I will be visiting LOS from USA in about a few weeks. This will be my first trip. I am an old fart (early 40's) - should have done this years ago. I have a few points of confusion I would like some help in clearing up so I have no problems when I get there: 1) What do I do when I arrive? I have only traveled outside the USA once - and so not really sure of the process...I did get a passport about a month ago for this trip - is that all I need? I have read about "clearing customs" - what does this mean - and how do I do it? Is this done upon entering/leaving/both? 2) I am staying at the Nana Hotel. What is the best way to get there? How far is Nana from the airport? How much will/should it cost? 3) I am getting a United Flight out of Seattle that makes a stop in Japan before arriving in Thailand. Whole trip is about 24 hours. Couple of questions here - my itenary said "no meal served". I find it very strange that in a 10 hour flight they would not serve any meal. I did the cheapest rate I could find (about $700.00 for the ticket) but still - that is a long time to go without eating....what are your experiences with this? Also, curious about how crowded these flights are (outbound on a Monday - returning on a Wednesday). I would like to think I could stretch out and relax or even sleep instead of being crowded and uncomfortable for most/all of the trip. Are these flights usually packed or half full? 4) When should I convert my money to Baht? Do I need to have any Thai currency in my pocket upon arrival or can I convert at the airport when I arrive? Are the rates in the airport reasonable? 5) When you barfine a girl, who do you pay the barfine to? Is it the bar or the girl? Is there a price posted somewhere - or do you have to ask - and then who do you ask? 6) Does ST usually mean 2-3 hours or is it a quick bang and then she's gone....Is it one session only or could it be multiple in a 2-3 hour slot. Is it rushed. I'm probably more tempted initially to go with ST, but I don't want the girl just rushing off - not sure what to expect. 7) From a security perspective, is it safe to leave your valuables (passport, money) in the Nana Hotel Safe? I assume it is a central one where everybody has their own box in the safe? I probably only want to carry around 3-4K Baht at a time and leave the rest in the Hotel safe. I "assume" access to the safe is available 24x7 - please set me straight if this is not the case. Thanks in advance.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:17 pm on April 27, 2003
jimbocol: Welcome to the forum. And you are never to old to visit and partake in the activities in BKK!! ha ha ha ha!! Here's my answers to your questions: 1. All you need is your passport from the U.S. You do not need a Visa to travel within Thailand, unless you plan to stay longer then I think 2 months. After you arrive in Bkk and leave the plane you will be directed towards the immigration area to clear customs. It's a simple process and just tell them that you are in BKK as a tourist. No problems. After that you will take the escalator down to the baggage area and after you claim your baggage you will then hand in your immigration form to the person at the exist area and allowed to process through to the taxi areas. 2. The best way to get to the hotel is via a taxi. Don't worry about them taking you to a desolate place and robbing you. Is not going to happen. My suggestion is that you print out the name and address of the hotel and just show it to the taxi driver. The cost should be around 200 baht I think. Remember that 200 baht is only $5 U.S. So, don't worry about being taken for a ride. Even if he goes around a couple streets, you won't notice a huge increase in price. Not like in the U.S where a taxi in NY could run you $20 just for a short distance!! ha ha ha!! 3. I can comment on how crowded your flight will be, but given the ecomony and SARS epidemic in Asia, I would suspect that your flight would probably not be full. And you do get meals on your flight. Don't worry. You will get a real type meal and not just peanuts for 24 hours!! ha ha ha!! For stretching out and getting some sleep, that is "up to you'!! ah ha ha!! Meaning, if you are 6'5" and 300 lb's then sitting in coach no matter if crowded or not, will be uncomfortable. 