For those who carry a credit card, it would be nice to know which establishments allow you to use your credit card for their services. It is also good to know that you can charge it in case you do not have enough cash on hand. Here are some examples: Massage parlors, you can pay for your sessions and in some establishments the tip for the girls as well. 1) Plaza Entertainment (tipped girls on credit card) 2) Cupidy 3) Mirage 4) Poseidon 5) Caesars 6) New Cleopatra Go-go bars: Pay for your drinks and bar fines. 1) Play Skool, NEP (no extra charge) 2) Midnite Bar, Soi Cowboy (extra charge) 3) Moonshine Bar, Soi Cowboy actually, most bars accept credit cards. Long Gun unfortunately does not. Gentlemen Clubs: 1) Pegasus (interestingly, you can charge for the ST/LT services on your card too, but it is subject to an extra 7% VAT) 2) Piano 3) Emmanuelle 4) Forte Discos: They all accept credit cards. Let me know if there are any that do not accept them.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:15 am on July 30, 2002
Jumping Jack
And if possible what the CC statement says and the exchange rate if living outside LOS
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:58 am on July 30, 2002
hi all, BTW.. Eden accept plastic too! cant wait to go back to fantasy land! regards, chrisboy
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:22 am on July 30, 2002
You may be interested to know what appears on your credit card statement. Midnite Bar, Soi Cowboy --- MIDNITE BANGKOK TH CM2, Novotel --- NOVOTEL BANGKOK HOTEL BANGKOK TH Christie's (Soi 33) --- CHRISTIE'S BANGKOK TH Pegasus (drinks, company fees) --- PEGASUS MEMBER CLUB BANGKOK TH Pegasus (LT/ST) --- PATTARADOL BKK TH Plaza Entertainment --- PLAZA 88 CO., LTD. BANGKOK TH Ministry of Sound --- MINISTRY OF SOUND BANGKOK TH Play Skool, NEP --- RAJJAL BANGKOK TH
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:21 pm on July 30, 2002
BK, you might want to add some more places with credit cards to your list: -all the bigger places on soi33 do take credit cards with a surcharge between 3-5% -the kings group bars in patpong (kings castle 1, 2 and 3, camelot, kings corner, queens castle), pink panther, safari. they all do not surcharge on your credit card in patpong!!! -in nana plaza all bars associated to the crown group (voodoo, g-spot, mandarin, cascade, carnival and obsession, play school and hollywood rock(?)) allthough they all will surcharge you 5-10%.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:47 am on July 31, 2002
Play Skool didn't seem to charge extra the last time I was there. They could have forgotten. I will have to do a Credit Card only night, see what kind of fun I can get on plastic.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:47 am on July 31, 2002
Bros Just been checking what happened to my money during last trip to LOS. Never done this before. I use credit card at hotels and some restaurants. The amounts charged to my card varied on an exchange rate varying between 61.5 and 62.00 baht to 1 GBP. My ATM withdrawals were charged at exchange rates around 60.5 baht to 1 GBP. So it seems worth using credit card in MP's and bars etc. Just depends on any surcharges. Dave
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:08 pm on Aug. 6, 2002
After I got home from last trip, my 13 y/o daughter wakes me up; Dad your credit card company on the phone seems like you charged 12K on your trip to LOS. Guess who was WIDE AWAKE as soon as I heard 12K. Someone stole my cc# and made a fake card and used it according to my next statement in China. I used my card in only three hotels in LOS for room charges. Before I leave, I call my cc and tell them my travel dates and where I'm going. I do this so their security programs will not put a hold on my account when I start using the card.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:54 pm on Nov. 9, 2002
same thing happened to me a couple months ago.. stayed at the Landmark in BKK and it was the only place I used the card. 2 weeks later the bank called and said there was $1600 of charges that day and was it me. Of course it wasn't... they had counterfieted my card... So be careful. It can happen in a 5 star hotel as easily as a MP or bar.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:06 pm on Nov. 9, 2002
It has been said many times, that Thailand credit card fraud amounts to 10% of worldwide CC fraud. DO NOT USE CREDIT CARDS IN THAILAND UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and then watch your ass. This includes hotels (see BigDUSA's report.) You are far better off with travellers checks that are refundable if stolen, and changing them into cash as needed. ATM cards offer you LESS protection than CCs not more, and are often hacked in Thailand. Ths is done by bank insiders. The proposition to use CCs at bars, massage parlors etc is STUPID. Give my CC # to the King's Group? I'd rather slit my throat.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:29 pm on Nov. 9, 2002