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The discussion continues on another forum as well !

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:59 am on Aug. 16, 2004

Quote: from Oldtimer on 10:01 am on Aug. 16, 2004
(it is a) violation of internationally accepted jurisprudence concerning self-incrimination.
WTF??? So just what percentage of nations in your f*cking world give a sh*t about "international jurisprudence concerning self-incrimination"? Particularly in drug testing? I'm sorry, would you speak up a little louder?

And what would you DO about it, swear out a complaint to the * United Nations/World Court * about the gross usurping of your civil liberties, etc. for having to pee into a cup - the same United Nations/World Court that can't/won't do diddly to nations that torture and murder millions of innocent civilians, stone individuals to death for the dreadful crime of suspected adultery, etc., etc., etc.???

Quote: If I was threatened with a demand to provide a urine sample I would refuse.
WOWWWW!!! Now that'll show them!!!

Quote: I would...complain to my embassy
Now that's even funnier. And while you're at it would you please complain also to your new cellmate rats, who are able to do/or even care to do, as much about another country's internal laws and enforcement as your embassy can.

BTW, what planet did you say you just stepped off of?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:41 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
As I said before write to your favorite magazine and warn them. When the embassy in the other country get to much media and questions they will back off.
Money makes the world go around. Remeber this guy is pretty pisst off now beucas Mr Thaksin stopped his ZONE planning. 1 Zone one go go bar project.
Qbar is outside the zone and was also in bangkokpost telling the same minister off, PAYBACK TIME.
U figure...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:38 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
I am not sure that some of you chaps realize how serious this is. You cannot just accept being obliged to give a urine sample because one happens to be having a drink in a well run expensive bar. The very idea of being caught up in a raid with TV cameras chills me! That might be expected at wild places like Cowboy/Nana but for heavens sake not at Q Bar.

I have subsequently discussed this matter with a very senior official who agrees with me that its unacceptable to oblige foreign business executives to undergo a urine test in these circumstances and he has offered to make representations at the highest level. At the same time he advises me not to be without a passport, a request that I happen to believe is perfectly reasonable.

I and my colleagues happen to be tremedous supporters of the current government, but this urine test business in a venue as respectable as Q Bar is absolultely unacceptable. I have never seen any evidence of drugs there nor did the police raid detect any. Are the police going to burst into our hotel restaurants next?

Of course, if I was involved in the raid I would have to give a sample after protesting to the highest police official on the scene. But, I would not be content to leave matters there.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:46 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
I carry my passport everywhere I go just like I do my drivers license back home. What would bother me is the chance of a false positive. If the tests they give in the US have an error margin of around 3% imagine what the error margin is on tests given on the spot by untrained personnel. There are alot of different cold medicines and drinks that contain enough ephedra that it will show up as a positive when testing for methamphetamines. I am sure alot of you would change your opinion if you were to have to take the test and tested positive for nothing more than an antihistamine.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:14 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
Manuel bkk

Quote: from Hermanolobo on 9:59 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
The discussion continues on another forum as well !

I got myself to write on Thaivisa to give a bit of weight agianst the Q bar crusefiction there. Just to quote my reponses there to add to the discussion here. (BK, if you do not want me to add from another forum, please remove)

Anyway, so many comments and so much wrong info...
Predjuce against some places and people seems to exist in an extended way on this forum (Thaivisa)... Does the wrong info only etends to night clubs or maybe also to other info posted? Go figure.

To summarise previous statements and comments..


Copy of passport was accepted at the Q bar raid. As long it was accompagnied by a copy of the actual visa and entry stamp.

Also 'normal' people go to Q bar.
VoBKa red bull is not 300 B but 220 Baht.

Q bar too upmarket for Kaosan Road??
Ever heard of diversified entertainment in any city worldwide??
This statement means that all entertainment venues are not in Kaosan Road because they feel so much better?
Maybe they are reaching a different public.
See places like Zantika, Bed, Escudo, Booze etc. at Kaosoan... say no more, Kaosan is just a little tourist strip in Bangkok.

Is Richard (Manager Q) too outspoken or is he just one of the view who dares to speak up! Guess that we are all afraid to publicly state our opinions. Pretty sad, isn't it?

1000 Baht entry fee at Q....!
Just tell us that you never been there!
Monday to Thursday: 400 Baht - 2 coupons for 200 Baht towards drinks.
Friday to Sunday: 600 Baht - 2 coupons for 200 Baht towards drinks.
Buy a bottle and you receive free entry at your ticket the next time (s).
BTW, best drinks (quantity of alcohol) are served at Q.
Go and try yourself.

Q bar failed a payment to the MIB?
No, they never seem to pay and never will. All licenses are in order and there is no reason to pay other than official regulated payments.
Or do you all agree with the 'underworld'?

This affecting tourism in Thailand?
IMHO it does. Had already two queries from people outside Thailand. Entertainment is one of the pilars of tourism industry as a whole.


Anyway, the above indicates that I both frequent visit Q bar and I actually enjoy it to go there. Besides Q I go to many other night time venues, being it well known or less well known places. All venues deserve a proper discussion, not only the throwing of unsubstantial 'facts'. Hope you all agree with this.

The issue at hand is thew new closing times which is enforced upon all of us. Reason being?? Zoning is out of the window since some areas within previous set zones are also closed at 1 AM. This government is only out to crush a few bad boys. My advise is to start looking at the source. Where is the drugs coming from and who is/are facilitating the drugs trade in Thailand. For sure this is neither Q bar nor any reated persons. Who then? Make up your mind and think...

See you all at Q bar, with passport.......