4. You do not need any Thai currency upon arrival in Bangkok (BKK). I would suggest that you convert 1/2 your cash at the airport. I know others will say that you can find places on the streets that you can get a better exchange rate, but we are talking about a couple baht. To me, I'd rather just convert at the airport and then leave the money and passport in my hotel room safe. I also find that once i convert it on the street that I end up spending the money before I can get back to the hotel!! ha ha ha ha!! At the moment, Yahoo finance says that it's $1 = 43 baht!! http://finance.yahoo.com/m5?a=1&s=USD&t=THB ** One more thing. Bring your money in $100 incriments. You get a better exchange rate and if possible, just bring it in cash and not travelers checks. Some exchange boths charge for converting travels checks and others don't take some brands for them. 5. When you bar fine (bf) a female or (bg = bar girl), the money goes to the establishment. You will still need to pay the female. You will pay the bf to the manager or mamasan. Don't give it to the bg, unless the manager tells you to. I'm not sure if it's posted anywhere's, but just ask. I would ask the prices of the females and bf as soon as your get seated. The mamasan/manager will usually greet you. This way you don't have to look around if you know the prices are not what you want to spend. Most bf's at Go Go's in Nana plaza, Soi Cowboy, and Patpong are 500 baht. The prices for the females vary. I would say that a good rule would be 1,500 baht for short time (s/t) or 2,500 baht for (l/t) at the go go's. You can find it cheaper, but I would not suggest you pay any more. 6. s/t usually means 1 bang for your buck or 2 hours. which ever comes first. Of course there are exceptions to that rule. If the girl really likes you or wants to stay longer then she will. The girl will determine if it's rushed or not. Many things can contribue to her mood. If she's happy then she might be more into it, or if you are her 1st customer, ect. I would not take things personaly if you have a bad experience, or if she leaves after one bang. Things just happened. I would suggest that when you go to the places that you take your time when chosing. Don't chose the 1st female you see, since you are a newbie it's like letting a child lose in a candy store, you can get caught up. Take your time. Have a beer. Make some eye contact and see how she interacts with you. I know you are not dating her, but if she's not into you and you take her out, you can imagine what she might be like in bed. ha ha ha!! And there is no sure fire way of not getting a starfish or deadfish in bed. 7. Hotel safes are never 100% secure, either of them. I just leave my valuables in my room safe and luggage. I divide U.S currency in to to groups. I make 3 copies of my passport, which I take with me. So, I take 1 group of money, with a copy of my passport and place it in my suitcase and lock the suitcase. I take the other group of money and my passport and place it in the room safe. Also places within the room safe is my credit cards, ect. I put one copy of my passport in my laptop bag. I carry a copy of my passport and around 10,000 baht on me and one credit card. Always pay in cash outside of the hotel. Much safer. There are pickpockets everywhere, but just be aware of your environment and if you are walking through a crowd, then put your hands in your pockets! ha ha ha!! I also suggest you read through this thread: The '411' on Sponsorship and Falling in Love with a TG's http://bkkx.com/cgi-bin/forum/topic.cgi?forum=12&topic=532&start=0 I know that there is a lot of reading, but if you take the time to read at least the beginning of each thread, then you will have a lot more knowledge of what can happened and be better prepared to deal with it. Especially falling in love with a tg. We've all done it and nothing you can say or do now can prepare you for "not" falling in love with them!! ha haha!! Good luck. Welcome to the forum and have a great time in BKK.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:02 pm on April 27, 2003
Howdy Jimbo, As a recent "first timer" and soon to be second timer, heres a few random thoughts: 1. Customs is easy, don't bring any weird shit with you, fill out the form, smile and don't have any SARS symptoms... Note: don't bring any weird shit with you when you are leaving either... 2. The hotel is about 15 miles from the airport. When you walk out of the baggage area there is going to be a big group of people going crazy wanting to give you a ride. I didn't worry too much about getting the best deal, at this point i just wanted to get to my hotel and wasn't worried about saving 5 bucks. 3. Things may be different now, but my last trip was in low season and the flights were still packed. Don't count on being able to stretch out - and bring some food... If you have a couple hours in Japan there are a lot of good places to eat, and most accept US dollars. 4. As much as possible do your currency conversion in Thailand fo r the best rates. You may want to get some baht during your stopover in japan just for peace of mind. 5. This is the way barfines worked for me: after agreeing with the girl that i would pay the barfine (usually 500 baht - the girl will tell you) i gave it to her and she ran away all excited to show her prize to the manager. Then she dissapeared for a bit and re-emerged in street clothes and we were on our way. ABC's "only pay the manager" techinique sounds a little safer, but i had no problems just paying the girl. 6. dunno 7. dunno BTW, early 40's doesn't qualify as an old fart in LOS ! You'll see...
