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Got a laugh out of your post. Unlike you, I prefer to go native when upcountry (to each his own, up to you). I mastered the cup o' water in the oriental toilet years ago in the Middle East. Piece o' cake really, and there is always soap around for the occasion. In fact, at home in the U.S. I've got a Thai hose attached to my toilet. I've grown to think of toilet paper as barbaric and unhygenic

But glad you got a chance to appreciate a slice of upcountry life. It's eye opening and, as you found, rewarding in its own way, regardless of the lack of creature comforts.

- Balls

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:02 pm on June 10, 2003
Interesting field report Invaderzim.

Okay guys, I’ve been dying to ask someone this.  How does the hose/cup ‘o water thing work?  I wanted to try it while I was there, but was afraid I’d just soak my pants.  I figured, to do it correctly without the soak, I’d need to remove my pants and was having none of that in a public bathroom.  Also, how does one dry off after the sloshing?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:16 am on June 11, 2003
quie literally I was afraid  the sheer volume of poo solid and liquid coming out would certainly clog up the little hole especially since it doesnt 'flush'  the just pour  basin water in the hole with the cup  but I feared a heaping mound of stinky  poo  solid and liquid   then making a  mess trying to clean my self... its not like a walmart where you can anonomously leave a mess and somebody gets to clean it up...*in thai* hmmm who left the heaping disgusting mess in our bathroom our 95 lb daughter  or that big lumox falang she brought home....hmmm oh man the embarassement.. so I just held it

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:46 pm on June 11, 2003
invaderzim, I really can't help you on this, but I thought you should know that your last post was the funniest thing I have read all day! ROFLMAO

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:22 pm on July 8, 2003
I second that, I'm still laughing! 555! 5555!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:41 pm on July 8, 2003
invaderzim, next time you visit bring them a gift for the bathroom.  May I suggest a plunger for the "big lumox falang" visitors to use to blow the pipes clear of those giant falang turds.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:50 pm on July 8, 2003

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