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met the gf in Pattaya then a 2 hour bus ride to bkk  most of the way standing up with a 40 lb pack on my back the bus  crew stuffed the bus so full we were standing up packed in like sardines

missed the scheduled bus to  Chiang Mai took this other one  at least 10 hours drive augh it was the worst it had  nice seats and stuff they were a type of recliner seat but never reclined enough to realy relax they played one  movie blade ii  but only in thai no subtitles I couldnt sleep , the bus exaust started coming into the bus so they stopped and took 2 hours to fix it( augh my back and shoulders and legs are killing me) along the way we made numerous stops no falang food no candy  or good snacks they provided free food at some of the stops but it sucked finally at Chiang Mai we transfered to another bus that went up the mountains to her town at a snails pace making  numerous 10 minute stops agghhh my aching body agghh I gotta take a dump agghh its too hot we finally get to her town  its longbong or something we then have to take a baht bus about 20 minutes out of town to  this little 'way too rural' neighborhood where her parents live the live in a garage type structure the bottom floor is all concrete and only has shutters for windows and is partly open to the outside.. the bathroom  is a room with a drain on the floor a hose for a shower. toilet- water square basin and a porcelin  bowl that if I dumped in  would clog up or overflow with  poo even if it didnt  I'd never figure out how to wipe my ass while squatting with that stupid cup of water furniture was a wooden bench a beach chair a mat and a few wodden chairs(bah! I want my hotel I want my room service I want my falang toilet!) No AC but there was 1 oscelating fan  theat they were sure to keep on me at all times

upstairs  a wodden structure small windows a small seperate room with a curtain for her parents, a  thin matress on a wooden block for me and my tgf a steel roof so it was like an oven in the day.. f***ing roosters all night long.. augh.. woke up even more sore than before  had to go to the nearest roadside returaunt to get  some decent food her cousin took me and gf on motorbike we   all ate.. waitress was a ladyboy. her friends showed up( she hadnt seen in 2 yrs )  1 was a ladyboy.. after we ate i went and got a great  thai traditional massage for 200 baht.. hurt a bit afterwards but the next day I felt great! biked it back in the rain left the next day the whole neighborhood turned out to see the falang... then the  drunkard neighbor spoke to me in thai for about an hour when ever he'd pause Id give him a thoughtful look and say yes, yes indeed! every one was easy to entertain just make some funny noises and they were all in stitches.. some of the kids were afraid of me and ran away if I even looked at them

when it came time to go... the goodbye between her and her parents she( hasnt seen in 2 yrs) was as emotionless and seemingly cold as our arrival.. she just said its the thai way.. the buses back  were not as long or as bad as the ride up but I still blew 2.5 days of my vacation living in  relative squwaller when I should be living in luxury... yes I hate camping.. anyways I told her if I ever went back im flying there  and staying in a hotel no offence to anyoneone but hell I just cant handle it when in Thailand I need at a minimum

Falang toilet
falang or falang like food
decent bed
no f***ing roosters



ps before we left my tgf was sure to hit me up for 100 baht for her cousin for taking us into town not like I bought her dinner or anything..i dont know it was cool though... just funny

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:41 am on June 9, 2003
Well, looks like you had a good time!!  I'm absolutely delighted to hear that the journey was from hell and that the accomodation was shitty.  (I have a phobia about being pissed and falling down the hole in those rustic bathrooms - I KNOW it can't happen but even so...)

Actually, the reason your post cheered me up so much is that my TGF is asking me to do something similar and I was seriously considering doing it.  Now I know the reality could be as bad as I feared it will definitely be the flight&hotel plus a quick day trip to visit the village.

So thanks for the post.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:10 pm on June 9, 2003
yeah dude make accomadations you dont want to stay in a traditional thai home if its only a couple hours you can go by bus.. but keep in mind those busses are made for asians not falangs  good luck

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:26 pm on June 9, 2003
Or if she insists on not flying, at least get a first class ac cabin on the sleeeper train

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:16 pm on June 9, 2003
hi invaderzim,

your post is really shitty. during my last trip of thailand, i spent 3 weeks in isaan, in a little village and i was the only farang. yes i slept in my girlfriends house that had only one room and yes they had only a cold shower and yes the toilet was thai style and yes we ate only thai food. if you are interested in a country , its people and their culture, you can  handle this e a s i l y. yust let me tell you that this was one of the most rewarding experiences i ever had. especially because of the generosity of my girlsfriend's family. you don't have to own much to be a nice person.
i can understand that the busride was a nightmare, i hate them myself.
your posts like:
-crappy neighborhood
-garage type structure the bottom floor
are a disgrace for all poor people and you could describe simple habitations with more dignity.
that you saw the good-bye of your gf with her parents as "cold" shows me that you do not know alot about thai culture.

i hope you enjoy your farang-style toilets back home, if they are so important to you


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:10 pm on June 9, 2003
well said Tingtong.  I like my comforts, but also like getting close to a country, and if I dnt like the way they do things or live, it is not my, or anyone elses, right to knock it.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:01 am on June 10, 2003
bro I respect your opinion  but  me and you are different folks thats all... make no mistake I showed the upmost respect and gratitude  to her family ..I do like them ..I dont understand thier ways but I do respect them  I find different things in my life rewarding but things like holding my crap in and getting constipated because I was afraid to embarass my girlfriend  and stuffing myself into a bus for 15 hours no sleep, roosters keeping me up all night. mosquitos, flies sweltering rainforest. thats not rewarding to me    meeting her parents and getting to know her family and neighbors sure thats rewarding but thers no reason I cant stay in a hotel to do it.. I maintain my position.. if I go again im flying and staying in a hotel...I suffer and go without  enough everyday  in my normal life  when Im on vacation I want to get away from it not experience it ten fold. her  Parents will live(they made fun of me enough) her family will live   her neighbors will live

PS . Oh yeah when I got back to my falang toilet at the hotel it was heaven oh baby! that was the best

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:04 am on June 10, 2003
hey invaderzim !!

thanks for your reply and sorry i was a little harsh on you. we are definitely different people - and i think we can still respect each other.
i think your trip was quite short, alot of travelling and a short stay with your girlfriends family. (or thats the impression i got) this makes it quite a though time, of course.
in my opinion, it is a honour to be invited by a girlfriend upcountry to visit her family.

enjoy and chock di kap  bro

ting tong

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:52 am on June 10, 2003
Hi Invaderizm,

Nice clarification - I understand where you are coming from and what you are saying.  Thanks for coming back to us on this

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:51 pm on June 10, 2003

Quote: from invaderzim on 10:04 pm on June 10, 2003
....holding my crap in and getting constipated because I was afraid to embarass my girlfriend...

I dont think you would embarass your GF because having a dump is a normal thing that we all have to do. I do understand where you are coming from though because I was the same way when I went to meet my BGF's family a couple of years ago. The really hard part is wiping your ass without TP, I also did not have a dump for 2 days and the hotel toilet was very nice once I finally got back to it!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:59 pm on June 10, 2003

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