nokna the stake they have now puts people on the board, if they buy 1 per cent more then they have to put in an official bid to purchase the company but I dont think they want that, they are just showing how much clout they have, also fergie is trying for a settlement or that is what was reported today, perhaps he thinks he is on a loser and should take an offer from them. also the irish stated that his job if noy under threat, it is a business and he is best person to manage the club in their view. p.s. Steve McClaren done well last night lol
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:03 pm on Feb. 12, 2004
Nokna."it seems they have no interest in the Club. " What? You mean they bought all that stock by mistake? You mean Man U listed their stock mistakenly as a way to raise money? You mean Man U in NOT about making money? No interest in the club??!! And what does that yank want that stock for anyway? Come on my son, even a teary eyed Man supporter like you knows the truth about football for those boys. Soon you will start believing the players would put on the uniform and play for nothing. How Man U fans can be so starry eyed when they pay at the gate before they get in is amazing. It's money honey, not football. That round thing they kick around is just to distract your eye while someone digs into you pocket for the loot. Nokna, you have no interest in reality.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:30 am on Feb. 17, 2004
get back to BKK and leave me and the greatest Football Team alone........ what does a Chelsea Fan know about Football anyway?.... they have an agenda and people want to know what it is,but they just refuse to talk to anyone. yes a Club like MU are into making money and they do it very well and they done it very well without the Irish T****. and I have to disagree with Dids as well,Fergie will be forced out if the Irish T**** get there way and take control of the Club. i see there are rumours of a takeover today,but Utd have denied it. it will be the downfall of Utd if they take charge....
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:29 am on Feb. 17, 2004
Is there any knews of the American guy? last week he looked like he was the favourite to start a buy out...... But I hope ManU f**k up and end up in Div 2 and all there stars (so called) can go to europe and dissapear!!!!!!!! Leeds, Leeds, Leeds
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:56 pm on Feb. 17, 2004
nokna..... did you also disagree with the Steve Mclaren statement lol
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:50 pm on Feb. 17, 2004
Mr.Yorkie.....if Fergie goes I hope all the Players slap in transfers requests in a show of solidarity,then you may get your wish. Fergie has done more for the Club in the last 10 Years than any Board Member will do in the next 30. first we had Edwards trying to f_ck things up and now maybe the Irish T****..... there are so many Players who should remember what Fergie has done for them and they should remain loyal. if it means the Club falling into disarray,so be it. no problem with Boro,Dids. Fergie does have this habit of resting the Players in the wrong games and underestimating the opposition. Boro have a good record in the last few Years and McClaren has the lowdown on MU. Boro always seem to piss us off.......
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:27 pm on Feb. 17, 2004
Nokna As much as a Leeds fan I hate ManU, only a fool would say that Mr Alex is not one of the greatest managers off all time and is def the backbone of the club....... But you must admit your defence needs some work, or maybe some not messing up on drug tests.....
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:40 pm on Feb. 17, 2004
Oh come on UKY...he forgot... Admoittedly he didn't forget to meet Eyal Berkovic for coffee...depsite moving home. Admittedly he didn't forget to phone a personal urologist before phoning in about forgetting the test..... But he did forget the test.... Honest mistake??...should have got two years......
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:11 pm on Feb. 17, 2004
Yurune Yes I was carefully taking the PISS, there was no excuse for not taking the drug test, other than he did not want to take for what ever reason.................... But Man sh_te U are def paying for it now................ BTW who is fav to be your next manger? Hoddle
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:38 pm on Feb. 17, 2004