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dont forget your cup and rubber gloves. Maybe you could take a syringe filled with my pee in it, just to be safe.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:48 am on Aug. 16, 2004
"We did the raid last night because the minister requested it... he ordered us to arrest, and he's commanding, so we had to make the arrests," said Sgt. Maj. Manote Panyatana.

I was in Orbit on Saturday night and just drop by Q bar to catch a couple of friends around 1.30 AM.

All my friends were wearing a "Nice" Blue Stamp on the forehand, there was a lot of argument between the BiB and some foreigners at the door.

By the way, local TV was there.

I was in Qbar on Friday Night with a few friends and 2 off them (Thai girls) came back from the upper floor with a plastic cup in their hand heading to the toilets coz they had been asked to do so by undercover cops......

Might have been a drill for the next day.....


PS: Question, what happen if you are just back from amsterdam and get to piss in the plastic cup in BKK ? Purple ?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:55 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Kh RayRay
Our company just brought in a new guy last week. He was asking me for some good places to go out last weekend. I gave him my list and needless to say he wound up at Q Bar on the night in question. He wasn't carrying his passport and wound up being detained until 7:00 the next morning. Not a good way to end your first week in a new job.

Personally I've about had it with the BS here. I have quit going to the "regular" bars and only hang out in a bar close to home that is owned by a police higher-up. Used to I was going out all the time but now it has subsided to once a week max. I know my baht won't be missed but I would be willing to bet there are a lot of others that are doing the same. They are about to kill this city and nobody in the government gives a sh!t. Oh well, their loss.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:08 am on Aug. 16, 2004

Quote: from Oldtimer on 2:01 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
Rather I am furious about this whole damm business about being forced to offer a urine sample.

I have been around for 67 years now and, of course, never touched
methamphetamines. But, I have also never been forced to forced to pee into a cup late at night. The indignity of it all disgusts me... to say nothing about the violation of internationally accepted jurisprudence concerning self-incrimination.

The Thais are quite entitled to wage their "war on drugs" their own way; but by God they are NOT going get away with treating foreign tourists in this Nazi-like fashion. If I was threatened with a demand to provide a urine sample I would refuse.

Fine. I would expect that you will be having an alltogether interesting experience of the detentioon cell of a Thai police station - I'm sure you are bound to appreciate it.

Seriously, Jesus H. Christ, will you folks all acting high and mighty and bothered by all of this please get a frellin' clue??? Not that I doubt you will, but it's just a friggin' cup they ask you to pee in, and if you actually care, the BiB are probably just as bothered by having to go through this monkey circus than you are - but as they said, 'the minister wanted it', so it had to be done.

The least you can do, considering YOU ARE A FRELLIN' GUEST IN THEIR COUNTRY, is to comply, with a smile on your face, and move on. Or, if you want to make some kind of statement, go ahead and take a healthy swig from your sample before you hand it over.

Either way, it's no different than giving a sample at your doctors, or during any standard drug test if you were to apply at any standard US company.

If it bothers you that much, stay at home and order in. Otherwise, STFU, and be cooperative.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:52 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Actully any other country will let you go home and get the passport and they are NOT after the money they will find you for not having a passport with you.
I do not mind the pee but can they please do it after closing ours and can they please be selective.
There is ways to see if people take drugs with out pee sample.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:11 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Was in Q Bar last nite too eventhough Me and my mate were not willing to get there because of the incident on Saturday night but it was the only place lively at Midnight.

So after 1 hour they closed the door and I drove a couple of girls to CM2 for an other hour of Music......

Needless to say that majority of people that were in Q Bar had made the same move to CM2.......

Including a couple of babes which I had difficult time to fit in the back seat of my tiny little car......


PS: If the blond dude I took the girl off his arms on the Parking lot beside CM2 is reading this post..... Well sorry man but that's life

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:20 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Yes, blood samples would be much more fun.

It is not so much the having to do it, but that they close down your nights entertainment and fun. They then MAKE you hang around for 2 hours while they fcuk around and process it. This country sucks in so many ways, but it is also good in so many ways, I wonder how many of the 'bad ways' need to be added to the list to tip the balance and make it not worth living here.
Maybe this racist country wants it that way, maybe they are scared and know that to many mixed kids in the future might mean there will finally be some brains in the country and god help that thought.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:23 am on Aug. 16, 2004

Quote: from Bangkoksexydotcom on 6:11 pm on Aug. 16, 2004

I do not mind the pee but can they please do it after closing ours and can they please be selective.
There is ways to see if people take drugs with out pee sample.


Can you please elaborate on this technique of yours for finding out if somebody is on drug.
and Please no "eye redness and dilated pupils"


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:27 am on Aug. 16, 2004
I just forgot to mention one important thing !

My ex GF (I mean one of mine....) was in Lucifer on Saturday night and told me that its was packed and that she talked to many people that told her that Q Bar was getting raid this night......

Seems that some are getting much accurate information than I do !


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:32 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Off course there is only 1 way or at least in this case (sometimes 3 ways) that is to take a blood sample.
But what I mean is that the police should send in the very not looking police Thai in first check the people they know take drugs or selling it. Also check for eyes and other things. The police in many countries use a stick and they messure the eyes before even asking the person for a pee. Draging in all of the people in a buss for bribe money does not long belong in a any free country. Every one have the right to do what ever he pleases and arrest people just beucase they are in a place that have not paid enough money to Thaksins brothers is totally wrong. And yes the normal "going out every day" girls knows what places going to be raided all the time. In lucifer all the staff knows and always sends sms to the reglulars not to come along. Very good maybe something for Qbar to put on there sms list!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:19 am on Aug. 16, 2004

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