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MainField Reports outside Thailand – Insider's Peek into Dubai Pt.5 All Topics

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Newbie Mistake

What a difference a day makes (if nothing else, posting time). Had BRIEFLY considered a return trip to the Rattlesnake, looking for some of the other girls I'd seen the past week. But, given the 'Snake's hit or miss quality, decided on the safety of Seaview.

Seaview, Friday, 10:45 - 11:45
Again, due to other tasks, arrived late (for me). As expected, all tables occupied.

Flashback: Week ago Friday, being also at Seaview, had spotted 2 new PRC's. One, Miss Legit Rack, the other Miss Structured Engineering (as I was to find out later). Both cute, and could have easily taken either. By chance, Miss LR never ventured close enough for me to say hi, and being the lazy sod I am, never bothered to get up from the table to bridge the gap. Just so happened it was Miss SE who stopped by to introduce herself, a very favorable impression, and done deal. As reported last week, fun time, only slight complaint that the rack's form was due to bra engineering. But fun girl, and a nice massage in-between.

Last night: Given Thursday night's debacle, Miss SE primary target. If she was not around, then would have to try and find Miss LR. Walking in, who did I see... [wait for it]... [wait for it]... Spinner. At a table with a couple of other PRC's... For a brief moment, I thought my luck had REALLY done a 180 - girls' night out, and an opening for me. Spinner used to work Seaview, before she moved up in class. On seeing me, her greeting makes you feel soooo special, like you are the long lost BF; what a smile, hands clapping in glee. Brief hello's, then I was brought back to reality: she very nicely let me know she was waiting for "someone", and I KNEW that someone was not a gf. Lucky guy, for sure. I exited stage left.

At the bar, ordered a drink. Miss SE appeared at my side; fine, things going to plan. Except that I had not had dinner yet, and was hungry. So, looking around, spotted an opening at a table top, and off I went, waitress in tow with my drink.

Newbie Mistake: No, for once, not me. Hers. She let me slip away unattached. Once at the table, placed my dinner order. Before Miss SE could recover, who appeared next to me but Miss LR. Some nice marketing; seems she had edged ahead of Miss SE. Miss LE did not make the newbie mistake, taking up my landing slot. Well, almost. While eating dinner during the break, I pointed her out to the dance floor, off she went. 5 minutes later, a 3rd PRC arrived at the gate. I wasn't interested, feeling a bit sorry for her as she desperately tried to make conversation with her limited english. What she did successfully do is block out Miss SE; I could see her circling, waiting for the gate to clear.

It never did; Miss LR reappeared. Seeing the writing on the wall, Miss SE disappeared. Asked what time she wanted to leave in the morning; up to me. Good answer. Now time to get a price check. Miss LR pulled out her phone, dialed in 600. Sorry, that number just doesn't connect with me. I began to wonder where Miss SE had gone. No worries, several other familiar, known faces around, some who I had not seen in awhile.

Spinner VERY nicely came by to say good-bye. A lot of PRC's will be disappearing next month, going home for Chinese New Year; she would be one of them. Made some tentative plans with her, and off she went, but not before exchanging some chinese words with Miss LR (somehow, I don't think travel plans - CIA in action).

I had expected Miss LR to drift off, but, again, not making a newbie mistake, she asked for a counter offer. I was noncommittal; after the previous night, I did not want to have any problems tonight. Miss LR rang the magic number, 500; it connected, done deal. Finished my drink, off we went.

Now last night was what it should be like. No further mention of money, except by me to say I would cover her taxi fare home. No request for pay first, even though she did not know me. Fun time. Only complaint was it was a standard 20 minute massage, Miss SE has her beat on that. But a definite number for the bull pen, and conceivably a starter.

Summary: Seaview has the better band, and much more likely (IMHO), to see regulars there. Rattlesnake, the band not my style, and I, anyway, just don't have a good feel for who I can expect to see there any visit. I don't have that problem at Seaview; I know I can count on seeing a number of known girls. YMMV.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:32 am on Jan. 6, 2007
Happy New Year to All!

Nothing like a trip to the States to appreciate the buffet here in Dubai ! My freinds had lined up thier "potential" GF's since they think its time for me to settle down. As I sipped my water downed Budweiser in horror. One after another I went through the typical Credit Check questionairre - all the while thinking of my CIS's back in Dubai. Good to be back!

New talent in town for all Budgets - primarily CIS - with some choice PRC.

