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MainElsewhere in Thailand – CG and Dew and a Wedding in Isaan All Topics

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I composed this FR a few years ago. I was all composed within one day of a trip to Isaan. I never published this FR on, so I hope it qualifies as a “new FR”. After I wrote it, I didn’t publish it (until now) for a number of reasons, some of which no longer apply. This FR is unchanged from the time it was written – many things have changed in Dew's life and also in mine since the time it was written.

And whats written on stays on, agreed?

CG and Dew and a Wedding in Isaan

One month ago, Dew told me she was going to wedding in her home in a village very near Khorat (Nakhorn Ratchisima), 3-4 hours out of Bangkok. She said she wanted me to come. Each day I saw her, she mentioned it. Dew told me I have to pay nothing. No wedding gift (she will pay), nothing for her parents or family. Dew told me almost no one will speak English. My Thai is not so good, but passable for two minutes of conversation (like most who are learning Thai, I speak more than I understand, if that makes sense). I can read Thai letters but I take far too long to do this and it gives me a headache.

I have spent far more time with Dew than you have read in the FRs. I see her a few days each month. I have met Dew's daughter and her parents when I came to her room to get her before taking her somewhere. They were nice to me, the father used to work in Bangkok and speaks a bit of English. Dew has not told her family she is working in the bar, she told them she was in a different, well-paying occupation. She says her family might believe this, might not (I doubt they can believe it). She told her parents that I was her boyfriend that she met in Bangkok, they know my occupation and employer. They know I take her on trips, etc. I do not know if they think I give her lot of money (or any). (I do not give her a lot of money, I'm sure it is far less than some customers.)

At times I have had questions in my mind about her personal life (husband/boyfriend/sponsor). I now know a little more information about this but I really am not going to give specifics because I do not feel right about disclosing them to the world. Suffice to say that I supply a small portion of Dew's income. Dew knows that there is NO way I can or will EVER make her my girlfriend, wife, mia noi or anything serious. Now or anytime in the future. I have a clear conscience that I have not mislead Dew by making her think I will give her something that I cannot. Dew has never asked me ANY personal questions whatsoever; she never asks me where I go I do not see her. Smart girl.

I never ask Dew questions about her whereabouts. If I was her sponsor, it might be different - the main thing a sponsor pays for, in my opinion, is the expectation that the girl will come up with plausible explanations justifying where she spends her time when she is not with the sponsor. I am not Dew's sponsor, so have no right to ask questions that require her to make up answers that make me feel good.

All the times I have been with her have been non-serious. Fun, fun, fun. Dew is not playing games with me at all, I am lucky to have her to hang around with. I told her I am a little worried about going to the wedding and what people think about her (I'm jumping to conclusions here, I know). She says that the only people she cares about what they think or HER and ME. Good answer. And I believe her.

I know that BGs are often thought of as lying, deceiving con artists, but Dew has never done anything deceptive to take advantage of me. She hasn't really played games with me (any more than any woman does), and until she starts to do so, I will not assume the worst of her motivation. I think she is a nice person, I have fun with her (for short periods of time, I've never found a TG I could spend more than about 3 days with). If I go, will I have fun at the wedding, or will it blow up in my face?

I asked Dew why she wanted me to go to the wedding and she said: "CG, you take me everywhere first time. Then she got a paper and pen and wrote down in Thai all the places we have been and the things we have done (a long list). She said "You never see Thai people get married before, I want to take you first time to see Thai people get married." When I expressed my reasons for hesitating going, she thought I was making far more out of this than I should, and she said "You want to see Thai people get married, you go. If you do not want to see, then do not go, why you think too much?"

My questions before going were:

- Is this worth the logistical effort?
- Is it fair to Dew for me to go to the wedding, considering we have no future?
- Do I think too much and I should just go to the freaking wedding and have some fun?

I pondered these questions (and had some help and advice from others). Other people's opinions ranged from "You'll have a great time and experience something interesting and unique" to "don't go, it is a trap" and everything in between.

My decision to go came down to two reasons. Dew insists that our relationship is for fun, and it is what it is, nothing more. She says she expects nothing more from me than I give her. Is she telling me what she wants me to hear? Maybe, but perhaps part of the GFE is that I should believe her words and not question the motivation of all her speech and actions. Maybe she'll respect the fact that I appear to take her words at face value.

Secondly, if I went, I would experience something totally new. I want to see where these girls come from, and what their life was before coming to Bangkok. I know Dew as a fun girl who dances in a Soi Cowboy bar, but I want to understand what her life was like before.