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:47 pm on April 27, 2003
Tyler Durdin
Jimbocol: I suggest you see the Members section of when other brothers will be in town and try to meet up with them or hit a Round Table. It will be much better to go out with a few friends and see how things work before venturing off on your own (it is pretty overwhelming). Here is a link that walks you through the arrival process.. http://bangkoktonight.com/info/airport.shtml I will be in town in May (11th-20), so look me up if you are in town at the same time.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:04 pm on April 27, 2003
jimbocol- Welcome to the forum bro! I myself flew United Airlines too (Toronto to Chicago to Japan to Bangkok). Here's my point of view from your questions: 1. A passport is all you need. You will be issued a 30 day tourist visa upon arrival free of charge. Customs is not something to worry about. Just follow the signs. They are in English and Thai. There will be staff that will direct you through. For more information, go to this link: http://www.bangkoktonight.com/info/airport.shtml P.S- If you have SARS symptoms, then you better try and hide it as you probably won't get through! 2. Taxis will be your best route. When you clear customs and get your bags, head outside and you will see something refered to the TAXI MAFIA. You will know what I mean when you see it. Try and get a taxi driver that will turn on their meter. If you can't (which you probably won't), then it's ok. Cost is about $5 USD and NANA is abouty 15 miles away. 3. NO MEALS SERVED? What the F**k!! I personally think your itenery is wrong because I flew economy (the cheapest rate) also and they had full meal service. My connection from Japan to Bangkok had full meal service too and the trip was only 6.5 hours. I would bet that your itenery is wrong, BUT bring some food just in case I am wrong! The trip to Bangkok will pretty much be a full plane (on a weekday), but when I came back (on a weekday as well), I had a whole row to myself! Things may have changed due to the SARS scare, so maybe you will be more lucky to have a little or a lot of extra seats to yourself! 4. Convert your money after clearing customs. There are exchange booths that are open very late, so don't worry if you have a late arrival. Rates there are very reasonable. Don't worry about shopping around for the best excahnge rates in Thailand as the difference may be only an extra buck or two per hundred. One thing to stay clear of is the exchange booths in hotels! Do not exchange there as it is a major rip-off! When you leave, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 500 BAHT! You will need this to pay the departure fee upon leaving. Don't forget!!!! If you want to see how much your money is worth, go to this link: http://www.xe.com/ucc/ 5. You pay the barfine to the establishment. Note, the barfine is not the cost of sex. It is a fine that you pay the bar that compensates them for the lost income she might of made if she wasn't barfined. The cost of taking a girl for a short time ranges from 1000B-2500B depending on where you are. For more information on barfines, go to: http://www.bangkoktonight.com/info/barfines.shtml 6. Yes, ST is a quick bang, and then she is gone. Generally one shot, but not always the case. If you want her for the whole night (LT), then it will cost you more. 7. It is generally safe to keep your valuables in the safe box. Make sure you bring some envelopes to put your money in. Seal the money then put it in the envelope. This ensures that no one.......not even the staff tampers with your money. I have never heard of anyone who lost anything at the Nana Hotel safe boxes. Have fun brother! Reply if you need more assistance!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:26 pm on April 27, 2003
Thin White Duke
Dude Kenny- Now that's a post. Jimbocol- the boys have ya covered for the most part. Great advice ABC. Definately study the threads, take notes, have a rough game plan. Nana Disco, on the first floor of the hotel gets hoppin around 11:30PM. Prior go across the street to the go-go's at NEP- Do a ST, use the on premises ST Hotel, then nail some hotties at Nana Disco. If you take the Viagra/Penagra, and have a stiffy for more, walk down the street to Grace Hotel Coffee shop in the basement. These tidbits will definately get you started. Nice choice on the hotel. Very central to every thing. The girls will guide you usually, and if it feels weird, or she says something like, My Mom is dying, then it is probably bullshit. Smile alot. Study the threads. Go to Gullivers and meet some Brothers. Have fun.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:37 pm on April 27, 2003
