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It was nice to see this topic is re-activated, I hope that BK will make the credit card night on the 18th...

A little off topic now, my brother and his GF stayed in Samui in July. Last week she received a phone call from the credit card company. Somebody wanted to use it twice to buy electronics in Singapore, total sum about USD 13000... Her card was never lost, so somebody made a copy while she was paying in some restaurant or the hotel.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:15 am on Nov. 11, 2002
It may interest you all to know that the 3-5-10 percent surcharge is actually ilegal. I was charged this in S'pore and thailand and after calling my CC company had it removed. Check out the Visa terms of service !!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:44 am on Nov. 11, 2002

I will add my experience to reinforce what has already been posted here.

I used my credit card at the golf shop at the soi 24 range about two years ago, I then proceeded to Krabi for a few days. While there I purchased $7000.00 worth of golf supplies at the same shop on soi 24. Needless to say I did not make the purchases, however I had already paid the bill, such things being done automatically.

Luckily for me I was able to proove I was not in Bkk at the time, and it was not that difficult to get the money credited to my account. It did take a couple of months though.

In addition I have had hotels charge me twice for the same room while in Thailand, so it pays to be vigilant with your credit cards.

Better yet avoid using it if you do not need to!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:21 pm on Nov. 12, 2002
This is why I have two credit cards dedicated to BKK.

One just for the hotel and the other one for dinners, ect. I make sure that I inform the credit card company prior to using the card that they are only to accept one charge from BKK and it's from "I specify" the hotel. Other then that, do not accept any other charges without my verbal consent. I've had no problems yet with that card.

As for the other one, I have a very low credit limit ($500), so ... if they did steal it, they could not charge up a storm. I also alert the company to watch out for any charges not coming from a restaurant in bangkok specifically. When I travel to other area's then I call in and let them know.

I know. It can be a pain, but I've had no really problems with theft. Now ... one of my friends did and that is what prompted me to put up these safe guards. I hate the hassle of going back to the company and disputing a charge.

And ... I try to pay cash every place I go. Only if the bill is so huge that I am short will I even think about using the card.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:37 pm on Nov. 12, 2002

It may interest you all to know that the 3-5-10 percent surcharge is actually ilegal...
It's not illegal, but it is against the contract the merchant has with the credit card company (as you subsequently pointed out). I don't know if these rules apply to Thailand however, and if they do I think you will be hard pressed to recover those fees.

I wouldn't get angry with the merchants if they have a modest fee (up to 5%) or minimum for credit cards. It really does cost them money and is inconvenient, so they are entitled to some consideration. If they don't make the policy clear up front, then I would have an issue with it.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:59 pm on Nov. 13, 2002
Chompoo is correct that it is not illegal for the merchant to surcharge you several percentage points when you use a credit card; however, the practice is in violation of the contract between the merchant and the credit card company (CCC: VISA, Mastercard, AMX, etc.) İThe percentage charges by the CCC is structured to favor the merchants with volume and big $$ amount charges. İThe little guys get screwed the most. İAmerican Express has the highest surcharge structure and that is why small merchants hate your AMX card.

If you want to bring your ATM card so you could draw cash when needed, you could move most of your cash to a different account before you leave for LOS so in case someone lifted your card number and PIN, your loss would be limited.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:13 am on Nov. 14, 2002

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