So I stopped "thinking too much" and I spent 30 hours with Dew and her family in a place I will "politely" call "The Twilight Zone". Like most "victims" of "The Twilight Zone", I came out with far more to think about than when I went in. I am glad I went, I have no regrets. I have a new appreciation for this special girl. Having said that, I never want to go back to "The Twilight Zone". This is what happened...

Note: I wrote most of this FR in the days shortly following this trip. Some of my thoughts have changed since I wrote the FR, but I left it intact from when it was written. Like it or not, fair or not, this is what I saw and how I felt immediately after the trip.


End of February, I fly through Europe and land Bangkok Airport near midnight and turn on my phone. Message from Dew 45 minutes ago "now I stay sanambin KrungThep, I wait you Terminal 1." (Many thanks to DrLove for logistical planning in coordinating meeting Dew here). I msg back "c u 10 minutes". Each time I arrive, I look for cute immigration agents but always find officials that are older, very serious looking Thai ladies. But this time I get a real hottie. She looks like about mid-20s, and she's even smiling. Man, is ImmigrationHottie beautiful! I'd give my left nut to screw her. I only wish the immigration uniforms had open collars so I could hover over the counter and look at what appears to be a nice rack. Alas, me thinks that ImmigrationHottie is really ImmigrationHottieButNoCanDo. Mai pben rai, bye sweetie (when I saw her writing in my passport, I thought it might be her mobile number, damn it was just my flight number). Off to see the love of my life (for the next 3 days anyway), Dew.

I meet Dew - me thinks she has been to the airport before. She seems happy to see me, we meet the rental car agent and he gives me a nice, almost new car with no scratches. Dew has no clue what road to take, but I have a map and I find my way to the highway. 12:30am is a great time to be driving as there is little traffic. On the way to her village, Dew is a little more forthcoming on her 'personal financial affairs' (i.e. where she gets her money from). Nothing specific, but I get the message. This actually makes me happy as I can have fun with Dew and let someone else have all the hassles. We stop at a 7-11 for some drinks and condoms (Dew jokes "CG, why you buy condom? No one uses here in Isaan!") and we get to the hotel about 10 miles from her village about 3:00am. A nice "welcome CG to Isaan screw".

We sleep for two hours and Dew says we need to go to her house about 6:30am. OK, shower for me (Dew says she'll shower at home) and we drive to her home. It is on the outskirts of the main village. In driving, the houses don't look too bad, but they get worse (more basic) as we get further out of town. We pull up in front of two houses right next to each other. One is her parents house and one is her 'sisters house'. Dew has many 'sisters' but none of them 'same mama same papa'. I've come to find out that 'sister' can mean cousin, really close friend, etc. What qualifies as a 'sister' is still a little unclear.

Dew wai's her parents and DewDaughter comes up to Dew and she lifts her up. I give DewDaughter a stuffed animal from Amereka. The last time I saw DewDaughter, I gave her a stuffed animal (a bear), and I find out the bear is now named "ColoradoGuy" (well, my name!) When DewDaughter wants to play with the bear, she says "ColoradoGuy u tee nigh?" (or whatever the Pasa Lao equivalent is) Cute.

Anyway, about these two houses. Her sister's house is a concrete slab with paneling over plywood for walls and a tin roof. There is a floor covering (like linoleum) in the main room, which I'd guess is about 200 sq ft. There is a kitchen area where tons of food is being prepared. There is an area in the back (outside) that is a shower/toilet. A few cabinets, a TV, a stereo. That's about it. There are no bedrooms, everyone sleeps on the floor in the main room.

Dew's home is next door, and is even more sparsely furnished. A dirty concrete slab with mats for sleeping, one single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, one table with 3 legs, no beds, no chairs, a concrete table outside for eating and drinking whiskey (I'll get to that!) Clothes are strewn everywhere, no closets. I see no TV or anything of any value in the house. Dirty dishes everywhere. The toilet area is filthy... I'd rather piss outside than spend two minutes in there, and taking a crap is out of the question. As in every house in this neighborhood, garbage is strewn about outside and along the road. No one gives a shit about making anything look nice. No need to go on about the accommodations, as you get the idea. The amazing thing is that Dew's room in Bangkok is very neat and clean, clothes are always clean, dishes are always done (I have stayed overnight there and I liked it), and makes her Isaan home look like a shithole (well, it is). Even more amazing is that Dew says she prefers staying here with her family in Isaan rather that being her "great" digs in Bangkok.

