This morning, at my breakfast table in Jakarta, I read the following in the The Jakarta Post and found it food for thought. The article is entitled “Lessons Thailand can learn from Indonesia” and basically talks about how Indonesia has tightened security since the Bali bombings – compared with how Thailand is handling its problems in the South. Halfway through the article the author starts fulminating against Thailands PM Thaksin. About the explosive situation in Southern Thailand: ” (…) there was still the possibility that international groups like JI or Al Qaeda could try to exploit the situation, especially if (…) Thaksin is perceived to be pitting Buddhists against Muslims.” “Nationalism, one must note, has long been Thaksin’s favorite card when it comes to dealing with just about anything – from rounding up political points to handling the violence in the South.” About the government killings in the South: “But Thaksin has continued with his black-and-white approach, seeing the ongoing killing as a simple issue of law and order.” I say the author (Don Pathan) is right on with his lashing out against Thaksin, but as always, I am interested in the opinion about this matter from my esteemed BTF-brothers. So, get your mind of beer bar sluts for a while and tell us what you think.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:54 pm on Sep. 7, 2005
I think that nothing Taksin and the Thai governement do will make any difference. The terrorists will continue killing Budhists/civil serveants/policemen/teachers until they get what they want, a seperate state. Then the more fundementalist amongst them will continue killing until they get what they want, a theocratic islamic state. It's gone far beyond protest at the Thai governements treatment of the southern states, and it's certainly not a law and order issue. They are terrorists, using terror to realise their political and religious aims. In my opinion the only good terrorist is a dead one. (sits back to await abuse etc)
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:23 pm on Sep. 8, 2005
Evil Penivel
Quote: from JG on 5:51 pm on Sep. 8, 2005 I They are terrorists, using terror to realise their political and religious aims. In my opinion the only good terrorist is a dead one.
No abuse from me. I agree 100%, that's the only way to deal with the crazies in southern Thailand.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:04 pm on Sep. 8, 2005
Adventure Guy
Quote: from Evil Penivel on 5:32 am on Sep. 9, 2005
Quote: In my opinion the only good terrorist is a dead one.
No abuse from me. I agree 100%, that's the only way to deal with the crazies in southern Thailand.
Dead on - that's the only way to deal with crazies anywhere - including New Orleans!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:05 pm on Sep. 8, 2005
Spurs Man
Adventure Guy, Your humour is lost on evil, he's far too stupid ! It's because of idiots like him that terrorists exist.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:24 pm on Sep. 9, 2005
I agree with JG and Evil. I also agree with Adventure Guy. Those people in New Orleans who were shooting at helicopters and buses as well as raping and causing mayhem should have been shot.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:43 pm on Sep. 9, 2005
That's what the 2nd Ammendment to the Consitution of the U.S. is for: protect the right of the good guys to own guns so in bad times they can use them to protect their community and families, when the bad guys are armed and committing atrocities. Cops and National Guard can't be everywhere at once -- after all, they are only human. - Dave
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:17 am on Sep. 10, 2005
Evil Penivel
Spurs Man - You sure do read a lot into my brief reply to the OP. Not only do you to pass judgement on my intelligence, but you blame me for causing terrorism as well I would be very interested to hear your solution for dealing with terrorists in southern Thailand or anywhere else. If you know a better way to handle the problem, why are you keeping it secret? This really isn't the place for lengthy political discussions, but I have written extensively on solving major world problems, including terrorism.: A Modest Proposal, 2005 I believe some of my ideas could be used by the Thai govt. to quell Islamic terrorism. I would sincerely appreciate a critique of my ideas by you or anyone else. PS- Don't my ideas for Bangkok Bobbitt and the other films at least show creativity?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:16 am on Sep. 10, 2005
People who routinely spout 'the only good terrorist' is a dead terrorist have the intellectual capacity of a f***ing gnat. Where do you guys learn how to think? Watching Fox TV? Try to define a terrorist? One who uses terror and violence to pursue political and religious goals. Well... if that's the definition of a terrorist, it would be a very long list. Global hero Nelson Mandela would make it for a start. Ben Gurion too Every British Prime Minister (first the empire, and since then Northern Ireland), every US president. French leaders (Algeria anyone?). George Bush maybe? Let's ignore his foreign policy; how about him routinely signing dodgy death warrants because it was good politics when he was Texas governor. Mention the word terrorist today and everyone thinks of sinister little dark men, muttering in arabic. It isnt as simple as that guys.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:52 pm on Sep. 10, 2005
Evil Penivel
Quote: from scobie on 12:20 am on Sep. 11, 2005 It isnt as simple as that guys.
Yes, it is. The context of the original post made it clear he was talking about faith-based attacks on civilian targets. It wasn't a discussion of violence in general. The goal of al Qaida and the terrorists in southern Thailand is the creation of a society based on sharia law and the forced conversion of non-believers.That one of the characteristios that separates them from national liberation groups, the British Empire and politicians who sign death warrants as well as guys who kill their wives in a fit of rage. People all over the world kill each other for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes struggles can't be solved without violence, that's an obvious point. That's why you have to look at the intention of the perpetrators. Both Ben Gurion and Nelson Mandela were trying to build nations for their people. Innocent civilians died as a result of these struggles, unfortunate but true. That's happened in all wars. But in almost all cases national liberation groups have not randomly targetted civilians, especially outside their own territories. It would have been unthinkable for the Viet Cong to attack U.S. military, much less civilians, outside of Viet Nam. Secondly, on whose behalf do al Qaida and the terrorists insouthern Thailand act? During WWII, the national resistance groups were authorized by governments in exile. Who authorized al Qaida or the terrorists in southern Thailand? Faith-based Islamic terrorists belong in the same category as Aum Shinrikyo, the Branch Davidians, the Manson Family and similar whacko groups. The willingness to murder civilians for the sake of their vision of the true religion makes them terrorists.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:24 am on Sep. 11, 2005