surprises me but, maybe if everyone thought you were Japanese and you spoke fluent Japanese you could get in, or, as I mentioned, if you work for a Japanese company or MAYBE a subsidiary.

But, if you are looking to score with a girl there and you approach it wrong, you could get thrown out on your ear and also make it harder for other non-Japanese to enter.

The girls don't expect you to spend anything except to pay your bill.  You can give them a tip if you want but you don't have to.  

But, again, if you want to score, expect to spend at least a month going there three or four times a week to build up a reputation and then be willing to come across with some SERIOUS gifts.  And then even then, it's a maybe.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:22 am on Feb. 25, 2003

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