OK, back to the wedding (which will occur at 9:00am in her sisters home). We arrive about 6:45am and many introductions are made. BTW, something I noticed is that no one is introduced by name, everyone is always "my sister, my cousin, my grandmother, my uncle, etc." I properly wai all the folks I should be wai'ing. I am offered beer (Chang only), I decline and drink Pepsi, as it is before 7am! Dew gets me some noodles to eat (good) and I sit down with aunts and uncles and cousins. We mostly smile at each other. Everyone is very good at smiling. I'm asked some questions in Thai and even a few in English. However, when I answer the ones in English, they don't understand (they have learned some canned English phrases but probably don't understand what the questions - or answers - mean). Dew does a lot of translating (her English is very, very good).

BTW, the only English spoken by anyone here was from Dew, me, and a tiny bit from DewMom and DewDad. If I spoke to anyone, I had to speak in Thai, or in English that is translated to Lao by Dew. Everything spoken between anyone else was always in Lao.

8am rolls around and there are about 30-40 people around. They have put out some plastic tables and chair (rented or borrowed) and there is a giant 12 foot high bank of speakers (like a rock concert) with Isaan music blaring very loud, no one can hear each other talk (which is good for me). The Thai whiskey comes out. And beer too. I ask Dew what each of the men do for a living but the answer is almost always the same ("not work", or "farm before, but no have water"). There seems to be a shortage of women in the "less than 30yo category" here. I wonder where they are? Most of the men are still sitting on the side with their shirts off (looks like they just woke up), listening to the crap Isaan music and drinking whiskey and beer, not paying attention to anything happening regarding the wedding.

Time for the wedding. I know I should do some research on the meaning of all the things I saw (and I might at some point) but I'll just describe a few things about the ceremony here. The couple started from across the street and had to pass through two "roadblocks". One is a metal chain that is held by two people. These two "guards" ask for a sum of money and some whiskey and beer as a "toll" for the couple to proceed to where they will get married. One of the guys gets me to be one of the "guards", to the delight of everyone. My participation was welcomed. I asked the couple for 200 baht and they offered 20 baht. I refused entry until the 200 baht was delivered (as I was told to not let them pass until they came up with the cash). The other guard got the whiskey. Someone took the money from me, I think it is just for show. The second roadblock was from the ladies. They wanted food offerings. All this is part of the procession and most everyone is joking and laughing. Most of the men are still sitting on the side with their shirts off, listening to the crap Isaan music and drinking whiskey and beer, not paying attention to anything happening regarding the wedding.

The couple sits in the house in front of a table with a monk, who proceeds to chant for about 30 minutes. This is broadcast over the loudspeakers. At one point, sin sot (dowry) is counted for everyone to see. I forget the exact amount, I think it was 20,000 baht. The couple at one point wears a chain of flowers on their heads, joined by a single strand. Lots of praying, bowing, sitting in uncomfortable positions, by the attendees to the ceremony. Those watching the ceremony consist of about 30% of the people there and no men except me, because the men are still sitting on outside with their shirts off, and drinking whiskey and beer, not paying attention to the wedding.

At one point, someone drunkenly trips over the speaker wire and two of the speakers come crashing down. "Mai pben rai" (or "boor bin yahng"), the speakers are put back up and the ceremony continues, while the men still sit on the side with their shirts off, drinking whiskey and beer, not paying attention to the wedding.

I am not sure at what point the couple is actually married. I ask Dew, she either can't explain it or doesn't understand my question.

OK, wedding finished and people start to disperse. At this point, I am pulled into a few different groups of people talking. I don't understand much of what they say because they 1) are speaking Lao, or 2) speak Thai too fast, or 3) speak words I do not understand. I also am getting questions from Dew's mother and aunts. "Rak Dew Mai?" (do you love Dew?) I just smile like I do not understand, or I make a joke of it. Dew is off with her daughter swinging her on a hammock. (BTW, while Dew was there, no one paid any attention to Dew's baby except for Dew). I wander off to be with Dew and shortly, she gets pulled away to help prepare food. I opt to stay and swing the girl on the hammock rather that go back to conversation I neither understand nor have any value in. I have a good time doing this for an hour and being alone with my thoughts (and a Chang beer, when in Rome, huh?)

