Quote: from DaffyDuck on 4:28 pm on April 3, 2006
You just know. If I typed this sentence without spaces you would still be able to read it, albeit slower. They do have spaces between sentences. As with everything, it becomes easier with practice. You are right about mai (high tone). It is essentially a question mark, ie it identifies that you are asking a question. Other participles at the end of sentences indicate the tone/style of it.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:23 am on April 3, 2006
doesn't 'mai' essentially identify a question, at the end of the sentence?
How about "reu plow", "reu", or "yung"?
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:01 am on April 3, 2006
The mai hi-tone is a yes/no question tag. Such as "It looks good in a skirt, no?" The other endings bkkz mentioned are q-tags to help to form other kinds of questions. Remember that Thai doesn't inflect in any way so you can accomplish a lot with time-reference words and q-tags. "Did you go yesterday?" can be literally transliterated, "Yesterday you go or nothing?" (however you translate bplow, empty perhaps?) You see, no tense, no auxillary. For Daffy: also Thai is essentially a monosyllabic language which means that every syllable is a particle with its own meaning. It's easy to know where words end and begin because they are (largely memorized) one-syllable line ups. They form compound words which are two or more words put together, such as rot fai "train". However there are polysyllabic words in Thai too and these are often ancient foreign imports, often from Khmer, and you'll run into them in written formal Thai. Anyone's whose studied Khmer will be delighted to find a lot of old basic words (such as moon, sun...) you'll recognize as similiar to the Thai. C3P0 over and out.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:16 am on April 3, 2006
Quote: from wowser34 on 10:19 am on Mar. 28, 2006 How many others on here can write thai so well ?
not many I suspect, but Yurune and I have a deeper interest than just paying to get into the TG's panties, LOL and the good Dr L. as well, I suppose some might be surprised how well I can read a Thai newspaper, or write a note to my colleagues in Thai. a real icebreaker with fems, makes them smile more than flashing cash (umm, talkin' about non-P4P chicks) just had one with huge bOObs who I thought was gonna jump my bones right there in her workplace, LOL playing difficult (NOT Hard) to get, 555, that's me. Tired of having the TGs put us thru the hoops, it's time it worked the other way for a change and to the previous post : http://www.learningthai.com
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:37 am on April 25, 2006
Tyfon, As many of these guys know, learning to read and write Thai takes time and the best way to go about it is to take a class. Eventually after struggling on my on for a couple of years I made the committment. The school also improved my speaking skills concerning use of tone and vocabulary. Cheers!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:41 pm on April 25, 2006
I never spent a day in a class for learning Thai but spent plenty of time with native speakers who would explain to me when I spoke incorrectly
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:12 am on April 26, 2006
Agree with LY, though I have nothing against classes. In my experience, a kindergarten abc type book where you can trace the letters and they're associated with their pictures; a light grammar book such as The Main of Thai Grammar, so you know how to construct a simple prepositional phrase such as "the man who is wearing a white shirt"; and lots of time with educated native speakers. For meaning memory: Make a "vocabulary bank", a notebook, in which you've made columns. First the word in Eng. Then the word in Thai. Then a translit for your pronun. Then a drawn pic, or and other tidbit which reminds you of the word. Try to organize your vocabulary bank into lexical groupings or topics.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:39 am on April 26, 2006