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Been to the piano club on sukhumvit soi 63 a few times.  I met a girl, and we have been trying the long distance relationship.  Someone tell me more about the club, do all the girls have sex with the customers, who are the clientele, are the girls the same as the "go go" girls.  Please reply soon!!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:15 am on Oct. 9, 2002
jagsbb, I am sure all the girls have sex, eventually. Some are easy, some play hard to get. Most of these girls are students working part time and depending on your taste, they may appear prettier than the go-go bar girls.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:44 pm on Oct. 9, 2002
Not to burst your bubble, but in my opinion bkkz is right on with his assestment of the situation.

I've been to Piano many ... many times. I've taken one female out and this is how it went with me.

First I asked the mansasan/manager if the female would go out. The manager told me maybe and after a couple ..... make that many drinks the with lady she decide she would go out with me.

So ... paid the bar fine or whatever they call it. Got back to the room and was told that she does not sleep with clients. I said, no problems, we can just hang out. When it was getting late, she wanted to go and so I gave her a tip and sent her on her way.

Before leaving she gave me a kiss and asked that I call her and come in and see her tomorrow. I did not promise anything.

I did not show up at Piana the next night and low and behold my hotel phone starts ringing at 1am. It's the female from Piano saying she misses me and can she come over to see me. She says that if I see her she will essencially "put out". Okay. She did not say put out, but the message was clear.

I passed on the offer, since I was tired and a little startled that she was able to remember my hotel room # and able to call in.

This happened for the next 3 days. Calls in the middle of the night.

So .. I went back on the 5th night and sat with her. I also inquired with the manager if all the girls will have sex with the man. The manager said quietly yes ... eventually. I took this to mean that you have to go in a couple times and they play that game of being innocent and all.

Now ... this is just one persons experience and not all females I am sure will have sex with the clients. But .... I would think that close to 100% do at some point in time.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:15 pm on Oct. 9, 2002
Ok, Ok I get the picture.  But this girl quit Piano, she calls me almost every day, she even tatooed my name on her neck!!  I really think she loves me.  Before working at Piano she worked at a place called Monroes.  (any info on Monroes)  I have been there once, its not as nice as piano.  She tells me that she never had sex with customers, only dinners, discos, etc, I guess there is no way to confirm Uh? At the same time maybe its none of my business, I mean who hasn't had apast?  I plan to come and see her in Jan 2003,  I really do miss her.........advice?  Cheers guys!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:41 am on Oct. 10, 2002
You have a very good attitude about this. I would think that you leave the past in the past.

My post was not meant to imply that you females sleeps around. Just general statements. I mean. Nothing is 100%, so she might be telling you the absolute truth.

Anyways ................

If she has quite the business, then that is a step in the right direction. But, the next question you will have to ask yourself, is if she is not working, then how will she get money?? So, you might need to financially support her.

My advice is to keep things the way they are. No sense in rocking the boat. Before possibly sponsorship, I would suggest you have a Private Investigator look into some of her past. I am taking about fiancial and some personal. Not who she slept with out did not sleept with, but more along the lines of what does she due everyday.

I hired one that I can give you their information. Got actual bank statements, birth certificate, cell and home phone records, pictures of her daily activities, ect.

Now ..... you can say that's and extreme, but I think that there are too many stories about people getting played for money. So ... I just made sure. And the one I ended up sponsoring was telling the truth about everything. But ... I would only go to this degree if you thinking about a long term relationship with her, sending her money every month, or decide to have a child with her.

Anyways, hope that helps.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:16 pm on Oct. 10, 2002

I have a female friend in LOS who I have known for some time (yes I met her in a bar but I am not sleeping with her....its true)

She has tried to break out of the bar scene and now has a regular job but I know she is struggling for cash (aren't they all)

I am contemplating some short time sponsorship although I have said nothing to her yet nor has she asked. There are some apparent issues with her current situation which could be helped by short term help and I don't want her to slide back to the bar scene.

I am thinking that I should check things out. We are not talking about a lot of money but I don't want to feel foolish.

So I hope you don't mind the question and will understand if you don't answer, but what did it cost you for the PI?

Guys. Sorry to go off thread

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:38 pm on Oct. 10, 2002
Thanks ABC, you are truely a gentleman.  Well I have been supporting her $$  only about 20 000 a month, you see I live in Canada.  She is going to school now, and lets see what happens.  You are 100% right about the PI though, I guess it's better to have piece of mind, rather than looking like a fool.

Dave, the cost is about 5000bht a day, check out his website at

Cheers guys, ........What about cjub Monroes???

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:58 pm on Oct. 10, 2002

It is highly unlikely that your girl never, ever slept with customers. She may have been selective and only slept with ones she thought were decent (or rich), but if she worked for any length of time she had to have slept with a few or more.

But I wouldn't hold that against her (and it sounds like you don't). Even her lie about it (if it is) is understandable, and she may even have convinced herself that she only slept with guys she liked, so they weren't in fact customers (although they did pay her). It sounds like you want some assurance that she was not a total tramp, i.e. that she was pretty selective. Or some assurance that she hasn't "fallen in love" with 10 other guys before you.

In your case I think the PI is a decent insurance policy against gross fraud and misrepresentation, but I don't think it will ever satisfy your nagging curiosity over her sexual past (did she sleep with 3 guys or 300?). I think this will always be a source of tension for you and you have to decide if it's worth it.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:10 pm on Oct. 10, 2002
Dave, I don't think a PI is warranted in your case.

If you consider her a friend and a decent person, loan her the money and see what happens. If you don't give her the money and she goes back to the life, then you have that guilt hanging over you. If she turns out to be a hustler then you lose a bit of cash, but she is the one who has to live with that. Also, after loaning someone money it is tempting to try to control his/her life, but that should be avoided; advice is ok, putting handcuffs on her is not.

Investigating a friend with a PI over a few baht would disrespect you both. When you put your heart and a significant portion of your assets (e.g. contemplating marriage), then I think some due diligence is understandable.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:19 pm on Oct. 10, 2002
Thanks for your comment. I agree with you and sure I don't mind the cash. But nobody likes to be hussled.

I wouldn't want to loan her the cash. I wouldn't want the possible implications of repayments for the reasons that you correctly state.

I suppose I am just wanting to know that I am not being creamed and that if I try to help then the situation is for real.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:32 pm on Oct. 10, 2002

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