Noon time, every adult is drunk, and Dew and I are tipsy. There are about 15 people left. This is where this place goes from being a poor Isaan village to being the "Isaan Twilight Zone". An uncle organizes an impromptu sing-along session with some Isaan flute played by an old man with no teeth and a lady with totally black teeth. I am told to sing-along with NoTeeth and BlackTeeth even though I don't know the words. I mumble some incomprehensible phrases that I think I heard before, and people howl with delight. Even some dancing occurs in the "Isaan Twilight Zone".

DewDad is drunk and DewMom is completely smashed. But they are not quiet drunks. They are shouting at each other in Lao and no one is paying any attention. DewUncle keeps shaking my hand and telling me I am FalangJaiDee. DewAunt is going on and on and on and on to me in Lao, even though I say "Mai Kow Jai" (no understand) every 10 seconds. Dew is giving money to her brother to go buy more beer, whiskey and cigarettes. DewBrother's only duties are to get drinking supplies and to lay on his back in the house staring at the ceiling. (Yes, it is Dew's real brother, not her ThaiBoyfriend).

DewDad keeps telling me he wants to take me to his farm. Everyone says it is too hot to go, we have to wait til about 2pm (isn’t it stil hot at 2pm?). But it is not too hot to sit outside and drink whiskey and get smashed. At this point in the "Isaan Twilight Zone", I consider making some excuse to get the hell out of there, but out of respect for Dew, I do not. I stick it out, I am a trooper.

BTW, do you get the feeling that I'm not too fond of this place?

This might be melodramatic, but I'll write it anyway... you know what I want right now? I want to be snorkeling on Koh Phi Phi with Dew, I want to be riding a horse on the beach at Hua Hin with Dew, I want to be going to a movie in Bangkok with Dew, I want to be at the Coliseum with Dew, I want to be listening to Dew sing bad Karaoke, I want to be ice skating in Bangkok with Dew, I want to be watching Dew swing a golf club and seeing her fall over laughing as she misses the ball. All of these things happened with Dew, but none of them happen in the "Isaan Twilight Zone", the "fun" here is watching all her relatives spend their day getting smashed, talking nonsense and arguing as they live in (what I call) squalor. I feel much sadness because I see Dew surrounded by drunk, unemployed leaches who rely on their cute daughter selling her body in Bangkok to buy their booze, cigarettes and gambling. For the first time, I have pity for Dew. The sadness I have is real.

They finally get around to cranking up the broken down pickup truck DewDad owns and we pile in and go to the cantaloupe farm. It is me DewMom, DewDad, Dew, DewDaughter and some old guy with no shirt (TheOldManWithNoShirt) who I have no idea who is. I offer to drive in my car, but Dew says no, we will go down some bad roads and she doesn't want the rental car damaged. Smart girl. I offer to drive because DewDad is drunk. Offer declined, boor bin yahng, it is a short ride, no problem. BTW, DewMom brought the whiskey for the ride, she and TheOldManWithNoShirt drink along the way. We get to the farm but everything is either withered or dead. There is one guy supposed to be working there, but he is sleeping under a tree. There are empty whiskey bottles strewn about. DewDad explains about the plants (kind of interesting) but DewMom keeps interrupting and shouting in DewDad's face. I come to find out Dew gives money to DewDad for the farm, but DewMom thinks that DewDad give the money to his mia noi instead of spending it on the farm. I ask Dew if she thinks this is true, she says "maybe". I say "why do you send money to DewDad then?" and she gives me a look like that is the stupidest f***ing question she has ever heard. TIT (This is Thailand).

On the way out of the farm, DewMom is again screaming in DewDad's ear and DewDad backs the car into a tree and dents the bumper. TheOldManWithNoShirt was enjoying another glass of whiskey, but it spilled in his crotch when DewDad hit the tree. TheOldManWithNoShirt doesn't even notice, just pours himself another glass. DewBaby is asleep on Dew's lap and Dew is sitting smiling like this is an every day occurrence, and she is happy to be home. I am about to pass out from the heat. Welcome to the "Isaan Twilight Zone".

BTW, everything I write here is the honest-to-God truth. I couldn't even make this shit up.

We stop at some cousin's house on the way home. It is in a similar state of disarray and sanitary shape as the other houses I described. We have some water, fresh cantaloupe and some other fruit. Everyone is very nice to me. Dew is taking to another girl in this house, Dew asks me to guess her age. I guess 22. She is 15. Welcome to the "Isaan Twilight Zone".

Back to Dew's house, TheOldManWithNoShirt is asleep in the back of the pickup truck and doesn't wake up - he's still there now for all I know. Dew's brother is still laying on his back staring at the ceiling. Dew says we should go out and buy a chicken to cook for dinner. DewDad supposedly can make "Chicken Jon" (Vietnamese Chicken) that is delicious. Maybe by the time we get back with the chicken, DewDad might be sober enough to cook it, but I doubt it.