QUOTE (....... @ Tue 2004-08-17, 08:32:33)
I thought the faashion crowd were the pretentious, cocaine sniffing, bulimic set that no normal person would care to associate with. And that goes for the wannabee hangers-on as well. they are welcome to pay stupid prices for their drinks and welcome to have their own place to gather. As in most major cities, there is an 'in' place for these superficial, supercilious super egos. Let them keep to it and not disturb the rest of the world. UNQUOTE

What am I missing here.....
I go to Q bar and now I am clasified as a wannabee hanger-on? (This since I am not part of the fashion industry)
Mate, get a life!! If you can't hack the fact that some people want to pay a bit more for a good drink (alcohol content in Q is at least twice the normal BKK size..) do not comment either. Obviously you are very much biased against people who chose to spend their hard earned money in another place than the by you frequented cheap charly shack. Be happy we are not there al together. Do not comment negatively at other bars without factual information, I guess you do.

You also seem not to know the new 'in' places in town. Q bar is not part of the 'in' places anymore. Those kind of places are coming up and are disappearing again after being spit out by the so called 'in' crowd. Q bar had the ability to establish itself as a major player in the club market and has been succesful over many years. But on this board it seems that succesful doing business is a crime. Making money with a sussesfull business is not a crime and should not mean that you have to accept any government interference whatsoever.

And may I say.
My comments against this kind of raids is not only because it is Q bar. I am against it in any other establishment. If the police was looking to make drugs related arests they should go to the places where they have a 90 % chance. Problem might be that those places are firstly owned by police officers or related groups and secondly that those places are only frequented by Thai youth and therefor it might not be enough to satisfy the (government controled) media. As a previous member wrote; there should be a process of law before raids occur. What is wrong with being innocent before proven quilty? Put in front of a camera might not be liked by your farang country manager. You will be having bagage now..... Out you go.... Charged quilty of drinking in Q bar!!

I am quilty as charged. Good that I have not a boss to worry about just my social acceptance in the Thai society.

For all those who were so negatively prejucided against Q bar: herewith I invite you to come over and make an opinion on your own. To those ones who are not able to distinguise non 'in' crowd clubs and bar from the 'in' crowd bars: let me show you around were you find Bangkok most pretentious people. You will not see many, or any, Farang here though!

Disclaimer: I am not other related to Q bar than being a guest of the establishment.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:20 pm on Aug. 16, 2004

Quote: from Oldtimer on 7:46 am on Aug. 17, 2004
....but this urine test business in a venue as respectable as Q Bar is absolultely unacceptable. I have never seen any evidence of drugs there nor did the police raid detect any....

Come on Oldtimer let's not get too uptight about the respectability of Q Bar just cos it massively overcharges for its drinks - it is hardly the Bamboo Bar at the Oriental Hotel....

It is perhaps the number one pick up joint of freelancers and good time girls for english language speakers in Bkk. Many of the hooker/freelancers there are simply ex-Patpong and NEP girls (although I am sure your colleague was only there for a quiet drink).

As for the drugs, not only did 2 people test 'purple' during the raid, but I certainly no of regulars there who use drugs.

I think you protest too much. This 'testing' is clearly irritating but I dont see why foreigners should be exempt. Afterall, you can either not go out or f_ck off to another country.

Over 100 people were 'fined' for not carrying a passport. Does this mean that Thai driving licenses were not considered acceptable by the BIB? I am pretty sure that Q Bar has a policy of checking everyones ID (including farangs) but I could be wrong - havent been there for a few months.

It also seems that the policy of hitting the likes of Q Bar and Mystique flies in the face of the Thaksin's policy of trying to move tourists upmarket (read big spenders). I just got back from Ibiza and it is very clear that everyone there is giving Thailand a miss for the time being....

Edited after Manual's comments... plus

Shouldnt Q Bar be closing at 12 under the new rules?
Wasnt it David who made the comments in the press?

(Manual - I dont have much against Q Bar - just prefer the other joints mentioned in your post)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:32 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
Manuel bkk

Quote: from Abrak on 10:32 am on Aug. 17, 2004

As for the drugs, not only did 2 people test 'purple' during the raid, but I certainly no of regulars there who use drugs.

To be complete. 'Rumours' say that all have been cleared.......
Agree though. There are people frequenting Q and are using drugs, notably E. The guy who was pushing it though is not seen anymore, now persona non-grata.
They should go to the places were busts will be 'succesfull'. We all know where.....

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:37 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
Ah haaa Manuel....

But there (the most obvious place anyway) the police are definitely 'persona non grata'

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:41 pm on Aug. 16, 2004
right on!
as a fellow "wannabee hanger-on" I had an excellent night at Qbar last night...again.

ID and passports were checked at the door. Girls (Thai anyway) have always had their ID's checked. We are now welcome to be treated the same as the locals.
Look, it is the law here to have to carry ID!
Geeeez, I dont like it, but so what? Is this the first time some of you have lived abroad?!

At the same I had to explain to a coule of skandanavian guys why they were being refused entry without their passport, and what were the consequenses if the MIB turned up! (the girl at the desk was making a complete balls of it!) I never saw them inside afterwards.

There were a couple of plain clothes "geezers" in the bar. They had their testing kit with them I was told. I did not see any of the girls being tested last night, but I may have missed it (I was distracted).

The bottle I had behind the bar gave entry (free) for myself and the two cuties I had with me. This and the free mixers that comes with it is worth it to me! (each to his own, boys,)

Those people who do not like Q bar or cannot afford it are right to give the place a wide berth. Please feel free to f_ck right off. I do not want to hear any of your negativity f_cking up an excellent night.

I have also had a couple of friends now decide to try Singapore rather than BBK for their weeks holiday.
OK, just another small drop in the bucket, but it continues the trend for Thailand to become a destination for Chinese package tours, rather than the younger western party goers who flocked to the place in the past?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:14 pm on Aug. 16, 2004

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