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My ex thai girlfriend who I have known of three years has suddenly out of the blue stopped contact.
We kind of lived with each other for 9 months in bangkok, she is what you call a good girl, works in an office, lives with her parents.While I stayed in bangkok she used to tell her parents she was staying over with a friend and hence stayed with me 2 or 3 nights a week.
Every morning at 7am before work she used to drop in for a couple of hour so it was very difficult getting the LT out on time, closest call was about 2 mins.
Anyway, we broke up and got back together a couple of times, all and all she was a nice girl with a good heart(maybe not?).
The reason for the many breakups was she used to drive me crazy getting so intense about getting married having kids etc, she's 35 now so time is ticking.
I told her from the start I wasnt interested in getting married or having kids for at least 10 years but she wouldnt listen.
Over the past 2 years I have been back and forth to Bangkok several times, on the last trip we were officically finished for good, I hungout with her in the day but not at night,this also caused lots of arguments as she couldnt let go and knew I was going with other ladies.
I know her parents, friends and work colleagues so for sure she wasn't playing me.
Over the last year she has called me once everyday or at least once in two days.The longest weve gone without talking has been about a week after a fight.She would continuely build up to being my girlfriend little by little and after a while I would have to nip it in the bud and hence the fight.
I would get the usual "i miss you so much" " I love you so much" "im not interested in other guys just you" etc etc.
As you can imagine this was really driving me insane, but she was such a nice girl and I hated her to be sad I but up with the torture.
So this New Years she planned to go to Koh Phi Phi with her friend, she was worried about ghosts etc but after some persuading on my part she was good to go.
I talked to her her second day there, she was worried there were no other Thai girls around and some old thai lady at a market told her it was dangerous for thaigirls to go out alone, so she said at night she drinks in her room.
After moving to a new hotel closer to the action on New Years she said it was alot safer now, and it will be safe to go out to party new years eve.
I called lated New Years Day to see if she was ok, she answered "Hello" "Hello" and then I hear a french guys accent saying hello.I compalined in the past to her for handing the phone to a stranger to talk to me with no introduction so I was a little pissed off and hung up.Now I thaught this could be a new boyfriend on the scene which I didn't mind at all but the least she could do is call and tell me.
The only contact i've had with her since are two text messages, one happy new year the other to say she's on the boat to Krabi.
No contact since the 1st Jan, today I decided to bite the bullet and call to see if she is still alive, no answer.I called her friend, but she was driving so couldnt talk but will call later,from this I definitely know my ex is alive and well.
I'm sure she probably met this new french dude and he is the new love of her life and i've been kicked to the curb(as a friend).In the big picture this is the best thing that could happen for me, but i'm so pissed off she couldnt even call to let me know she arrived home safely, explained something about having a new guy and its better to stop contact for a while etc etc.
Looking at how this situation evolved I could have saved myself endless torture if I would have cut her clean from the day I left Bangkok.
So i'm wondering could it be Thias take the new year resolution to a new level, and she decided to start afresh for the new year and break all contact in an instance.
I suppose maybe this is just women, they seem to be able to breakup with men so easy without a care for our feelings, wheras men have a terrible guilt complex and wehn the tears start to flow we cruble.That one thing about my ex when she cried it was like a waterfall.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:06 pm on Jan. 4, 2009

I am so sorry to see your words.

I can not imagine how you are sad.

The only thing I can say is "Forget her ASAP" and find new love.

There are many good girl in the world, and in the Thai too.

Only love can cure broken heart.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:41 pm on Jan. 4, 2009
You are obviously both disappointed and hurt by her behaviour. Neither do I think that what any of us others here say will be comforting. It is a sad experience and you will walk through it of course. Perhaps it was not unexpected either since she stated earlier what she wanted out of a relationship.

I dont think it has anything at all to do with new year resolutions. Really not. That is too philosphical to be applied I think. Thai girls - as we often meet them - are practical and hardened by a much tougher reality than any of our western dames would even dream of enduring.

So a single soon middleaged girl in LOS is definitely in a tight squeeze. Is she going to grow old alone? Without bambinos to take care of her in the old years?! For sure - noone will help her if she is 80 yo and have no relatives! This is a harsh and still very true reality.

So perhaps she met another guy that she think will provide more for her? My humble advice - accept it, get drunk and chase a few other ladies. Angry because she did not contact you and tell you what it is all about? Well - I am not all sure but I guess she for one has the "face" thing etc. On the other hand has left you and you are history. Now her efforts will be concentrated on making things hopefully work out with the new dude.

Not easy to give any good advices. Departures from people you care for always hurts. However life is short and goes on - so leave it and just go out and do some "looky-looky"! Very good cure for sad moments!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:45 pm on Jan. 4, 2009
she a good girl and u a bad boy.

its best u split. u a bad boy u need a bad girl to even things out.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:40 pm on Jan. 4, 2009

Quote: from BellaItalia on 10:06 am on Jan. 5, 2009

You need to let go of the control issues.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:18 pm on Jan. 4, 2009
Thanks all for the replies, harold444 you made me laugh and I think you're right.Daffy not sure where you got the "control issues" idea from, I just expected more from someone who I care alot for.
If only I was in bangkok at the moment the cure would be available, but alas i'll have to suffer for a couple more months.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:44 pm on Jan. 4, 2009

Quote: from BellaItalia on 10:06 am on Jan. 5, 2009
... this is the best thing that could happen for me, but i'm so pissed off....

There must be a word for this. Isnīt this like reverse masochism? I mean if pleasure from painful things is masochism, how is it called when one is in pain from good things?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:04 am on Jan. 5, 2009
To me it looks like she has herself been through very testing times in her relationship with you -- you being a bad boy, as harold pointed out -- and what she apparently saw from her viewpoint as your uncaring philandering ways. Very likely she told herself if she had a choice she would give back to you what you were giving to her - a heartbreak. And one day recently she found she had a choice.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:27 am on Jan. 5, 2009

Quote: from BellaItalia on 12:44 pm on Jan. 5, 2009

Daffy not sure where you got the "control issues" idea from, I just expected more from someone who I care alot for.
Seems to me that when she left on her own, and broke off all contact, as you would have liked to do, you felt angry as she did not include you in her decision -- of which she had absolutely no obligation.

The impression I got is that when she broke up with you ON HER TERMS, instead of you doing it on yours, you reacted internally with anger - anger that might be realistically better directed at yourself, but which you projected onto her for that reason.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:53 am on Jan. 5, 2009
Shredded Wheat
What's the big deal? That's life. Up to her.

She's given you the chance to get on with your own life.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:27 pm on Jan. 6, 2009

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