OK, good, me thinks I can have a nice drive with Dew to the village to buy a chicken, but no, everyone except the brother (who is still laying on his back staring at the ceiling) and TheOldManWithNoShirt (who is still asleep in the back of the pickup truck) gets into my rental car. I have parked next to the house and Dew and DewMom are supposed to be helping me back out without hitting the house. But Dew is paying attention to DewMom while DewBaby is sitting on the gear shift next to me. You know what happens next, don't you? I back the car into the house. Well, not into the house but I scrape the side-view mirror on the house, putting a big scratch on the outside of the mirror. I get out to look, and Dew says "sorry, sorry". I am very angry inside but I do my best to just smile and say "phen rai" to Dew. She gets the point and we move on. Welcome to the "Isaan Twilight Zone".

Off to the village. Up until now, I have paid nothing except half of the 1000 baht wedding gift which I insisted on giving to Dew. We go to the market and get 2 big chickens and some fruit for 120 baht. Dew pulls out money but I insist on paying. We go to the 7-11 and buy milk mix for DewBaby. Dew pays without hesitating. I let her pay. Back to the car and I realize now why everyone is in the car. We are going to a cousin's house to cook the chicken. Get to the house (down a one mile dirt road) and it is slightly nicer than Dew's. Slightly.

Beer is offered and accepted. DewDad, who is supposed to cook the chicken, passes out drunk and DewMom does the same. BTW, Dew tells me that her dad and mom are drunk every day. Cousin starts cooking the chicken. About 8 of us run through 6 big bottles of Chang that the cousin had. I offer to buy some more. I give 300 baht to another cousin and she goes off on her motorbike and returns with 6 big bottles of Chang, lots of ice and 60 baht in change for me. I'm impressed.

I'm also impressed with Dew. She has tirelessly translated everything everyone has said to me (again, no one speaks English except Dew and me). She seems genuinely glad that I am here with her.

There is a house two doors down that a farang boyfriend is building for one of Dew's friends, who used to dance in the same Soi Cowboy gogo bar. One of the guys building the house is here with us. I see the house, it is by far the nicest house anywhere around here. I am surprised at how forthcoming he is on financial aspects of building the house, including basing the price of the house on how much the girl says the farang might be willing to pay, not what the cost of materials and labor should be. For example, he (she?) wanted a certain type of stone walkway. As this is something that is important to him (her?), they charge him a lot of money (relatively) for this "option"

Chicken Jon finally cooked, DewDad still passed out in a drunken stupor. This is some of the tastiest chicken I have ever had. manlie! (really!)

Dinner finished, back in the rental car, I bring the family back, DewBrother no longer laying down staring at the ceiling, now he is sitting up and staring at the ground. Dew and I go to the hotel, it is 8:00pm. She is dead tired, but nonetheless, she showers then makes love to me. Certainly she does this out of habit.

We both sleep for about 10 hours. Morning comes, I wake up and have breakfast in the hotel while Dew sleeps. It is time to head to Pattaya for a day of R&R. We go by the house to say goodbye, I am offered food and drink but decline, we stay about 20 minutes (Dew makes food for herself and DewDad). While Dew is making food, DewMom is trying to teach DewDaughter to call me "father". This is a bit uncomfortable. Dew comes out, opens her wallet and gives 1000 to DewDad, 1000 to DewMom, 1000 to each of two neighbors. She now has 20 baht left, which DewBrother takes so he can go buy cigarettes. She lets him have the money. Dew says her simple goodbyes to everyone (no hugs, kisses or emotion at all, wai's for everyone), a pat on the kid's head and we are out of the "Isaan Twilight Zone".

A nice 1.5 days in Pattaya, I return the rental car in Pattaya and I take off for U-Tapao airport to fly to Phuket, as I am working two days there, then meeting Mist who is flying down from Bangkok. Dew says she wants to come to Phuket. I tell her "mai dai" and she is quite satisfied with this answer. Good girl. Dew heads towards Bangkok. Bye sweetie.

Good things about the trip:

- Now I know where these girls comes from.
- No one asked me for money or anything else, and I was treated with respect and kindness by everyone. Everyone went out of their way to be nice to me.
- Other than a few hints here and there, there was no pressure for me to answer questions about Dew and me. I think Dew prepared them well and told them to keep quiet and not bother me about our relationship.

