Tables are turning at the BKK police and they are feeling the heat of corruption accusation from an unlikely source. According to The Times (U.K.) khun Chuwit Kamolvisit, an owner of strings of massage parlours in BKK, has gone public in accusing police of accepting kick-backs from him (blimey ñ Iíd never thought that!) ñ he may also name politicians too. Here are some excerpts from the article: ìThe affair started when Mr Chuwit decided that he wanted to sell a choice strip of Bangkok land for redevelopment as a hotel. The problem was that the two-acre stretch of land was already occupied by a string of bars. Living up to his reputation for strong-arm tactics, Mr Chuwit mounted a 3am raid sending in his ìprivate armyî. With the aid of bulldozers and wrecking balls he razed the area. In the morning the place looked like a bomb site. Hundreds of the cityís bar girls were put out of business.î So now we know who the culprit was. Some moreÖÖÖÖ ìOne of the protesting girls said: ìWhat Chuwit did was nasty and bullying but the Thai police bully us every day demanding money and free sex.î Really? After the Prime Minister threatened to purge the police force, the rest of the article went on like that: ìIt was when the threat came to remove all policemen from a precinct known as Huay Khwang, in an area of Bangkok known for his massage parlours, that General Sant uttered his now famous quote, describing the action as unfair. ìBut 50% of them must be good officersî he pleaded.î ìLast night, some massage parlours in BKK were doing considerably less business. ìThis is the private VIP entrance,î Mr Od, manager of Mr Chuwitís Copacabana massage parlour, said. He led reporters down a corridor and upstairs to VIP rooms where politicians using touch-screen televisions can make an on-screen selection of a girl to be sent along.î ìActually we are saving more money now because politicians and police wanted the services freeî, Mr Od saidî If it wouldnít be a serious matter it would have been a hilarious situation worth of a TV sitcom. Hereís the link to the article: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,175-756901,00.html# Sarge
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:36 pm on July 26, 2003
The final part of my post is behind subscription but if you get hold of the paper is there to be read. I didn't read the threads you posted the link to Sarge
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:48 pm on July 26, 2003
haam sup
So, Sarge, my question is: what's your question? haam sup
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:36 pm on July 26, 2003
well ... his question was: Who's khun Chuwit Kamolvisit? (see topic title) ... and i'm not going to answer it ... so
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:27 pm on July 26, 2003
Vancouver Jay
f_cking liberal media idiots! Hundreds of the cityís bar girls were put out of business. Almost all of them had a new job within days or went freelancer. What about the loss of capital? The business owners are the people who really got screwed.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:34 am on July 27, 2003
There isn't a particular question attached to this thread, it is meant as a platform, a springboard for other members to air their opinion on the story. So, haam sup my question to you is: What is your take on the affair? Sarge p.s. Vancouver Jay, I didn't mean to steal your thunder as I haven't realised that you had started a similar thread.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:37 am on July 27, 2003
Vancouver Jay
My thunder gets a little less thunderous every day anyhow. No problem.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:14 am on July 27, 2003
Haven't seen any touch screens at Copa. Just the regular closed circuit job you see at every Davis place. Even in the VIP suites. Perhaps this is in a special special room?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:06 am on July 27, 2003
Given the nature of P4P in Thai society at large, and the individuals and groups he's outing, I gotta wonder how long Khun Chuwit expects to remain in good health? - Balls
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:12 pm on July 27, 2003