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I saw this big green plick in there last night, they should have been testing him, he must have been on something, maybe to much green lemonade.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:26 am on Aug. 17, 2004
Mark Pressure
I agree with Oldtimer. This is serious and a slippery slope. At what point do they stop? Should the police have access to hotel rooms at any time to look for drugs or underage girls? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If the LOS turns into a police state then I guess people will stop visiting. Hard currency has the biggest vote in LOS.

First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:59 am on Aug. 17, 2004
jack attack
All countries are police states. Good ole US of A? FBI, state police, local police, national guard, DEA, Homeland security, transit police, air marshals, Treasury, Secret Service, ATF. And I know I am missing a few.

The funny thing is the selection and the subsequent rationale. "The boss told us to do it." They could at least say, we had been given inforamtion that drugs were on the premises. Absent of that little detail, it makes you speculate that they have singled out Q Bar for a reason.

And now the speculation will be what will happen after the election.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:46 am on Aug. 19, 2004
MaximusNaughtinus Posted on 3:26 pm on Aug. 17, 2004
I saw this big green plick in there last night, they should have been testing him, he must have been on something, maybe to much green lemonade.

The big green plick normally drinks Absolute, tonic, and red bull at the Q Bar.
I also drink Absinth on occasion.
I find both of these concoctions turn the Thai cuties into versions of the Energizer Bunny…they just keep bouncing and sucking for hours, going, going, going ……………………still going, and going.

Fantastic fun!
Worth the try!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:17 am on Aug. 19, 2004
Oh, for gods sake. Getting annoyed because a night out was ruined is one thing.. but linking it with the rise of Nazism as one poster is trying to do is another.

Get a grip guys. We choose to live or visit here. We know it is Asia. We know it is a developing nation. We know that this is not a western democracy, yet we still choose to enjoy it.

This sort of sh_t happens in Asia. If you want to get all high and mighty, stay at home in farang land. The need to carry a passport around is hardly a big price to pay for the privilege of being a guest in this paradise on earth.

Pissing in a cup? big deal.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:34 pm on Aug. 20, 2004
Manuel bkk

Quote: from scobie on 10:34 am on Aug. 21, 2004
Get a grip guys. We choose to live or visit here. We know it is Asia. We know it is a developing nation. We know that this is not a western democracy, yet we still choose to enjoy it.

This sort of sh_t happens in Asia. If you want to get all high and mighty, stay at home in farang land. Pissing in a cup? big deal.
You seem to forget that Q bar is also visited by Thai. And they were not impressed either and some even very, very upset.
The problem is not only towards the farang but to all in Thailand, including the Thais.
We, the farang, might be stronger voicing our opinion in English language forums, newspapers etc. Did you try to read the Thai language forums about nightlife?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:32 am on Aug. 21, 2004
Yep main trade zone for the Extacsy and other banned #$%$#%.
Snort Mekong, the high is the same.
Plus the place ain't payin thier shakedown dues like other bars do. Get behind in payoffs and they'll put you outta business.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:18 pm on Aug. 21, 2004

Quote: from Manuel bkk on 9:37 am on Aug. 16, 2004
Copies of passports were accepted at the Q bar raid. According to what I have heard they needed to be accompagnied by a copy of the visa and visa stamp.

Back to the passport thing:

Just read this weeks Stick report and he's banging on about the Q Bar raid too. He says that only original passports were accepted, not photocopies.

Manuel bkk, not doubting you for a minute as I believe you're 'out there' a little more often than Stickman is, but can you confirm that a photocopy of a passport accompanied by a copy of the visa is still regarded as okay - not only for Q Bar but for other places too?

I don't see a problem with having to carry some form of photo ID, just like the Thais have to. But an original passport is going to get lost or knackered very quickly in my back pocket, and of course troublesome to replace. What ID do you normally carry with you when going to clubs?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:52 am on Aug. 22, 2004
Was at Q-Bar this week-end with a photocopy of my passport. No problem. Better to have photocopy of the pages with your pic + valid visa.

I always have only photocopy and never any kind of problem with that

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:14 am on Aug. 22, 2004
I have always been asked for ID to get in to QBar. Photocopy has been enough. Been there with friends who didn't have a copy. No entry. On that basis (ie no photocopy no entry) I assume those who were hauled off only had a photocopy and that wasn't enough for the law on that night. Only an assumption.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:15 am on Aug. 22, 2004

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