Other thoughts I had after the trip:

- I have much more respect for Dew knowing how she turned out, coming from this environment.
- I did not expect the poor condition of the home, in every way.
- I did not expect that everyone would be so drunk. Dew says there was more drinking than usual the day I was there, but she did also say that DewMom and DewDad are drunk everyday.
- I did not expect to see so many people with nothing to do.
- I saw no evidence of one satong of Dew's money (which I assume is coming into the house) being spent on anything for the kid, or to improve anyone's lives there. No new clothes, almost no toys, nothing. She's been working in the bar for more than a year, and more nights than not, she has a customer.
- What about the money that comes to DewMom? Dew says she spends some on the kid, but I didn't see any evidence of it. Dew says DewMom does some gambling when she is drunk (each day).
- I believe the situation there is hopeless. Regardless, there is nothing I can do about it, so I will try to forget about it and have a good time with Dew. (Instead of giving her money next time, I'm going to get her Scuba Certification... She is very happy with this idea.)

Am I glad I went? Yes. Will I go again? No way, no reason to do this again. The first time was interesting, the second time would not be, it would just be a pain in the ass and a waste of my time.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:39 pm on July 10, 2008
maybe she invited you because she couldnt get through it alone
you know, like moral support??
plus of course maybe its the old "face" dilemma, like in the western world if a woman goes to a wedding she always prefers to have a "date" for the event

so I think it was perfectly innocent, and a valuable experience.
i wouldnt say you actually learnt much about thai weddings per-se, but actually going into some of these very poor villages and provinces is a real eye opened and very grounding

i have done it myself many times, in thailand and philippines, it can be heartbreaking at times, especially when you know the people involved personally

but also - they seem happy - because they dont know any better - they dont "miss" big double beds, sheets, pillows, mattresses, power showers, a/c etc etc so they have nothing to be unhappy about as such (if you know what I mean)

their whole life has been like this / that, surviving on what they have, and they are "happy" with that because that is all they are used to, they have never experienced anything better

imagine you are flying first class for 10 years, then one day you fly economy, you sure as hell are going to miss it

but if all your life you only ever flew economy, and you never even saw a picture of first class, then you would be happy with that

anyway good fr, thanks

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:59 pm on July 10, 2008
thanks for posting that,

any more in the FR vault ?


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:12 pm on July 10, 2008

Quote: from ColoradoGuy on 12:04 pm on July 11, 2008

I feel much sadness because I see Dew surrounded by drunk, unemployed leaches who rely on their cute daughter selling her body in Bangkok to buy their booze, cigarettes and gambling. For the first time, I have pity for Dew. The sadness I have is real.
This is unfortunately, as you know by now, not an isolated incident, and more the norm, than not. I share the sadness you feel, and it is very real :-(

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:38 am on July 11, 2008
Nice FR CG, I really enjoyed it, it brough back memories of my first trip up country and my subsequent wedding. Funny thing is in the 9yrs we've been married we've probably done the trip 9 times together, and nothing has changed apart from the dramatic increase in 'western style' houses popping up in the whole area.
I used to think that the money was pissed away on teh drunkeness every day too, but it's not always the case, sometimes the money is hoarded over in the bank and left alone, to be used when things really get screwed.

I do not feel sorry for them because they themselves are not sorry, I fully agree with snpark's analogy, they have flown Economy all their lives, they have succumbed to the knowledge they will never fly first class, whatever that is anyway, they will forever be happy in economy. How can you long for something like a Plasma TV or a BMW when your dream of tap water was recently achieved after 100's of years of drinking rain water ? (our village just got piped in )

Anyway, many memories CG, nice post, thx.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:01 am on July 11, 2008


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:27 am on July 11, 2008
Frank La Rue
Food for thought, quite frankly that was the origin I decided to side-step, allthough I must have been with a 100 of them over the years.
All respect though for the girls and the guys who go trough it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:38 am on July 11, 2008
A very rare post from me to congratulate CG for a well written FR.

Gets my vote for best FR.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:05 am on July 11, 2008
This is one of, if not the best FR from CG's pen. Ever.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:09 am on July 11, 2008
Some similar insights on Stickmans site, really well put together CG
These kind of stories make me wonder about the backround of each and every girl I meet in LOS, one of the reasons I treat girls with kindness, amazing how they disguise such adversity and extend the effort they do to make us happy
I won't go to one of these, it's to 3rd world for me

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:44 am on July 11, 2008

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