Hey brother Jim welcome to the brotherhood. Hope this will help. On the plane you will be given a customs form to fill out which asks if you have anything to declare when you arrive. Fill it out before you leave the plane. When you get off the plane a bus wil take you to the arrival terminal where you will go to passport control to have your passport stamped. As you're from the US you will be given a 30 day stamp. If you were planning on being there longer then 30 days then you should get a visa now before you go and make sure you show it to the person at passport control so that they give you the correct stamp. After you leave PC and go down the stairs to the main level turn right to go to baggage claim or turn left and walk toward the duty free liquor shop. In front of the duty free you'll see a machine that will convert your money to Thai baht for you at a good rate. When you're ready head for the exit. There will be 2 exits, one for those that have things to declare and one for those that don't. Either way this is where you'll need that custom form from the plane. Once you get out front turn left and head outside to the taxi stand. DO NOT! get a taxi from one of the touts standing by the door as that will set you back around 600 baht ( Trust me on this one ). Get in line at the taxi stand and the lady inside will write you up a form to get a metered taxi. Once inside the taxi just tell the driver Nana hotel, they all know it. With tolls it should cost around 300- 350 baht. NANA HOTEL: All I'll say is that I'll never stay there again ( Not hard since next month will be my last visit to LOS, maybe ). Worn carpets and bedspreads, insects in the bathroom, the reception staff isn't the friendliest I've ever met, but hey, to each his own. They don't have in room safes so you will have to use the hotel safety deposit box at reception. It can be a hassle to use but I'd recommend it all the same. I would recommend you bring both cash and American Express travelers checks so that if you are robbed at least the TC's can be replaced. Don't cash TC's at the hotel. Walk across the soi to the currency exchange booth in front of NEP. They'll give you a better rate then the hotel will. 100 dollar bills or checks will get you the best rate but you will need to take your passport to cash TC's. BF's in gogos are usually 500 baht and 400 in beer bars. There is no set price for ST or LT but 4 times out of 5 expect to be quoted 1000 baht ST and 1500-2000 for LT. Your mileage may vary. ST usually means one pop or 2 hours whichever comes ( no jokes please ) first. Anything more then that depends on what level of "handsum man" you are in her eyes . Lastly if you don't want to end up screwing your visit up try to avoid the following: Not a good idea BF'ing a lady from a bar one night then going back the next night and BF'ing a different lady. Loss of face is a big thing in LOS. Suicide attempts are not unheard of. Also try to remember what you're getting from these wonderful ladies and try not to be a cheap charlie with them. I'm not saying to go overboard but try to save your bargain hunting for souvenirs and DVD's and if the lady puts a smile on your face then do show your appreciation with a nice tip ( Not required, but UP TO YOU which is a phrase you'll probably hear a lot while you're there ). Have fun and as brother Tyler said keep checking this forum to find out when the May RT is scheduled. I'll be there May 11-25 so if you want to meet up let me know. Peace
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:53 pm on April 27, 2003
'Lastly if you don't want to end up screwing your visit up try to avoid the following: Not a good idea BF'ing a lady from a bar one night then going back the next night and BF'ing a different lady' this is a moot point. i personally have to smile whenever i see this 'advice',i've never really had a problem with different girls from the same bar. in fact many good times.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:16 pm on April 27, 2003
As nokna says.....it can be done..... however I would still advise a newbie...particularly a rather naive one....against it......why send a guy off looking for trouble....and in BKK it is not a wise move particularly at the moment when competition for the slow trade is hard.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:25 pm on April 27, 2003