My musical Apartment short term stays has landed me in the City Seasons across from the City Center. Next to the Gym is a Massage Room with about 3-5 PRC. Place is expensive so I was curious to see if there was any hank panky - there is 150dh for 1 hour massage 100dh for a hj - nice little surprise for a deluxe Hotel. Very distracting when trying to work of all the raviollis from the holiday.

Not much to report otherwise - found 3 nice requlars that are keeping me out of the Bars making my liver and wallet very graetful.

Have a great New Year everyone!


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:53 am on Jan. 8, 2007
hhhmm interesting about the hotel - guests only or can anyone use the facilities.
is the massage actually any good?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:05 am on Jan. 8, 2007

Quote: from snpark on 9:29 pm on Jan. 8, 2007

Good question - I'll find out tomorrow.
Very easy access to the Massage - 1st floor (one story up) have to pass the Massage to get into the gym and pool. Hotel is directly across from where the Cinema is.
Busy lobby so if you walk staight to the elevators and hit one should not be a problem.

The massage was great - I elected to have her come to my room being it was 2am - although at that time I was already a puddle thanks to JWB.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:44 am on Jan. 8, 2007
Met up with Ms. Regular 1 (MR1) two nights ago. She's a good barometer of the Dubai scene from the WG standpoint. Since returning from a break in China she has switched venues to the York. She had been mostly going for Rattlesnake and Seaview before her leave. Now she says that she does much better at York. With her new enhaced rack she could do well at Cyclone, but prefers the York for some reason. She's commanding a minimum of 800 long time or 500 short time now. It's easy for her to get that from out of town guys who frequent York.

From what she tells me the York has picked back up again and could be worth a look. Still a lot of Africans, but the PRC numbers have increased from the previous maximum of 15 to 20. She said it's been a slow week with very few "white guys". One night she was the only one in her flat of ten to get a customer. Said that some girls were easily going for 300 long time just to get a customer.

She also mentioned that one of the girls in her flat was robbed by a group of four "left side" people last week. Left side is their term for Indian/Pakistani/Arab guys. Seems the girl went with all of them alone. Not a bright move on her part. They stole all her money, cell phone, etc and left her with a bruise on the face. Nothing too serious, it could have been a lot worse. MR1 WILL NOT go with "left side" people because these types of incidents are perpetrated by them 99% of the time.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:00 am on Jan. 9, 2007

Quote: from snpark on 9:29 pm on Jan. 8, 2007

Asked the reply was why not - so its worth a try if u r in the neighborhood.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:09 am on Jan. 9, 2007
Quick question.
Any wireless suplliers aside from Etisalat?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:11 am on Jan. 9, 2007
Just back from a trip to Seaview. Was having withdrawals, not having been in over a month. Managed to swing by with two friends for a couple of beers and to watch the first set of the band. Band in great form as always. Some familiar faces, including MR2 and 11Bravo's "CC" who is also a good friend of MR1. Lots of new faces as well. Very good ratio for the prospective punter. Many PRC that would be acceptable for a night of fun.

Within 5 minutes of entering MR1 called to let me know I'd been "spotted". The CIA is very efficient , but I was just out for a with friends

My friend's quote from the night, "it's going to be a good summer". Yes, I think it will be


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:41 pm on Jan. 9, 2007
Dose of Reality

Just heard from a mate who received the above from an MP in Bur Dubai. In the interests of public health and safety, names should be named: the girl's name was Anna, the MP was Lele, the method of transmission was throat massage.

Apparently he called the mamasan to notify her of the problem. She said, "so sorry, you come tonight, we have new lady...". Gasp. Shame, I have frequented this establishment on many occasions, always with excellent service.

May need to reconsider my MO, throat massage is almost becoming a standard service these days. Could be time to regress to the the good old days of a rub & a tug...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:07 pm on Jan. 9, 2007
Im Back.

I arrived in the early hours and I am looking forward to a few nights out. I am certainly been suffering from withdrawal symptoms on my month away. Firstly, a distinct lack of Asian girls in my home town - Even the local Chinese restaurant has a Lithuanian Waitress!! and not even cheery Filipina checkout girls at the supermarket. And I am looking forward to some good Rock 'n' Roll at the Seaview. Certainly the band at my local "Christmas Ball" was no substitute, even if the Guitarist is a friend of mine, and as for all the local dragons dancing to the Pussy Cat Dolls, miming "Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me" Noooooooo!

My year will start much the same as the last one, with one steady PRC regular, albeit a different one, so there is little need (or desire) for me to pull unless someone particularly appealing comes along.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:39 pm on Jan. 9, 2007

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